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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Jackson at Harper's Ferry in 1861. (search)
the men was great, and most of them decided to accept his advice. But Lieutenant Roger Jones, who commanded the little guard of forty-five men, hearing what was goiaged to wet the powder in many places during the night, rendering it harmless. Jones's troops, however, held the arsenal buildings and stores, and when their commans about 2 in the morning, as happy a man as I ever saw, and completely Colonel Roger Jones. From a photograph. enraptured with Jackson. From that night on, the aw General) Henry J. Hunt was assigned to command at Harper's Ferry, and Lieutenant Roger Jones was ordered to report to him with a small force from Carlisle Barracks, 2d Major Hunt was ordered to other service, and the command devolved upon Lieutenant Jones (now Colonel and Inspector-General, U. S. A.), who, in a letter to the Edi taken off by that train, and that, consequently, pursuit was useless. Lieutenant Jones's action was warmly approved by the President in a congratulatory letter f
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The first fight of iron-clads. (search)
rs at a time. A more ill-contrived or unreliable pair of engines could only have been found in some vessels of the United States navy. Lieutenant Catesby ap R. Jones was ordered to superintend the armament, and no more thoroughly competent officer could have been selected. To his experience and skill as her ordnance and execf officers were from the South, and all the seamen from the North. The officers of the Merrimac were: Flag-Officer, Franklin Buchanan; Lieutenants, Catesby ap R. Jones (executive and ordnance officer), Charles C. Simms, R. D. Minor (flag), Hunter Davidson, John Taylor Wood, J. R. Eggleston, Walter Butt; Midshipmen, Foute, Marmak from thirty to forty minutes to turn. She drew twenty-two feet, which confined us to a comparatively narrow channel in the Roads; and, Lieutenant Catesby ap R. Jones. From a photograph. as I have before said, the engines were our weak point. She was as unmanageable as a water-logged vessel. It was at noon on the 8th of
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The ram Tennessee at Mobile Bay. (search)
ral Buchanan to charter two steamboats and proceed with them to Selma, to tow her down to Mobile, as soon as she was launched. I found on arrival at Selma that every preparation had been made for that purpose by the naval constructor in charge (Mr. Henry Pearce). She was immediately taken in tow by the steamboats and towed down to Mobile, to receive her machinery and battery, the latter having been cast at the Government foundry in Selma, under the superintendence of Commander Catesby ap Roger Jones, late commander of the Merrimac, who had acquired great distinction as an ordnance officer of the United States navy. The armor plating had been prepared at the rolling-mills of Atlanta, and was rapidly arriving. It consisted of plates of exceedingly tough and malleable iron seven inches wide, two inches thick, and 21 feet long. Three layers of the 2-inch plates were bolted on the forward end of the shield as far as the after end of the pilot-house (which extended about two feet above
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 16: Secession of Virginia and North Carolina declared.--seizure of Harper's Ferry and Gosport Navy Yard.--the first troops in Washington for its defense. (search)
nited States dragoons, under the command of Lieutenant Roger Jones, who were sent there as a precautionary meania. Captain Ashby was correctly informed. Lieutenant Jones had been secretly warned, twenty-four hours ben the evening of the 18th, a sentinel notified Lieutenant Jones that the Virginians, reported to be two thousathe conflagration. When this work was accomplished, Jones and his little garrison of forty men crossed the Potnvey his command to Chambersburg, Report of Lieutenant Jones to the Secretary of War, April 20, 1861. Comm of the 19th. The Government highly commended Lieutenant Jones for his judicious act, and his officers and me Letter of Simon Cameron, Secretary of War, to Lieutenant Jones, April 22, 1861. Harper's Ferry instantly of Colonel Packard, of the Fourth, at Quincy; of Colonel Jones, of the Sixth, at Lowell; and of Colonel Munroe,s. It was determined that the Sixth Regiment, Colonel Jones, which was a part of Butler's old brigade, shoul
-sacrificing course pursued by Major Robert Anderson and the small and gallant band of officers and men under his command at Fort Sumter, and also by Lieut. Adam J. Slemmer, his officers and men, at Fort Pickens. In referring, with strongest commendation, to the conduct of these brave soldiers, under the trying circumstances which surrounded them, I only echo the unanimous voice of the American people. In this connection it is a pleasurable duty to refer to the very gallant action of Lieut. Roger Jones at Harper's Ferry, and the handsome and successful manner in which he executed the orders of the Government at that important post. The determination of the Government to use its utmost power to subdue the rebellion, has been sustained by the unqualified approval of the whole people. Heretofore the leaders of this conspiracy have professed to regard the people of this country as incapable of making a forcible resistance to rebellion. The error of this conclusion is now being made
