General, Robert, mentioned, 87.
Andrew, Governor John A., mentioned, 145.
Antietam, battle of, killed at Antietam, 215.
Breckinridge, General John C., mentioned, 83, 341, 369.
Bristol Stakenbrough's brigade, 288.
Brockenbrough, Judge John W., 403.
Brown, John, mentioned, 74, 75, rro Gordo, battle of, 38, 40.
Chambliss, General John R., killed, 362.
Champe, Sergeant, 9.
Fredericksburg, battle of 222.
Fremont, General John 6., 143, 179.
French, General, mentioned
Gordon, General James B., 337.
Gordon, General John B., mentioned, 241, 336, 371, 387.
Gorgap-Gettysburg, 274, 280, 282, 283.
Logan, General John A., mentioned, 24.
Lomax, General L. L.,mouth Rock, 83.
Polk, James K., 32.
Pope, General John, 173, 177, 180, 184, 186, 191, 193.
Popenck, General, mentioned, 143.
Schofield, General John M., joins Sherman, 372.
Scott, General, on, Augustine, mentioned, 1.
Washington, Colonel John A., 116, 117, 121, 122.
Washington Colle[3 more...]
leaving behind a valuable part of our available force.
On the 7th, the day after the fall of Fort Henry, I took my staff and the cavalry — a part of one regiment and made a reconnaissance to within about a mile of the outer line of works at Donelson.
I had known General Pillow in Mexico, and judged that with any force, no matter how small, I could march up to within gunshot of any intrenchments he was given to hold.
I said this to the officers of my staff at the time.
I knew that [General John B.] Floyd was in command, but he was no soldier, and I judged that he would yield to Pillow's pretensions.
I met, as I expected, no opposition in making the reconnaissance and, besides learning the topography of the country on the way and around Fort Donelson, found that there were two roads available for marching; one leading to the village of Dover, the other to Donelson.
Fort Donelson is two miles north, or down the river, from Dover.
The fort, as it stood in 1861, embraced about
Amnesty Proclamation, 98.
Andersonville, 177.
Apparition, 164.
Arnold, Hon. I. N., 150, 237, 302.
Ashley, Hon. Mr., 151.
Ashmun, Hon., George, 284-286.
Assassination, 63.
Baker, G. E., 127.
Baldwin, Judge, (Cal.,) 245.
Baltimore Convention, 162.
Barrett, Hon. J. H., 86, 254.
Bateman, Newton, 192.
Bates, Attorney-General, 55.
Battle, Fair Oaks, 139.
Beecher, Henry Ward, 135, 230.
Bellows, Rev. Dr., 81, 274.
Bible Presentation, 199.
Bingham, Hon. John A., 234.
Blair, Hon. M., 21, 46, 88.
Booth, Edwin, 49.
Bowen, H. C., 221.
Brady, M. B., 46.
Braine, Lieutenant, 94.
Brooks, Noah, 63, 165, 188, 235.
Bulletin, (San Francisco,) 223.
Burnside, 81.
Cabinet Meeting, 55.
Cameron, Secretary, 136-138, 253.
Cannon, Colonel L. B., 115.
Cass, General, 271.
Chase, 21, 84, 85, 86, 88-90, 180, 218, 223; letter to Stanton, 180.
Cheever, Rev. Dr., 147.
Chicago Convention, 119.
Christian Commission, 161.
Clark, Senator,
Cummings Point, 63 et seq.
Cushing,. Caleb, 76
Davies, General T. A., 174
Davis, Jefferson, 25 et seq., 40; elected President of the Confederacy, 41; opposes the attack on Fort Sumter, 56; belief of Northern aid, 71; offers letters of marque and reprisal, 78; call for volunteers, 79; his message to Governor Letcher, 92; letter to Governor Jackson, 117, 158; speech of, at Richmond, 169
Declaration of Causes by South Carolina, 5 et seq.
Dennison, Governor, 140
Dix, Secretary John A., 33, 76, 208
Doubleday, Captain (afterward General) Abner, 29, 64
Douglas, Stephen A., adherents of, 8; his interview with President Lincoln, 76
Dogan Heights, 191
Duke, Captain, 117
Dumont, Colonel, 143, 15
Ellsworth, Col. E. E., 110 et seq.; shot at Alexandria, 113; buried from the White House, 114
Ellsworth's Zouaves, 110
Elzey, General, 194
Evans, Colonel, 183
Evarts, Wm. M., 76
Everett, Edward, 76
Falling Waters, W. Va., skirmis