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have been destroyed, to prevent the passage of Northern troops. Fort McHenry, it is said, is besieged by 12,000 Marylanders. No Virginia troops had arrived at Alexandria last night. Gen. Scott has appointed Gen. Patterson commander of the District of Columbia military. Baltimore has voted $500,000 for the defence of the city. The Massachusetts Regiment is going through the Capes, and by that way up to Washington. They may probably be placed in Fort Monroe. Senator Kennedy, of Maryland, had an interview with President Lincoln yesterday.--No result known. A meeting was held in New York on Saturday, at which 200,000 persons were present.--They adopted resolutions declaring they would sustain the Administration of Lincoln at all hazards. The New York Seventh Regiment was in Trenton last night. [second Dispatch.] Washington, April 21.--The Pawnee and Anacostia left last night, probably for Norfolk. A large body of troops, it is report
rs, reaching that city via Norfolk Road. Gen. Borham's headquarters will be established in Richmond. The troops belong to the 1st Regiment of South Carolina volunteers, and were the first to step to the front when their State resumed her sovereignty. If they have an opportunity, they will soon settle the vexed question whether we have a Government or not at Washington. The troops, on their arrival, were quartered at the capacious edifice just erected by the city, at the North end of Second street, which is capable of accommodating them in good style. The following is a list of Commanding and Staff officers: Brigadier-General--M. L. Bonham. Staff of Gov. of S. C.--Col. M. A. Moore. Col. J. Calhoun. Brigadier-General's Staff--Maj. Morague. Maj. Lipscomb, Maj. Nelson, Maj. Aldrich. Dr. Gaston, Dr. Maddux, Dr. Hammond, S. W. Milton, Esq. Of the Regiment--Col. Maxcy Gregg, Lieut. Col. Hamilton, Maj Smirk, Adjt. Ferguson Quartermaster McGowan. Commissary Kennedy.
The Palmetto Regiment. --As some errors crept into our enumeration of the names of the officers of the First Regiment of South Carolina Volunteers, whose arrival was noticed on yesterday, we re-publish the same, corrected, to-day. Yesterday the DeKalb Rifles and Richardson Guards, numbering 96 men, arrived here, and 45 more were expected last night. There are about six hundred Carolina troops here now. The following is a list of the officers of the Regiment: Brigadier-General--M. L. Bonham. Staff of Gov. of S. C.--Col. M. A. Moore, Col. J. C. Calhoun. General's Staff--Col. W. C. Moragne, Col. A. P. Aldrich, Col. R. B. Boylston, Col. J. N. Lipscomb, Col. J. W. Simpson, Maj. S. W. Nelson, Maj. Ed. Sparr Hammond, Maj. Samuel W. Melton, Col. J. M. F. Gaston, Surgeon. Of the 1st S. O. Regiment--Col. Maxcy Gregg, Lieut. Col. D. H. Hamilton, Maj. A. M. Smith, Adjt. Ferguson, Quartermaster McGowan, Commissary Kennedy.
evelopments," though some of them declare they don't believe a word of it: Of late Superintendent Kennedy, of the Police Department, has been in receipt of letters furnishing information that thher cities North, and by an association known as the Knights of the Golden Circle. Yesterday Mr. Kennedy received another letter from a party in St. Louis, setting forth the same facts that had been previously forwarded to him, which Mr. Kennedy has every reason to believe will be attempted should a favorable opportunity offer. It seems that at the time a break was made in the Croton aqued a close watch on certain men in this city, who are reported to be engaged in the affair; and Mr. Kennedy believes that he will be able to prevent the diabolical plot being carried into effect. The following is a copy of the letter received by Mr. Kennedy yesterday, a portion of which is withheld, as it is said it would not be proper to make it public at present: Louisville, April 3
Presentation of a flag. --A splendid silk flag was presented on yesterday evening by Col. J. B. Kershaw, of the Second Regiment of South Carolina Volunteers, to the "Camden Light Infantry," Capt. Kennedy, of the same regiment. The flag was a gift from the ladies of Camden. There was an immense concourse of citizens, ladies, &c., present. Cols. Kershaw's and Greggs' Regiment were drawn in line at the time. The demonstrations on the occasion were enthusiastic.
