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Artillery and Ordnance; Major Cabell, Chief Quarter-master; Capt. W. H. Fowle, Chief of Subsistence Department; Surgeon Thos. H. Williams, Medical Director, and Assistant Surgeon Brodie, Medical Purveyor of the General Staff attached to the army of the Potomac, were necessarily engaged, severally, with their responsible duties at my Headquarters at Camp Pickens, which they discharged with an energy and intelligence for which I have to tender my sincere thanks. Messrs. McLean, Wilcoxen, Kincheloe, and Brawner, citizens of this immediate vicinity, it is their due to say, have placed me and the country under great obligation for the information relative to this region, which has enabled me to avail myself of its defensive features and resources. They were found ever ready to give me their time, without stint or reward. Our casualties, in all 68 killed and wounded, were fifteen Including two reported missing. killed and fifty-three wounded, several of whom have since died. T
rtillery and Ordnance, Major Cabell, Chief Quartermaster, Captain W. H. Fowle, Chief of Subsistence Department, Surgeon Thomas H. Williams, Medical Director, and Assistant-Surgeon Brodie, Medical Purveyor, of the general staff attached to the Army of the Potomac, were necessarily engaged severally with their responsible duties, at my headquarters at Camp Pickens, which they discharged with an energy and intelligence for which I have to tender my sincere thanks. Messrs. McLean, Wilcoxen, Kincheloe, and Branner, citizens of this immediate vicinity, it is their due to say, have placed me and the country under great obligations for the information relative to this region, which has enabled me to avail myself of its defensive features and resources. They were found ever ready to give me their time, without stint or reward. Our casualties, in all sixty-eight killed and wounded, were—killed, and—wounded, several of whom have since died. The loss of the enemy can only be conjectured;
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.38 (search)
n wounded, but who could still shoot. But this, too, was in vain. The enemy held the angle. The concentrated fire in this inferno cut down two trees, each as large as a man's body. At last Lee gave up the murderous attempt and drew a new line connecting his wings, leaving out the angle. The battle had raged from 4 A. M. to 10 P. M. William W. Smith, Company C, 49th Virginia Infantry, C. S. A. Incidents. During the long-continued firing, while lying in the enemy's abattis, Lieutenant Kincheloe, of Company C, was wounded at my side by a shell which came apparently from our rear, and Private Embrey, the younger of two brothers in Company C, was killed just in front of me by a bullet through the head. At the request of the officers I went back to the second line, where we had killed so many of the enemy, and robbed their cartridge boxes of ammunition, which I brought to our line. I would not choose such a job again. I was again sent to the rear to find, if possible, our amm
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.66 (search)
was badly wounded, but is still living. Hatcher, Harry (Sergt. Maj.), was wounded many times; died since the war. Hatcher, Wm., was badly wounded, but is still living (dead). Hawbaw, George, lost sight of him (still living). Herndon, John, living, Hamilton, Va. Jacobs, L. T., living, Hamilton, Va. Jones, Scott, killed at Bolivar Heights in 1861. Jones, Henry, living. Jones, Philip, living. Jeffries, James A., living. Keys, wounded in hand at Buckton, 1862. Kincheloe, John W., living at Rectortown, Va. Kidwell, Evan, died since the war. Ladd, John A., badly wounded at Kelley's Island and lost sight of. Leslie, Thomas, died since the war. Long, Pendleton, died since the war. Lawler, Robert, died since the war. Lake, F. Marion, living in Missouri. Lake, Bladen, died with typhoid fever in 1862. Larkin, Richard, living in Prince William. Marlow, Richard, lost sight of him: Marlow, John, lost sight of him. Massey, Edward, di
; refunding a sum of money to the heirs of Wm. A. Bradford and Peter Grant; refunding a sum of money to P. B. Crowder. Mr. Bass presented a report from a special committee authorizing the Trustees of the Parsonage of the M. E. Church in Salem, Roanoke county, to execute a deed of trust on their property in said town. The Tax Bill.--The hour having arrived for the consideration of the bill "imposing taxes for the support of Government" as the order of the day, it was taken upon motion of Mr. Haymond, and numerous amendments thereto proposed. An amendment offered by Mr. Collier, of Petersburg, exempting the salaries of laboring men from taxation was adopted. An amendment proposed by Mr. Anderson, of Botetourt, to exempt the salaries of the Judges of the Supreme Courts of Appeals and of the Circuit Courts from taxation, was lost. It was advocated by Messrs. Myers and Robertson, and opposed by Messrs. Duckwall and Yerby. On motion of Mr. Kincheloe, the House adjourned.
