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,2,000 cavalry under Bayard, and about 5,000 that remained with Banks; a tactic force of about 30,000 in front of Jackson's 24,000, from which the casualties of the 9th had taken 1,000. When informed of Jackson's advance, on the 8th, Pope ordered King's division of 10,000 men up from Fredericksburg. These joined him on the 11th, so that he then had 40,000 men at command. Reno was following King with 8,000 of Burnside's corps, and he reported to Pope on the 14th. Through the tireless StuartKing with 8,000 of Burnside's corps, and he reported to Pope on the 14th. Through the tireless Stuart, who was as ubiquitous as Jackson himself, he was kept well posted in reference to these movements of the various parts of Pope's army of Virginia. Thus informed, he reluctantly gave up his idea of further attacking Pope, but remained on the battlefield during the 10th and 11th, caring for his wounded, burying his dead, and gathering the spoils of the battle-field. On the 11th he granted Pope a truce, until 2 p. m., for removing his dead, that were not already buried, and then, on request, ex
s from the battlefield of Groveton heights, where Jackson was hotly engaged with King's division of Pope's army, and anxiously awaiting the coming of Lee and Longstread passed through Gainesville, on the way to the junction, early in the day; but King's division did not reach that point until after Pope had ordered a concentration at Centreville, so King, on receiving these orders, decided to take the direct road from Gainesville to Centreville rather than the circuitous one by Manassas Junctihim during the night. On the morning of the 29th these discomfited divisions of King and Ricketts appeared in the vicinity of the junction, and there was now no Fedeurned loose Hood's courageous Texans, who fell upon the Federal center and drove King back with heavy loss, capturing three of his battleflags and one of his guns; an he formed his men into a triple line of battle, across the turnpike, and placed King's division to support his right and Reynolds' his left; in his rear followed Sig
ville. Thence, on the 17th, a portion of his command was taken by the trains of the Orange & Alexandria railroad to Lynchburg, and a portion of it marched to North Garden depot, whence, later, it was carried to Lynchburg by rail. Arriving at Lynchburg with Ramseur's and Gordon's divisions at 1 p. m., of the 17th, Early at once marched out on the Salem road, and taking command, put his men in position with those of General Breckinridge's command, consisting of Wharton's division of infantry, King's artillery, and Jackson's, Imboden's, McCausland's and Jones' brigades of cavalry, which he found holding and constructing a line of defenses in front of that city. On the 18th, Rodes' division arrived, brought by rail from North Garden. Early, his command now concentrated, formed a line of battle some three miles west and in front of Lynchburg; in the afternoon met and repulsed Hunter's attack, and compelled him to retreat that night by the Salem road. The next morning the army of the
create the impression that his force was much larger than it really was, and he instructed him to put on a bold front and do the best he could in holding Sheridan at bay. In consequence of a great drought, during the summer of 1864, the corn crop in the Valley was a short one, and Sheridan had destroyed much of the crops of small grain and hay. This scarcity of subsistence compelled Early to send Fitz Lee's two brigades of cavalry and part of his artillery to General Lee at Petersburg, and King's battalion of artillery to southwest Virginia. Subsequent withdrawals left Early's army consisting of two small brigades, less than a full regiment in numbers, of Wharton's infantry division, Nelson's battalion of artillery, and the cavalry of Lomax and Rosser. Early established his headquarters in Staunton, placed his artillery in a camp near Waynesboro, cantoned Wharton's infantry near Fishersville, and widely and far to the front distributed his cavalry—practically almost disbanded it
regiment: Burks, Richard H., lieutenant-colonel; Harman, Asher Waterman, colonel; Knott, John L., major; Massie, Thomas B., major, lieutenant-colonel. Twelfth Infantry regiment: Brockett, Edgar L., major; Feild, Everard Meade, major, lieutenant-colonel, colonel; Jones, Richard W., major; Lewellen, John Richard, major, lieutenant-colonel; May, John P., major; Taylor, Fielding L., lieutenant-colonel; Weisiger, David A., colonel. Thirteenth Artillery battalion: Gibbes, Wade Hampton, major; King, J. Floyd, major, lieutenant-colonel; Owen, William Miller, major; Belsches, Benjamin W., major; Chambliss, John R., Jr., colonel; Gillette, Joseph E., major; Phillips, Jefferson C., lieutenant-colonel, colonel; Savage, Alexander, lieutenant-colonel; Upshaw, Thomas E., major, lieutenant-colonel; Winfield, Benjamin F., major. Thirteenth Infantry regiment: Crittenden, Charles T., major; Goodman, George Augustus, major, lieutenant-colonel; Hill, Ambrose P., colonel; Sherrard, John B., major,