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John Jay Chapman, William Lloyd Garrison, Chapter 3: the figure (search)
rocked in the cradle of liberty, is now the agent of the Inquisition. And he is perfectly innocent. He is a mere toy and creature of his time. A new issue has arisen that neither he nor his generation understand, and behold, they have become oppressors. The Hercules that is to save mankind from these monsters is in the meanwhile working fourteen hours a day, setting type. The Liberator was begun without a dollar of capital and without a single subscriber. Garrison and his partner, Isaac Knapp, a young white man equally poor and equally able to bear privation, composed, set, and printed the paper themselves. They lived chiefly upon bread and milk, a few cakes and a little fruit, obtained from the baker's shop opposite and from a petty cake and fruit shop in the basement. I was often at the office of the Liberator, wrote the Rev. James C. White. I knew of his (Garrison's) self-denials. I knew he slept in the office with a table for a bed, a book for a pillow, and a self-prep
John Jay Chapman, William Lloyd Garrison, Index (search)
103, 210. Jackson, Edmund, 210. Jackson, Francis, 114, 123, 206, 210, 212. Jackson, Thomas J. (Stonewall), 24. Jay, William, quoted, 148, 150, 155, 156; and Antislavery societies, 150, 151, 153; 157. Jefferson, Thomas, quoted, on slavery, 13; III. Johnson, Oliver, his William Lloyd Garrison and his Times, quoted, 58, 63-65, 66-68, 69, 70, 71, 75, 76 G.'s right-hand man, 66; editor of Liberator, 66. Kane, Thomas L., 212. KANSAs-Nebraska Bill, 256. Kendall, Amos, 105. Knapp, Isaac, 56, 57. Kossuth, Louis, 216. Lane Seminary, controversy over, 66 ff.; history of, 66, 67. Lee, Robert E., 24. Liberator, the, G.'s first editorial in, 35-41; founded by G., 47, 56; Southern campaign against, 51, 52; and Hayne, 53, 54; office of, 57, 58; office of, closed, 123, 124; 82, 97, 98, 99, 148, 150, 152, 153, 167, 168, 179, 189. Lincoln, Abraham, assassination of, 5; and slavery, 143, 144; his enforced moderation, 145, 146; and emancipation, 147; 97, 140, 165, 171, 175, 2
Ernest Crosby, Garrison the non-resistant, Chapter 1: the Liberator (search)
torial and mailing table covered with newspapers, the bed of the editor and publisher on the floor-all these, he tells us, make a picture never to be forgotten. It was a pretty large room, says a later visitor, but there was nothing to relieve its dreariness but two or three very common chairs and a pine desk in the far corner at which a pale, delicate and apparently overtasked gentleman was sitting. . ... He was a quiet, gentle and I might say handsome man. The editor and his partner, Isaac Knapp, lived for more than a year chiefly upon bread and milk, a few cakes and a little fruit, obtained from a baker's shop opposite and a petty cake and fruit shop in the basement, and were sometimes on short commons at that. Here they worked fourteen hours a day at the manual labor of their enterprise. Garrison was at this time only six-and-twenty, and he had just been released from Baltimore jail, where his sympathy for the slave had placed him. He had no money, no subscribers, and scarcel
was chief promoter and master spirit. It consisted at the outset of twelve men, and that was not the only evidence of its apostolic mission. It was to be the forerunner in an ever-memorable revolution. The names of the twelve subscribers to its declaration of views and aims will always have a place in American history. They were William Lloyd Garrison, Oliver Johnson, William J. Snelling, John E. Fuller, Moses Thatcher, Stillman E. Newcomb, Arnold Buffum, John B. Hall, Joshua Coffin, Isaac Knapp, Henry K. Stockton, and Benjamin C. Bacon. As a suggestion from, if not an offshoot of, the New England organization, came the National Anti-Slavery Society, which was organized in Philadelphia in 1834. It was intended that the meeting of its promoters should be held in New York, but so intense was the feeling against the Abolitionists in that city that no suitable room could there be found, and the conspirators, as they were called by their enemies, were compelled to seek for accomm
t to make Missouri secede, 186-188; outwitted by Nathaniel Lyon, 188. Jackson, Stonewall, defeat of, 184. Jewitt, Daniel E., 202. Johnson, Andrew, 171, 180. Johnson, Oliver, 73, 201. Johnson, Samuel, 205. Jones, David, 203. Joselyn, Simeon, 203. Julian, Geo. W., Political Recollections, 177. K Kansas-Nebraska Bill, 44. Kedzie, James, 208-2 10. Kelly, Abby, 38-39. Kendrick, John, 205. Kentucky, 21. Kimball, David T., Jr., 202. King, Leicester, 205. Kingsley, Alpheus, 203. Knapp, Isaac, 201. Know-Nothings, 9. L Lafayette, 7. Lane, James H., 194-197; canvas for U. S. Senator, 196-197; attitude on slavery, 197. Lawrence, city of, capture by Quantrell, 165; butchery of inhabitants, 165. Leavitt, Joshua, 205. Lewis, Evan, 203. Lewis, Samuel, 205. Liberal party, 2, 3, 7, 8, 65. Liberator, 21; first issue, 55; South Carolina and Georgia offers reward for its circulation, 55-56; excluded from U. S. mails, 56; office wrecked by mob, 56; opposed to separate party
Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist, Chapter 5: the day of small things. (search)
