Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: May 13, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Paul Jones or search for Paul Jones in all documents.

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he European powers permit them to interfere in this matter. Southern privateering puts five millions of Northern tonnage out of the field of competition and opens that field wide and free to European shipping. They will say to the North, "we proposed to abolish this thing; you refused to do so; it is now our interest to hold you to that refusal; and it is for you to endure the misfortune!." Privateering is as legitimate as any other mode of warfare. The authorities of the South will take care to place the service under proper rules of moderation and responsibility, and will rigidly enforce them. After that is done, the service is as legitimate as the regular naval service itself. We fought our Revolution in part with privateers. Paul Jones was our most renowned champion of the sea. He was an Englishman; the English called him pirate? as they called Washington rebol; but the world recognized him a here as they recognized Washington as something better than a revolutionist.
ia is now said to be occupied by a thousand armed rebels. Yesterday afternoon a Washington volunteer, who ventured over there, experienced some rough handling. There is great rejoicing among the Massachusetts troops over the exploit which Col. Jones, of the Sixth Regiment, had performed. He learned that Winans' steam gun had been concealed in the train at Baltimore, and had escaped the attemtion of the inspectors at the Relay House. Col. Jones had a locomotive sent in pursuit of the trainCol. Jones had a locomotive sent in pursuit of the train, overtook it at Ellicott's Mills, and there captured it. [Another account says that the steam gun was in a wagon attended by three men, on the way to Harper's Ferry. A great exploit! The in ventor, Mr. Dickinson, is said to have been one of the three. They were sent to Annapolis, as prisoners.] A Government messenger arrived here safely from Richmond, to-night, with full information as to the strength of the secession forces, their points of concentration, &c. A Telegraphic di
The Southern Pacific Railroad Company of Texas calls for one thousand slave laborers to work on the road. They will either purchase or hire. The schooner Annie J. Russell, from City Point, Va., with tobacco, &c., reached New York on Thursday. A regiment of Vermonters arrived in New York Friday, on route for Fortress Monroe. Lieut. Jones, the Hero of Harper's Ferry, has been appointed Assistant Quartermaster General. Paymaster Rhett, of the U. S. army, has resigned. Major Anderson and Mrs. Lincoln have gone to New York.
The Daily Dispatch: May 13, 1861., [Electronic resource], Terrorism in New York — effect of the war on business, &c., &c. (search)
oung man by the name of Hilliard, of the "Marion Rifles," was accidentally shot in the leg at Harper's Ferry, on Tuesday last. D. H. Todd, of New Orleans, brother-in-law of Mr. Lincoln, has been appointed first Lieutenant in the army of the Confederate States. The Cincinnati Commercial says the frost of last week has destroyed nearly all the peach crop in that section. A letter from an officer of the 7th Regiment says they expect to return to New York on the 15th inst. Lieut Jones, who set fire to the Harper's Ferry works, is appointed Assistant Quartermaster General, with the rank of Captain. A second attempt to get up a meeting of the Atlantic Telegraph Company has failed, and it is now adjourned sine die. The savings banks in England have deposits amounting in the aggregate to two hundred millions of dollars. J. Richard Lewellen, of Petersburg, has been elected Captain of the Archer Rifles, vice Archer, promoted. Count Johannes sued the Bee P