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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Twelfth Alabama Infantry, Confederate States Army. (search)
Bowie and Bilbro and Lieutenants Larey, Dunlap and Wimberly, and the meeting adjourned to meet Monday at 3 o'clock. The meeting was held, a memorial adopted and a committee appointed to get signatures to the petition and forward it to Hon. Robert Jemison, Jr., C. S. Senator, and Hon. W. P. Chilton, representative from Alabama, for presentation to the Confederate Congress. February 3.—Orders came at night to be ready to move to Hanover Junction at 6 o'clock. Battle's Alabama brigade left wioning Congress for this permission. After a frank debate, upon putting the vote, it was found to be unanimous, with but two exceptions, and our petition was duly drawn up, signed and forwarded to Hon. David Clopton, M. C., from Alabama, and Senator Jemison, with the earnest request that they advocate the granting of the petition by Congress. A few days later, Gen. Battle visited each regiment and delivered an eloquent address, urging the men to volunteer for the war, which was gallantly res