dson, Riddick, Windham, Robertson, Rivers, Saunders, Scott, Setar, Sherrard Sibert, James K. Smith, Isaac N. Smith, Staples, Walker, A. Watson, Watts, Welch, Wood and Yercy--77. Nays.--Messrs. Allen, Anderson, Barley, Ballard. Barbour, Baskerville. Bass. Bassell, Bell, Boisseau, Burks, Caperton, Carpenter, Carter, Chapman Childs, Claiborne, Duckwall, Edwards, Evans, Friend Garrett. J. T. Gibson, J. Gilmer, Graham, Gratten, Dunter James, C. H. Jones, Warner T. Jones. Kantman, Kemper, Kincheloe, Lundy, Lina, Mallory, McDowell, McGehee, Meddey, Miles, J. R. Miller, Mong, Montague, Montgomery, Morgan, Nelson, Newton, Orlain, R. K. Robinson, Rutherford, Seddon, Shannon, H Smith Thomas Temlis, Tyler, Ward, Wilson, Wingfield, Witten, Woolfolk and Mr. Speaker--62. After being debated pro and con, it was withdrawn by the mover. Mr. Collier offered and advocated a motion to recommit the whole bill to the committee, but withdrew the same prior to a vote. Mr. Haymond moved t
ss, Bassel, Bell, Boisseau, Burkes; Caperton, Carpenter, Carter, Chapman, Childs, Claiborne, Duckwall, Edwards, Evans, Friend, Garrett, J. T. Gibson, J. Gilmer, Graham, Grattan, Haymond, Hunter, James, C. H. Jones, W. T. Jones, Kaufman, Kemper, Kincheloe, Lundy, Lynn, Mallory, J. G. McDowell, McGehee, Medley, Mong, Montague, Montgomery, Morrison, Nelson, Newton, Orgain, S. K. Robinson, Rutherford, H. Smith, Thomas, Tomlin, Tyler, Wallace, Ward, E. Watson, Wilson, Witten, Wood, Woolfolk--61. l, Fleming, Friend, Frost, Garrett, John T. Gibson, Jno. Gilmer, C. H. Gilmer, Goodycoontz, Graham, Grattan, Hanly, Harrison, Haymond, Hoffman, Hopkins, Hunt, James, Jett, Johnson, Crawford H. Jones, Warner T. Jones, Kaufman, Keen, Kee, Kember, Kincheloe, Knotts, Kyle, Leftwich, Locke, Lockbridge, Lucas, Lundy, Linn, Magruder, Mallory, J. G. Martin, Thomas Martin, Wm. Martin, Massie, Matthews, McDowed, McGehee, McGruder, McKinney, McKenzie, Medley, Miles, David, Miller, Mong, Montague, Montgome
e power against any invasion, by the Federal Union, upon the reserved rights of either. Mr. Seddon supported his motion in an able, impassioned, and effective Southern-rights speech. The yeas and nays being demanded, were recorded as follows: Yeas.--Messrs. Crutchfield, (Speaker,) Allen, Anderson, Bailey, Beil, Boisseau, Carpenter, Carter, Childs, Claiborne, Duckwall, Edwards, Evans, Friend, Garrett, John T. Gibson, Huntt, Hunter, C. H. Jones, W. T. Jones, Kaulman, Kemper, Kincheloe, Locke, Lynn, Mallory, T. Martin, McCan apt, McDowell, McGehee, McKinney, J. R. Miller, Mong. Montague, Montgomery, Nelson, Newton. R. K. Robinson, Rives, Rutherfoord, Seddon, H. Smith, Thomas, Tomlin, Tyler, Ward, E. Watson, Wilton, Witten and Woolfolk--52. Nays.--Messrs. Alderson, Arnold, Ball, Barbour, Bass Bentley, Bisbie, Booker, Boreman, Brown. Burkes, Caperton, Cassin, Christian Coleman, Collier, Cowan, Crane, Dickenton, Edgington, Ferguson, Fleming, D. Gibson, J. Gilmer, C
he town of Bath, in the county of Morgan: amending an act passed March 31st, 1860, entitled an act to restrict the catching of oysters in certain months; authorizing the Clerks of Supreme Courts and the District Courts of Appeals to take orders of publication in vacation; amending an act incorporating the Lewisburg Female Institute. Committee on Free Negroes.--The Speaker announced the following committee on the above subject, viz: Messrs. Woolfolk, Oregon, McCamant, Rives, Eddington, Kincheloe, Montague, McGehee, and Martin of Nelson. Telegraphic Operators.--An adverse report was returned to the resolution inquiring into the expediency of exempting employees in telegraphic offices from military duty. Petitions, &c.--Mr. Chapman presented the petition of James K. Scott and 170 others, citizens of the counties of Greenbrier and Monroe, remonstrating against the formation of a new county out of parts of Monroe and Greenbrier; Mr. McDowell presented the petition of citizen
Arrival of prisoners. --Fifty-odd Yankee prisoners, captured by General Mahone's forces in a dash made by them upon the enemy's left on the south side, on Sunday night, were brought to this city yesterday afternoon and committed to the Libby prison. Five other prisoners, captured in the Valley by Kincheloe's partisan rangers, a few days since, were committed to that institution on Sunday night.