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 1, Chapter 1: early recollections of California. 1846-1848. (search)
l journeys were made by stage-coaches. In this instance I traveled from Zanesville to Wheeling, thence to Washington (Pennsylvania), and thence to Pittsburg by stage-coach. On reaching Pittsburg I found many private letters; one from Ord, then a first-lieutenant in Company F, Third Artillery, at Fort McHenry, Baltimore, saying that his company had just received orders for California, and asking me to apply for it. Without committing myself to that project, I wrote to the Adjutant-General, R. Jones, at Washington, D. C., asking him to consider me as an applicant for any active service, and saying that I would willingly forego the recruiting detail, which I well knew plenty of others would jump at. Impatient to approach the scene of active operations, without authority (and I suppose wrongfully), I left my corporal in charge of the rendezvous, and took all the recruits I had made, about twenty-five, in a steamboat to Cincinnati, and turned them over to Major N. C. McCrea, commanding at
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 1, Chapter 3: Missouri, Louisiana, and California. 1850-1855. (search)
more, whose home was in Buffalo, would be less liberal than General Taylor to the politicians of the South, who feared, or pretended to fear, a crusade against slavery; or, as was the political cry of the day, that slavery would be prohibited in the Territories and in the places exclusively under the jurisdiction of the United States. Events, however, proved the contrary. I attended General Taylor's funeral as a sort of aide-de-camp, at the request of the Adjutant-General of the army, Roger Jones, whose brother, a militia-general, commanded the escort, composed of militia and some regulars. Among the regulars I recall the names of Captains John Sedgwick and W. F. Barry. Hardly was General Taylor decently buried in the Congressional Cemetery when the political struggle recommenced, and it became manifest that Mr. Fillmore favored the general compromise then known as Henry Clay's Omnibus bill, and that a general change of cabinet would at once occur. Webster was to succeed Mr.
s the following language:-- In this connection it is a pleasurable duty to refer to the very gallant action of Lieutenant Roger Jones, at Harper's Ferry, and the handsome and successful manner in which he executed the orders of the government at t these two brief passages, though in the histories referred to the story is considerably amplified and embellished. Lieutenant Jones was never in command at Harper's Ferry. For several months preceding the assault on Fort Sumter he had been stationthe civil employees of the government could not be relied upon, the details of the affair were of course confided to Lieutenant Jones and his men. The powder belonging to the armory was in the magazine on the heights, and orders were given by Captainrms, on account of their remoteness, could not be conveniently fired. As soon as the buildings were fairly lighted, Lieutenant Jones with his guard left for Hagerstown, while Captain Kingsbury was hardly authorized to leave then, and, was also unwil
th U. S. Cavalry, joined my staff as aides-de-camp, and remained with me until I was relieved from the command of the Army of the Potomac. All of these officers served me with great gallantry and devotion; they were ever ready to execute any service, no matter how dangerous, difficult, or fatiguing. The duties of the inspector-general's Department, during the whole period of my command of the Army of the Potomac, were performed by Col. D. B. Sackett, assisted by Majs. N. H. Davis and Roger Jones, of the inspector-general's corps. The value of the services rendered by these officers merits all the commendation that I can bestow. No duty was ever slighted by them and no labor too great for them. Their reports were always full, satisfactory, and thoroughly to be relied upon. Nor did they confine themselves to the mere routine work of their duties, but on the field of battle rendered most valuable services as aides-de-camp under heavy fire. When I assumed command of the Divisi
re its flanks would be reasonably secure and it would be within supporting distance of the main army. Gen. Porter carried out my orders to that effect. It was not advisable at that time, even had it been practicable, to withdraw the 5th corps to the right bank of the Chickahominy. Such a movement would have exposed the rear of the army, placed as between two fires, and enabled Jackson's fresh troops to interrupt the movement to James river by crossing the Chickahominy in the vicinity of Jones's bridge before we could reach Malvern Hill with our trains. I determined then to resist Jackson with the 5th corps, reinforced by all our disposable troops in the new position near the bridge-heads, in order to cover the withdrawal of the trains and heavy guns, and to give time for the arrangements to secure the adoption of the James river as our line of supplies in lieu of the Pamunkey. The greater part of the heavy guns and wagons having been removed to the right bank of the Chickahom
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