Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Joseph Johnston or search for Joseph Johnston in all documents.

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xisting between the forces of Generals Sherman and Johnston, that the capture was contrary to the usages of waraph wires, and through the headquarters of General Joseph Johnston, that the reported armistice was a reality,of the truce existing between Generals Sherman and Johnston, and bearing an order from General Sherman to Genemistice between the forces of Generals Sherman and Johnston, and the information only reached me through my su even in co-operation with General Sherman against Johnston; but, on the contrary, General Stoneman was dismanifying me that General Sherman's negotiations with Johnston had been disapproved. Based on that notificatio Washington on General Sherman's negotiations with Johnston, and he was directed to resume hostilities at once, when notification reached me of the surrender by Johnston of all the enemy's forces east of the Chattahoocheathaway, Fourth Michigan. With the surrender of Johnston's army to General Sherman all the detachments of t