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Charged with Felony. --Samuel H. Jefford, a man of some notoriety both here and elsewhere, masoner by asking him a few questions. Finding Jefford to be quite intelligent, Covington entered in bar and taking a julep, at the invitation of Jefford. After imbibing the two started to the breakaces of all, so rapidly could he pass them. --Jefford, having no designs on Covington, asked to seethat he had very little of any kind with him. Jefford wished to know if he had any small notes.--Coed that he had three $10 notes, and supposing Jefford wished to get change for a $30 note, pulled tthe gentleman at the table pocketed the pile, Jefford remarking to Covington, on losing the bet, thdollar in his life, and must have his money. Jefford insisted that C. was partner in the bet, whicGifford, who set about recovering the money. Jefford had paid his way to Richmond, but attempted tn, as he had lost $30 that morning — and that Jefford, Covington, and himself, took two or three dr[1 more...]
Judge Lyons' Court was in session yesterday and the Grand Jury found true bills against John Mescoe, for receiving four barrels of stolen sugar; and against Samuel H. Jefford, for stealing $30 from Mr. Covington. The trial of Samuel H. Jefford is fixed for today. In the case of Joseph Summers and William Mullen, for shooting each other, write have been issued to bring in the witnesses to testify. Judge Lyons' Court was in session yesterday and the Grand Jury found true bills against John Mescoe, for receiving four barrels of stolen sugar; and against Samuel H. Jefford, for stealing $30 from Mr. Covington. The trial of Samuel H. Jefford is fixed for today. In the case of Joseph Summers and William Mullen, for shooting each other, write have been issued to bring in the witnesses to testify.
Continued --The trial of Samuel H. Jefford, indicted for stealing $30 in money from Mr. Martin L. Covington, of Charlotte county, has been postponed until the next term of Judge Lyons' Court, because of the absence of the prisoner's witnesses.
Judge Lyons commenced the December term of his Court yesterday. After disposing of a number of civil cases, Samuel H. Jefford, indicted on the charge of stealing $30 in money from Martin L Covington, on the 15th of May, was set to the bar, and plead not guilty A jury was then selected, and adjourned over until half past 10 o'clock this morning, when the trial will be proceeded with.
Reprieve granted. --Samuel H. Jefford, who was convicted at the last term of Judge Lyons' Court, and sentenced to three years imprisonment in the Penitentiary for swindling Martin L. Covington of $30, was yesterday reprieved for ten days by the Governor, in order to allow his counsel time to apply to the Supreme Court of Appeals for a supersedeas.
nd disposed of a large amount of business. We notice the criminal cases disposed of: John Stewart was fined $10 and costs for permitting his slave, George Mosby, to go at large. Mary Shay, charged with feloniously stealing $30 from Patrick Reynolds, on the 14th November, was examined and remanded for final trial before Judge Lyons. Peter Scott, a free negro, charged with stealing a gold watch from Dr. John R. Brooks, on the 18th of October, was tried and acquitted. Samuel H. Jefford, charged with feloniously stealing $30 from Martin L. Covington, on the 15th of May, having waived an examination, is to be tried before Judge Lyons on Monday next. Cornelius, slave to Wm. Tally, charged with feloniously cutting and stabbing Ephraim, slave to Nicholas Lipscomb, on the 29th of November, was found guilty and ordered thirty-nine stripes. P. J. Wright, for permitting his slave, Edward, to go at large, was fined $10 and cost. Charles Reininger, charged with s
Conviction for swindling. --Samuel H. Jefford was tried before Judge Lyons, of the Hustings Court, yesterday, for swindling Martin L. Covington, of Kanawha county, out of the sum of $30, on board of the Curtis Peck, on the 15th of May last. The hearing of testimony and arguments of counsel occupied the entire day, the jury after night bringing in a verdict of guilty against Jefford, and assessing his term of confinement at three years in the Penitentiary. Conviction for swindling. --Samuel H. Jefford was tried before Judge Lyons, of the Hustings Court, yesterday, for swindling Martin L. Covington, of Kanawha county, out of the sum of $30, on board of the Curtis Peck, on the 15th of May last. The hearing of testimony and arguments of counsel occupied the entire day, the jury after night bringing in a verdict of guilty against Jefford, and assessing his term of confinement at three years in the Penitentiary.
Suspicious. --A man named Samuel H. Jefford was yesterday arrested by our pickets while attempting clandestinely to leave the city. He was locked up in Castle Thunder as a suspicious character.