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General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter28: Gettysburg-Third day. (search)
tzhugh Lee; 1st Md. Battn., Serving with Ewell's corps. Maj. Harry Gilmor, Maj. Ridgely Brown; 1st Va., Col. James H. Drake; 2d Va., Col. T. T. Munford; 3d Va., Col. Thomas H. Owen; 4th Va., Col. William C. Wickham; 5th Va., Col. T. L. Rosser. Jenkins's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. A. G. Jenkins, Col. M. J. Ferguson; 14th, 16th, and 17th Va.; 34th Va. Battn., Lieut.-Col. V. A. Witcher; 36th Va. Battn.; Jackson's (Va.) Batt., Capt. Thomas E. Jackson. Jones's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. William E. Jones; 6th VaBrig.-Gen. A. G. Jenkins, Col. M. J. Ferguson; 14th, 16th, and 17th Va.; 34th Va. Battn., Lieut.-Col. V. A. Witcher; 36th Va. Battn.; Jackson's (Va.) Batt., Capt. Thomas E. Jackson. Jones's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. William E. Jones; 6th Va., Maj. C. E. Flournoy; 7th Va., Lieut.-Col. Thomas Marshall; 11th Va., Col. L. L. Lomax. W. H. F Lee's Brigade, Col. J. R. Chambliss, Jr.; 2d N. C.; 9th Va., Col. R. L. T. Beale; 10th Va., Col. J. Lucius Davis; 13th Va. Stuart's Horse Artillery, Maj. R. F. Beckhamn; Breathed's (Va.) Batt., Capt. James Breathed; Chew's (Va.) Batt., Capt. R. P. Chew; Griffin's (Md.) Batt., Capt. W. H. Griffin; Hart's (S. C.) Batt., Capt. J. F. Hart; McGregor's (Va.) Batt., Capt. W. M. McGregor; Moorman's (Va.) Ba
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., John Morgan in 1864. (search)
G. Jenkins, with his cavalry brigade, detached from the Army of Northern Virginia, put himself in front of Crook, but was not strong enough to cope with him. Morgan hastened the four hundred dismounted men of his command to the assistance of General Jenkins. Colonel D. H. Smith, commanding them, reached Dublin on the morning of the 10th and found General Jenkins there, hard pressed by the enemy, and that gallant officer severely wounded. Smith at once reported to Colonel John. McCausland, whoGeneral Jenkins there, hard pressed by the enemy, and that gallant officer severely wounded. Smith at once reported to Colonel John. McCausland, who had taken command, and the timely reinforcement restored the battle, which had been sorely against the Confederates. Holding the enemy in check until sunset, the Confederates retreated to New River Bridge and encamped in a position to protect that structure. [See map, p. 478.] In the meantime General Morgan, with Giltner's brigade and the two battalions of Cassell and Kirkpatrick, sought Averell. He was convinced on the 9th, by the reports of his scouts, that Averell's first blow would n
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 8: attitude of the Border Slave-labor States, and of the Free-labor States. (search)
ided action, by the people of Virginia, in convention, will afford the surest means, under the providence of God, of averting an impending civil war, and preserving the hope of reconstructing a Union already dissolved. This manifesto was signed by R. M. T. Hunter and nine others. The following are the names attached to the document:--James M. Mason, R. M. T. Hunter, D. C. De Jarnette, M. R. H. Garnett, Shelton F. Leake, E. S. Martin, H. A. Edmonston, Roger A. Pryor, Thomas S. Bocock, A. G. Jenkins. Hunter was the ablest man among them, and one of the most dangerous of the chief conspirators against the Government. The election was held on the, appointed day, February 4, 1861. and of the one hundred and fifty-two delegates chosen, a large majority were opposed to secession. Concealing this. fact, and using the other fact, that the unconditional Unionists were few, the newspapers in the interest of the conspirators declared that not twenty submissionist Union men had been chos
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 11: advance of the Army of the Potomac on Richmond. (search)
ied in the morning. So ended the battle of the Wilderness, with heavy losses on both sides. According to the most careful estimates, the National loss in this sanguinary battle of two days duration was nearly, if not quite, 18,000 men, of whom 6,000 were made prisoners. The Confederate loss was probably about 11,000. Among the wounded of the Nationals were Generals Getty, Gregg, Owen, Bartlett, and Webb, and Colonel Carroll. The Confederates lost in killed, Generals Sam. Jones and A. G. Jenkins; and the wounded were Generals Longstreet, Stafford (mortally), Pickett, Pegram, and Hunter. Longstreet was disabled for several months. Lee was evidently satisfied that he could not maintain a further contest with his antagonist on the ground he (Lee) had chosen for the struggle, so he retired behind intrenchments, where he was found standing on the defensive by the skirmish line of the Nationals sent out at daybreak on Saturday morning, the 7th. May, 1864. Grant had no desire to
sting of only one hundred and fifty men yet in camp, was completely surprised by seven hundred cavalry, under command of Jenkins, the guerilla chief, and cut to pieces or captured, with the loss also of about thirty horses, a small stock of Governmemade of leading secessionists, among them H. H. Miller, who had been for some time with the rebel army, and came in with Jenkins and got trapped at home; E. A. Smith, who was seen firing with a revolver on our soldiers in the street; John S. Everettfourths of it, burnt up. All the stores, the hotel, and the finest dwelling houses, are in ashes. It is supposed that Jenkins went with his force to his own plantation, as the next night his warehouse was thrown open, a large fire burning in fronundant evidence of his gallant conduct in the fight. About eight o'clock in the evening the rebel guerilla cavalry of Col. Jenkins, in force estimated from four hundred to eight hundred--very good authority puts it at eight hundred, but probably fou
