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uarters stated that he was a member of the firm of William Hendley & Co., of Galveston, and that he was on here to buy goods in the event of the blockade being removed. He was in the habit of spending about eight months of the year North, but had never come on to buy goods before. In the possession of the prisoner was found a letter from his business partner which referred to the purchase of some goods, but nothing else of any interest or importance was discovered upon his person. Superintendent Kennedy discharged Mr. Sleight on the condition that the latter would drop in and see him occasionally. Mrs. Swin says she is not a prisoner. Mrs. Senator Gwin writes to the New York Herald: I was startled, yesterday, by reading as an item of intelligence in your paper, that I had been arrested in Washington City for alleged co-operation with the Southern army. I have had no aspirations, I assure you, for either a crown of martyrdom, or any such laurels as your corresponde
arned that the article of which he was in quest was to be found in Keane, New Hampshire, and had loaded his arrangements for repairing thigher at once. The prisoner was conducted to the Central Police office, where he was examined by Superintendent Kennedy. He was in possession of a larger sum of money than is usually carried by Southern travelers, and Mr. Kennedy gave this branch of the matter, as usual, his special attention. Although Freeman have ostensibly come for one machine, he hadMr. Kennedy gave this branch of the matter, as usual, his special attention. Although Freeman have ostensibly come for one machine, he had the order for two, besides orders for leather and other articles. Lowe's balloon shot at. The following is a special dispatch to the New York Tribune, August 30: Mr. Lowe, the astronaut, yesterday made in reconnaissance with his balloon. He saw about one thousand of the enemy at work at the place mentioned two and a half miles beyond Hall's Cross Roads. The Confederates fired at the balloon with shells and cannon, but without doing any harm to the machine or its occupants.
was elicited to satisfy the magistrate of the prisoner's guilt, the warrant was dismissed. Richard Loyd, against whom a singular charge of taking $175 from Lieut. Cornelius McCarthy, has been pending for some days past, was discharged from custody, no witness ving appeared to testify against him. The result seemed to afford much gratification to the accursed and his friends. John T. Forsey was brought up for overindulgence in spirituous liquors and trespassing on the premises of Mrs. Kennedy; and Nicholas Powers for a somewhat singular offence, with the addition of taking lodgings on the pavement. Both were disengaged with some admonitory remarks. Lewis, a slave, the property of Cratap & Jenkins, was awarded several stripes for reaming about minus a pass, a circumstance which led to the suspicion that he was a runaway. John, slave of George W. Gretter, charged with stealing two canteens of whiskey from his master, was sent down under sentence of 39 lashes. Arc
is rumored, but it is certain that no such information had officially reached Washington to-night. Yesterday the rebels made a reconnoissance at Edwards's Ferry, several prominent officers, judging by their uniforms, being engaged in that business. Commissioners to the London World's Fair. Washington, Oct. 14. --The Commissioners appointed to the World's Fair at London organized to day by electing Secretary Seward chairman, and the Superintendent of the Census Bureau, Mr. Kennedy, secretary. Of the thirteen commissioners, Edward Everett only was absent, and he sent a letter of excuse. A committee was appointed to wait on the President, with a request that he send a national vessel to England to convey such goods as American contributors may desire to exhibit. Gen. Walter Jones, an aged and distinguished retired lawyer, died here to-day. Officers Reinstated. Washington, Oct. 14. --The War Department has ordered Gen. Sherman, commanding the Dep
Hon. Isham G. Harris of Tennessee, in reply to a letter from Mr. Kennedy, asking permission to use his name as a candidate for Confederate States Senator, declines being a candidate under any circumstances.
From New York. arrival of arms and ammunition — passengers for Europe to be examined--Gen. Dupent's absconding Secretary, &c. New York, Oct. 31. --The steamship Arago has arrived with 1,276 packages of arms, 600 packages of gunpowder, and clothing, for Gen. Meigs, and comprising complete arms, equipments, and clothing for 12,000 men. The Tribune admits the existence of the rumor of the absconding of Gen. Dupont's Secretary, but says that the rumor is unfornded; and adds, that it has reason to believe that the report was put in circulation by the enemies of the Government. Superintendent Kennedy has issued an order to the police directing that every passenger, bound for a foreign port, shall be examined, and they must see that all have passports. The Surveyor of this city has seized the ship Joseph H. Dwyer. Two-sixteenths of the vessel is owned by Joseph Phillips, of Louisiana.
and it was settled that the prisoners should be allowed to cross the Isthmus as such, and the question of future arrests was referred to Washington. In connection with this matter it will be interesting to know, that a day or two ago Superintendent Kennedy, of the Metropolitan Police, received a dispatch informing him that Ex-Senator Gwin, and Calhoun Benham, of California, were passengers on board the steamer Champion, and that they would need watching. He communicated with the Government, the latter of whom is said to have been actively engaged in the secession movement in Southern California, had already been placed under arrest by General Sumner, who was on board the ship. They reported the fact to the Superintendent. Mr. Kennedy then called on General Sumner, and ascertained what our correspondents fully state, that soon after the ship sailed from San Francisco he had placed these three men under arrest on board, because he believed that they were connected with the S
Additional foreign news by the Etna. The screw steamship Etna, Capt. Kennedy, which sailed from Liverpool at 3 P. M. on the 13th ult., and from Queenstown at 4 o'cl'k P. M. on the 14th ult., arrived at New York at 6½ o'clock on the evening of the 24th, with mails and £7,881 in specie. The news by the Etna is four days later than that received by the Asia. The U. S. Government steamer James Adger, left Southampton on the 12th instant, destination unknown. Private dispatches from Calcutta state that freights to London for rice were 52s. 6d. The exchange stood at 2 3/8. The James Wilson, from Melbourne, with £76,000 in gold, has now been at sea one hundred and twenty-six days, but the rate of insurance at Lloyd's has not advanced beyond five guineas. The London Times in alluding to the dissolution of the Croatian Diet, says the Emperor of Austria is hurrying on to try the great experiment whether 6,000,000 of Germans can hold in subjection 30,000,000 of oth
venue for a movement the interior of the Palmetto kingdom. of Adjutant Scott. Notice having been made in this paper of of Adjutant Scott, of the U. S. Infantry to extract the following dispatch New York, dated Nov. 27, relative to : Adjutant Scott, of the Fourth Regiment, U. S. Infantry, who was arrested by the a charge of being a Secessionist, on Monday, shortly after he had arrived at this port from California, was yesterday released The charge was examined by Superintendent Kennedy, who found nothing, either in the conduct or correspondence of Adjutant Scott to justify his detention.--He was subsequently restored to his command. Arrest upon a charge of treason. The Baltimore American, of the 26th Nov., says: On Sunday evening a young man named Charles Cole was arrested at the order of Captain John L. Bishop, of the Western Police Station, upon the charge of treason, in being connected with the Confederate army. There is also pending against the
e it would be puerile seriously to assert. We are glad to see, therefore, that such an acknowledgement must soon be forthcoming in some shape which shall be intelligible, and such as to leave no doubt or question as to its having become a rule of action. From Washington — a valuable publication from the Census Bureau--Culture of Grain, &c. "Aga," the Washington correspondent of the Baltimore Sun, writing under date of the 27th ult., communicates the following information: Mr. Kennedy, Superintendent of the Census, is causing the preparation of a work at his Bureau which is of greatest interest. Taking some sets of large maps of States which are in possession of the Government, he causes to be written over the spaces designating counties the number of whites, free colored, slaves, and men between eighteen and forty five years of age in such counties; also, valuable animals within such limits, as horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, &c. The quantity of leading agricultural pro
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