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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Chapter 3: first Flights in authorship (search)
azette anonymously, for one of his classmates records that when he met Mr. Carter in Boston the editor asked with curiosity what young man sent him such fine poetry from Bowdoin College. A modest volume of Miscellaneous Poems, selected from the United States literary Gazette, appeared in 1826,—the year after Longfellow left college,—and it furnished by far the best exhibit of the national poetry up to that time. The authors represented were Bryant, Longfellow, Percival, Dawes, Mellen, and Jones; and it certainly offered a curious contrast to that equally characteristic volume of 1794, the Columbian Muse, whose poets were Barlow, Trumbull, Freneau, Dwight, Humphreys, and a few others, not a single poem or poet being held in common by the two collections. This was, however, only a volume of extracts, but it is the bound volumes of the Gazette itself—beginning with April 1, 1824—which most impress the student of early American literature. There will always be a charm in turning
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Chapter 4: literature as a pursuit (search)
am far from being a fluent speaker, but practice must serve as a talisman where talent is wanting. I can be a lawyer. This will support my real existence, literature an ideal one. I purchased last evening a beautiful pocket edition of Sir William Jones's Letters, and have just finished reading them. Eight languages he was critically versed in; eight more he read with a dictionary; and there were twelve more not wholly unknown to him. I have somewhere seen or heard the observation that as many languages as a person acquires, so many times is he a man. Life, i. 57, 58. It was undoubtedly an important fact to the young poet to be brought thus early in contact with Sir William Jones and his twenty-eight languages. It is the experience of all that the gift of learning a variety of tongues is something which peculiarly belongs to youth. In Southern Europe, in Russia, in the East, it is a common thing to encounter mere children who with next to no schooling will prattle readil
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Index (search)
2; Longfellow's plea for, 21; Longfellow plans poem about, 207, 208. Innsbruck, 223. Interlaken, 8. Irving, Washington, 7, 18, 46, 68, 80, 89, 132, 133, 249; Longfellow imitates, 26, 27; speaks of Longfellow, 50; his Sketch Book compared with Longfellow's Outre-Mer, 69-71. Italy, 33, 50, 55, 65, 96, 142, 223. Jamaica Plain, Mass., 146. James, G. P. R., 237. Janin, Jules, 161. Jefferson, Thomas, 6. Jewett, Sarah O., 198. Johnson, Eastman, 272. Jones, J. A., 23. Jones, Sir, William, 43; his Letters, 42. Joubert, J., his Pensees, quoted, 235. Keats, John, 280. Kemble, Mrs., 200. Kent, Duke of, 118. Khayyam, Omar, 282. Kiel, 108. Kingsley, Rev., Charles, 237. Knickerbocker, the, 140. Korner, Charles Theodore, 64. Kossuth, Louis, 173. Lafayette, Marquis de, 52. Lamartine, Alphonse M. L. de, 161. Lawrence, Sir, Thomas, 207. Lawton, William C., 234, 266; his The New England Poets, cited, 234 note, 265 note. Lenau, Nicholas, 161. Leopold,