quisites were wanting to the man whose sole possession seemed an indomitable will, a faith in himself, and in the righteousness of his cause, which nothing could shake, nor disappointment nor difficulty, however great, was able to daunt or deter. To such an unconquerable will, to such an invincible faith obstacles vanish; the impossible becomes the attainable. As Garrison burned to be about his work, help came to him from a man quite as penniless and friendless as himself. The man was Isaac Knapp, an old companion of his in Newburyport, who had also worked with him in the office of the Genius, in Baltimore. He was a practical printer, and was precisely the sort of assistant that the young reformer needed at this juncture in the execution of his purpose; a man like himself acquainted with poverty, and of unlimited capacity for the endurance of unlimited hardships. Together they worked out the financial problems which blocked the way to the publication of the paper. The partners
Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist, Chapter 6: the heavy world is moved. (search)
rson to take the Liberator from the post-office. In the same month the Charleston Mercury announced that gentlemen of the first respectability at Columbia had offered a reward of fifteen hundred dollars for the arrest and conviction of any white person circulating the Liberator, Walker's pamphlet, or any other publication of seditious tendency. In Georgia the same symptoms of fright were exhibited. In the same month the grand jury at Raleigh, N. C., indicted William Lloyd Garrison and Isaac Knapp for circulating the Liberator in that county. It was even confidently expected that a requisition would be made by the Executive of the State upon the Governor of Massachusetts for their arrest, when they would be tried under a law, which made their action felony. Whipping and imprisonment for the first offence, and death, without benefit of clergy, for the second. Governor Floyd said in his message to the Virginia Legislature in December that there was good cause to suspect that the p
Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist, Chapter 7: master strokes. (search)
t we will give no countenance to violence or insurrection. Twelve, the apostolic number, affixed to the preamble and constitution their names, and thus formed the first Garrisonian Society for the abolition of slavery in the United States. The names of these apostolic men it is well to keep in mind. They are William Lloyd Garrison, Oliver Johnson, Robert B. Hall, Arnold Buffum, William J. Snelling, John E. Fuller, Moses Thatcher, Joshua Coffin, Stillman B. Newcomb, Benjamin C. Bacon, Isaac Knapp, and Henry K. Stockton. The band of reformers, their work done, had risen to pass out of the low, rude room into the dark night. The storm was still raging. They themselves had perchance been sobered by the experiences of the evening. They had gone in fifteen, they were returning twelve. And, after all, what had they accomplished? What could they a mere handful do to abolish slavery entrenched as it was in Church and State? It is possible that some such dim discouragement, some suc
Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist, Chapter 10: between the acts. (search)
oderate degree of success. But never were two men more entirely lacking in the methods, which should enter into ventures of that character, than were Garrison and Knapp. Garrison was unfortunate in this respect but it seems that Knapp was more so. Neither took to book-keeping, and neither overcame his serious deficiency in this rKnapp was more so. Neither took to book-keeping, and neither overcame his serious deficiency in this regard. The consequence was that the books kept themselves, and confusion grew upon confusion until the partners were quite confounded. Garrison naively confesses this fault of the firm to his brother-in-law thus: Brother Knapp, you know, resembles me very closely in his habits of procrastination. Indeed I think he is rather worsiety will determine, to-morrow afternoon, to take all the pecuniary liabilities of the Liberator hereafter, and give me a regular salary for editing it, and friend Knapp a fair price for printing it. My salary will not be less than $8000 per annum, and perhaps it will be fixed at a $i,000. . . . The new arrangement will go into eff
Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist, Chapter 14: brotherly love fails, and ideas abound. (search)
e, it would be somewhat disastrous to our cause if any of our agents, through the influence of popular sentiment, should be led to cherish prejudices against me. In February, 1837, the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society came to the rescue of the Liberator from its financial embarrassments and hand-to-mouth existence by assuming the responsibility of its publication. The arrangement did not in any respect compromise Mr. Garrison's editorial independence, but lifted from him and his friend Knapp in his own language, a heavy burden, which has long crushed us to the earth. The arrangement, nevertheless, continued but a year when it was voluntarily set aside by Mr. Garrison for causes of which we must now give an account. In the letter from which we have quoted above, touching his visit to the Convention of Anti-Slavery Agents, Garrison alludes to one of these causes. He says: I was most kindly received by all, and treated as a brother, notwithstanding the wide difference of opini