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th legs and right arm, seriously; Henry Wood, through the thigh, seriously; T M Hendman under right shoulder, slightly; H C. Jones through the thigh, seriously; T Kelley scalped, slightly; P M McCraw, in the leg; E Nix, through the arm; J C Richards, in the arm and breast, slightly; J L Smith shot in the mouth; A J Sanders, in thel W D Bennett, Privates W D Acket. W B Bennett, R H Bradley, J C Bruce, S J Gary, N H Hamilton, N Hamilton, N McWhorter, J J Riley, G Timbs, J Whilt, W Maddox, H Kelley. Missing: Sergt Kohler, T V Green, Thos Green, Corpl J H Wilson. Total killed, 3; wounded, 15; missing, 4--23. Company E, Bozeman Guards, Capt. Arnold.--Kiivates Dunkins, R Dixon, T Hudson, Kilgore, McLendon and Tyner. Wounded: Corp'l Luckey, mortally; not supposed to be mortally: sergt Fountain, corp'ls Durant and Kelley; privates Bateman, B Ho , Bradley, E Byrd, Clements, W Gainey, J King, G McCutchen, J M Polson and A L Shaw.--Missing: Serg't Coker, private Langston, Crowley, H