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 151. battle of little Blue, Mo. (search)
ed their reputation for daring, celerity, vigor, and pluck. Night before last, two companies, B and H, and part of Company A, under Capts. Swoyer and Pardee and Lobnis, commanded by Col. Anthony, left camp for Majors' Farm, about ten miles south, where the Government wagons and oxen were coralled. Reports had come in that a force of rebel guerillas, under Col. Hays, which were reported encamped on the Little Blue, had threatened to attack the train. Yesterday morning early, Company C, Capt. Jenkins, was sent to reinforce. Information was soon after received that a fight had taken place, and some of our boys killed. This latter was confirmed by the arrival of messengers for the surgeon. It appears that Col. Anthony, receiving information Sunday night that there was a rebel camp at a point eight or ten miles southeast of Majors', after consultation with his officers, determined to make an attack early in the morning. By six A. M. the command, consisting of one hundred and ten
l was Captain Dennis McGee, than whom the army does not afford a better example of impetuous courage, and I know not whether his Irish, German, or American followers from Carbon were harder to restrain when the recall was sounded. On the extreme left was Captain Langhorn Wister, the scion of a true family, whose brave men from Perry were more exposed than any others to the enemy's fire there, but afterward were foremost to repulse the movement against our flank. By naming next in order Lieut. Jenkins, who, with a model soldier, First Sergeant Craven, defended in Captain Gifford's absence the name with the honor of the Rifles of Cameron, I postpone to the last my mention of Captain William T. Blanchard, and his McKean Rifles. There is not a more fearless spirit than Captain Blanchard in the service; his ringing voice was heard above the fire when it was hottest. It was from the McKean Rifles that I detailed Lieut. Rice to defend Thornton's house, when I perceived we held the key of
ippe,6.Meredith P. Gentry, 8.L. J. Gatrell,7.G. W. Jones, 9.Hardy Strickland,8.-----Menses, 10.A. R. Wright.9.J. D. C. Atkins* Kentucky.10.J. V. Wright, (Not yet elected.)11.D. M. Currin.*   Texas. Louisiana.1.J. A. Wilcox, 1.C. J. Villere,2.C. C. Herbert, 2.Charles M. Canrad,*3.P. W. Gray, 3.Duncan F. Kedner,*4.F. B. Sexton, 4.L. J. Dupre,5.M. D. Grapham, 5.J. L. Lewis,6.B. H. E. P. Person. 6.J. Perkins, Jr.*Virginia. Mississippi.1.M. R. H. Garnett, 1.J. W. Clapp,2.J. B. Chambliss, 2.Reuben Davis,3.J. Tyler, 3.Israel Welch,4.R. A. Pryor,* 4.H. C. Chambers,5.T. S. Bocock,* 5.O. R. Singleton,6.J. Goode, Jr., 6.E. Barksdale,7.J. P. Holcombe, 7.John J. McRae.8.D. C. De Jarnette, Missouri.9.William Smith, 1.W. M. Cook,10.A. R. Boteler, 2.T. C. Harris,11.J. B. Baldwin, 3.C. W. Bell,12.W. R. Staples,* 4.A. H. Condon,13.Walter Preston,* 5.G. G. West,14.A. G. Jenkins, 6.L. W. Freeman,15.Robert Johnson,* 7.-----Hyer.16.C. W. Russell. --Brandon (Miss.) Republican
he enemy was found three miles from the foot of Cold Knob Mountain, on Sinking Creek, Greenbrier County, Va., at Levis's Mill, and consisted of a part of five companies of cavalry, namely, Rockbridge cavalry, Braxton dragoons, Churchville cavalry, and Nighthawk Rangers. They were men who had been in service fifteen months, and were located at that point to guard the mountain pass, and to organize the Fourteenth Virginia cavalry, to be commanded by Major Bailey, and constituted a part of A. G. Jenkins's brigade. Our success was complete. We never lost a drop of blood. After securing prisoners and horses, destroying camp, etc., we marched at four P. M. on the twenty-sixth for Summerville, where we arrived on the twenty-seventh, at noon, making one hundred and twenty miles for men and horses, with-out food or rest, except one feed of hay for the horses, over the most mountainous and rugged part of Western Virginia. We remained in Summerville until the twenty-ninth; left for Camp P
a mile. Longstreet now advanced with the rest of his corps. The dashing leader, while riding with Generals Kershaw and Jenkins at the head of Jenkins' brigade on the right of the Southern battle array, was screened by the tangled thickets from theJenkins' brigade on the right of the Southern battle array, was screened by the tangled thickets from the view of his own troops, flushed with the success of brilliant flank movement. The graveyard of three campaigns As this photograph was taken, May 12, 1864, the dead again were being brought to unhappy Fredericksburg, where slept thousands tha indistinctly through an opening and a volley burst forth and struck the officers. When the smoke lifted Longstreet and Jenkins were down — the former seriously wounded, and the latter killed outright. As at Chancellorsville a year before and on tnight of May 5th. The Federals lost many gallant officers, among them the veteran Wadsworth. The Confederates lost Generals Jenkins and Jones, killed, and suffered a staggering blow in the disabling of Longstreet. The series of battles of the Wild
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