, Tenn., as also a well-tried soldier upon the historic fields of Mexico. Its other field and staff officers are Lieut.Col. Good all, of Sumner county, one of the first to scale the walls of Monterrey, in the great battle which derived its name from that place. Major Doak, a prominent member of the Tennessee Legislature, also canned a soldier's fame in Mexico. Captain M. W. Cluskey, our confrere of the Memphis Avalanche, is on the staff of the Colonel as Quartermaster of the regiment. Dr. Kennedy, of Sumner, is Surgeon, and Dr. Erskine, of Shelby, the Assistant Surgeon of the regiment, both leading members of the medical profession in Tennessee. We do not recollect to have seen a finer body of men in any regiment. Most of them are from Sumner, Davidson and Rutherford counties, though Bedford is represented by a company, as is Manry and Shelby, the extreme Western counties in the State. We give a list of the companies and their Captains. Company A, Captain Stephen White, Su
ival of Colonel Yohe's Regiment — advance movement towards Virginia. Chambersburg, June 3. --The First Pennsylvania Regiment, under Col. Yohe, arrived here from Baltimore this evening. This makes eleven full regiments at this point. Capt. Kennedy, the commander of the Union Home Guards, of Williamsport arrived here to-day, and asks for a forward movement of troops in that direction. Capt Kennedy reports that Allen's regiment of Virginia infantry left on Friday night, taking with themCapt Kennedy reports that Allen's regiment of Virginia infantry left on Friday night, taking with them their two brass field-pieces. The ford opposite Williamsport is guarded by a company of dragoons, and all the crossings above Harper's Ferry are guarded by cavalry, except that at Sheppardstown. He confirms the report of the skirmish on Saturday between his company and the Virginians, and he believes that three of the enemy were wounded. When the Virginians retreated they burned a bridge crossing a creek between Williamsport and Falling Waters, in Virginia. The bridge at Sheppardstown, acro
rd Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, 1,000 strong, reached this city yesterday morning between 6 and 7 o'clock, and went into camp near the Reservoir. This is considered one of the finest regiments of the State and in truth, their noble appearance, genuine military bearing and discipline, indicate their title of a crack regiment. The following is a list of the officers and companies: Field Officers--Colonel, James H. William Lieut. Colonel, B. B. Foster; Major, James H. Baxter; Adjutant, Dravton Rutherford; Quartermaster, John McGowan; Commissary, Hampton Hunt. The Regiment--Co. A State Guards, Capt. Garrington; Co. B, Williams Guards, Capt. Davidson; Co. C, Lawrence Briers, Capt. Tood; Co. D, Wardsworth Volunteers, Capt. Walker; Co. E, Musgrove Volunteers, Capt. Jones; Co. F, Cross Anchor Volunteers, Capt. Ferguson; Co. G, Black Stock Volunteers, Capt. Kennedy; Co. H Brooks Guards, Capt. Nunnymaker; Co. I, Pickens Guards, Capt. Maffett; Co. K, Quitman Rifles, Capt. Nance.
by the Superintendent of Harper's Ferry for bringing troops there, is, as related to me, most flimsy and inadequate. Virginians, arouse! Discover instantly whether there be Arnolds and Dunmores in your midst. Do your duty to your State at once. Advertise no more of your plans in the papers. The President is acting in secret, and with great energy. Follow his example. In Baltimore, the wilder spirits are raging in consequence of the occupation of Fort McHenry. Senators Pearce and Kennedy, at last, have been brought to insist upon a call of the Legislature, which will instantly call a Convention. Here is one good effect already of Virginia's action. A news-boy at Brown's Hotel is in the habit of amusing the Southern members by crying out, "Ere's the N. Y. Tribune--destruction of Horace Greeley by fire!" I hear from pretty good authority that Seward is going to bring worse destruction than fire on Greeley. His speech is said to be so conciliatory that its effect will b
Sailed, Steamer Belvidere, Keene, Baltimore, mdze, and passengers, D. & W. Currie. Bark Fame, Kennedy, Pernambuco and the market, flour, Dunlop. Moncure & Co. Schr. Southerner, Billows, New Orleans, merchandize, W. D. Colquitt & Co. Shr. G. P. Taylor, Barickman, down the river. light.
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