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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The opposing forces at Chickasaw bluffs (or First Vicksburg), Miss.: December 27th, 1862--January 3d, 1863. (search)
. Troops: 37th Ala.,---; 40th Ala.. Col. A. A. Coleman; 1st La., Col. S. R. Harrison; 17th La., Col. Robert Richardson; 22d La., Col. Edward Higgins; 26th La., Col. Winchester Hall; 28th La., Lieut.-Col. J. O. Landry; 31st La., Col. C. H. Morrison; 3d Miss.,---; 3d Battalion Miss. State Troops,---; 4th Miss., Col. Pierre S. Layton; 30th Miss.,---; 35th Miss.,---; 46th Miss., Lieut.-Col. W. K. Easterling; Miss. Battery, Capt. Robert Bowman; Miss. Battery, Capt. J. L. Wofford; Miss. Battery (section), Lieut. Frank Johnston; Miss. Battery, Capt. N. J. Drew, Lieut. W. J. Duncan; 2d Tex., Lieut.-Col. W. C. Timmins (w); Hill's Co. Cav.; Johnson's (Miss.) Co. Cav.; Miss. Light Artillery, Maj. S. M. Ward. The total Confederate loss is reported by General Pemberton as 63 killed, 134 wounded, and 10 missing ==207. The effective strength, including the reenforcements prior to the withdrawal of the Union forces, was about 25,000. (See Official Records, Vol. XVII., Pt. II., pp. 824, 825.)