Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 17, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for John J. Jackson or search for John J. Jackson in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: June 17, 1861., [Electronic resource], The vote on the Ordinance of Secession. (search)
, Thomas F. Goode, Robert H. Turner, F. L. Hale, Franklin P. Turner, Cyrus H John Tr, L. S. Hall, Edward Waller, Lewis Harvie, Robert H. Whitfield, James P. Holcombe, Samuel C. Williams, John Hughes, Henry A. Wise, p H n Samuel Woods, Lewis D. Isbell, Benj. F. Wysor — ss. Those who voted in the negative are-- John Janney, Pres't J. G. Holladay, Edward M. Armstrong, Chester Huchard, John B. Baldwin, George W. Hull, George Baylor, John J. Jackson, George W. Berlin, John F. Lewis, Caleb B g s William McComas, George W. Brent, James C. McGrew, William G. Brown, James Marshall, John S. Burdett, Henry H. Masters, James Bu ley, Famuel McD. Moore, Benj. W. Byrae, Hugh M. Nelson, John S. Carlile, Logan Osborn, John A. Carter, Spicer Patrick, Sherrard Chamans, Edmand Pendleton, C. B. Conrad, George er R. Y. Conrad, Samuel Price, James H. Cou h, David Pugh, W. H. B. Cus John D. Sh
Bethel, a name suggestive of other thoughts than of slaughter, initiates the campaign in Virginia. Who can tell the long list of engagements that are to follow, unless an unlooked for and providential interposition shall arrest the terrible drama of fratricidal hate and mutual destruction? Have our rulers no arbiter but the a word, and no terms but submission to propose to those who are their brethren? Where is the conciliatory and effecting spirit which pervades the last words of counsel that Washington and Jackson left as legacies to their countrymen? We have many other extracts from Northern papers, but the foregoing are sufficient to show how the news was received. The New York Herald says the "rebels" had constructed an entrenched camp, comprising six batteries of rifled cannon and sixty-eight twelve pound howitzers; and in another place the same paper alludes to the "capture of 12,000 rebels," and shouts joyously--"Butler is evidently the right man in the right place"
The Daily Dispatch: June 17, 1861., [Electronic resource], The vote on the Ordinance of Secession. (search)
st be respected and obeyed. Given under my hand as Governor, and under the scal of the Commonwealth, this 14th day of June, 1861, and in the 85th year of the Commonwealth. John Letcher. by the Governor: George W. Munford, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Fol'mate of Conjectural Majorities for and against section in Counties from which no return have been made: for Secession. Against Secession. Accomac486 Brooke700 Buchanan150 Doddridge600 Fancock800 Jackson316 Marion315 Marshall1,800 2,000 Morgan200 Patrick900 Pleasants200 Preston2,170 Randolph168 Ritchie400 Roane200 Taylor700 Tyler400 Warwick100 Wise450 wood1,500 York300 2,8541 Actusl majority for ratification from returne165,577 estimated majorities against ratification from counties not heard officially8,827 total majority 4,756 an Ordinance to Repeal the ratification of the Constitution of the United States of America, by the State of Virginia, and to resume a
re hereunto appended. Given under my hand as Governor, and under the Seal of the Commonwealth at Richmond, this 14th day of June, 1861, and in the eighty-fifth of the Commonwealth. John Letcher. by the Governor: George W. Munford, Secretary of the Commonwealth. list of Counties from which no returns of the vote on the Taxation Amendment has been received at the Executive Department. Accomac, Alleghany, Brooke, Buchanan, Doddridgn, Elizabeth City, Hancock Hanover, Jackson, Marton, Marshall, McDowell, Monongalis, Mugan, Patrick, Pleasants, Preston, Ritchie, Roane, Taylor, Tyler, Warwick, Weizel, Wise, wood, and York. an Ordinance to amend the Constitution of this Commonwealth, so as to strike out the twenty second and twenty third sections of the fourth article of the present Constitution, and insert the following in lieu thereof: Taxation shall be equal and uniform throughout the Commonwealth, and all property shall be taxed in proportion to i