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The Daily Dispatch: December 14, 1865., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 1 1 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4. 1 1 Browse Search
Colonel Charles E. Hooker, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 12.2, Mississippi (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 1 1 Browse Search
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rs out of twelve, in the First Louisiana and Eighth Arkansas, consolidated, were killed and wounded. In the two brigades one thousand and six hundred men and officers were killed and wounded in five desperate engagements. Eight field officers out of ten were killed and wounded in Walthall's brigade, and Colonel J. J. Scales, of the Thirtieth Mississippi, captured. In the Twenty-fourth Mississippi, Lieutenant-Colonel R. P. Mackelvaine and Major W. C. Staples were wounded; also, Lieutenant-Colonel A. J. Jones, of the Twenty-seventh ; Lieutenant-Colonel L. B. Morgan, of the Twenty-ninth ; Major J. M. Johnson, of the Thirtieth; Major W. G. Pegram, and Captain Fowler, afterward commanding Thirty-fourth Mississippi. Lieutenant-Colonel H. A. Reynolds, Thirty-fourth Mississippi, was killed. Colonel Brantley, of Twenty-ninth, and Colonel Campbell, Twenty-seventh, were the only officers uninjured. Whole loss, seven hundred and eighty-one killed, wounded, and missing. The Louisiana, Kentu
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The Confederate Army. (search)
. W. Atkinson: 10th Va. H. A. Batt'n, Maj. J. O. Hensley; 19th Va. H. A. Batt'n, Maj. N. R. Cary. Second Division, Inner Line, Lieut.-Col. Jas. Howard: 18th Va. H. A. Batt'n. Maj. M. B. Hardin; 20th Va. H. A. Batt'n, Maj. J. E. Robertson. Unattached: La. Guard Art'y, Capt. C. A. Green. Chaffin's Bluff, Lieut.-Col. J. M. Maury. Goochland (Va.) Art'y, Capt. Jonathan Talley; James City (Va.) Art'y, Capt. L. W, Richardson; Lunenburg (Va.) Art'y, Capt. C. T. Allen; Pamunkey (Va.) Art'y, Capt. A. J. Jones. Drewry's Bluff, Maj. F. W. Smith. Johnston (Va.) Art'y, Capt. Branch J. Epes; Neblett (Va.) Art'y, Capt. W. G. Coleman; Southside (Va.) Art'y, Capt. J. W. Drewry; United (Va.) Art'y, Capt. Thomas Kevill. Chaffin's Farm, Maj. A. W. Stark. Matthews's (Va.) Art'y, Capt. A. D. Armistead; McComas's (Va.) Art'y, Capt. D. A. French. artillery, Col. H. P. Jones. Moseley's Battalion, Lieut.-Col. E. F. Moseley: Cumming's (N. C.) Battery; Miller's (N. C.) Battery; Slaten's (Ga.) Ba
ssissippians under Cleburne and Walker gallantly took part in the opening struggle of the campaign at Rocky Face mountain. Walthall's brigade, supported by Tucker's, held position on the left of Hood's corps at Resaca, and maintained their ground under a heavy artillery fire two days, during the first repulsing three assaults of the enemy. Walthall had in line 1,158 men, and lost 49 killed and 118 wounded, but inflicted a loss of perhaps 1,000 upon the enemy. Among the killed was Lieut.-Col. A. J. Jones, Twenty-seventh regiment. Tucker's brigade in the rear also suffered, General Tucker being severely wounded and giving the command to Colonel Sharp. Lieutenant Shannon, commanding Swett's battery, was conspicuous for gallantry, and this may be said justly of all the men engaged. Near New Hope Church, May 27th, M. P. Lowrey's brigade was distinguished at Pickett's mill. General Cleburne in his report, after giving great praise to Granbury's Texans, said: My thanks are also due to
The city Police. --Mayor Saunders yesterday made the following appointments of sergeants and policemen for the city: Sergeants.--D. Callahan, William H. Eggleston, W. T. Bibb, Charles H. Moore, J. D. Perrin, T. C. Baptist, Robert N. Thomas, Charles H. Brown. Policemen — William H. Vaughan, A. J. Hawkins, H. S. Hicks, John J. Green, William D. Pemberton, A. J. Jones, J. B. Angel, E. H. Hicks, Edward P. Murphy, W. S. Snook, Thomas P. Smith, S. T. Hultee, John Gill, T. L. Lucas, Patrick Kennedy, A. H. Lyneman, A. R. Cousens, Martin Fletcher, T. Hicks, William P. Hancock, Leroy Barefoot, E. P. Murphy, William G. Toler, William Gardner, Lewis Magruder, Alonzo Chism, James T. Cox, D. W. Frobel, William F. Nash, William R. Coleman, William J. White, William T. Kendrick, Dudley Gilman, William A. Southall, William H. Tyree, Benj. J. Tapscott, Christian E. Heckler, Wm. T. Palmer, Charles H. Sweeney, Lorezo Froney, K. O'Dwyer, John M. Reins, Robert Blackburn, Thomas Clemmitt, Carter