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Daniel Ammen, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.2, The Atlantic Coast (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 5 3 Browse Search
James Russell Soley, Professor U. S. Navy, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.1, The blockade and the cruisers (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 3 1 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies 3 1 Browse Search
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. 2 0 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 2 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore) 2 2 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3. 2 2 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore) 1 1 Browse Search
Laura E. Richards, Maud Howe, Florence Howe Hall, Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910, in two volumes, with portraits and other illustrations: volume 1 1 1 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 1 1 Browse Search
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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 13: the capture of New Orleans. (search)
6; Mississippi, Captain M. Smith, 12; Iroquois, Commander De Camp; and Oneida, Commander S. P. Lee, 9 each; sailing sloop-of-war Portsmouth, 17; gun-boats Varuna, Captain Boggs, 12; Cayuga, Lieutenant Harrison, 5; Winona, Lieutenant Nichols, 4; Katahdin, Lieutenant Preble, 6; Itaska, Lieutenant Caldwell, 5; Kineo, Lieutenant Ransom, 5; Wissahickon, Lieutenant A. N. Smith, 5; Pinola, Lieutenant Crosby; Kennebec, Lieutenant Russell, 5; Sciota, Lieutenant Donalson, 6; schooner Kittatinny, Lieutenant Lamson, 9; Miami, Lieutenant Harroll, 6; Clifton, 5; and Westfield, Captain Renshaw, 6. There were twenty mortar-vessels, in three divisions, the first, or Red, of six vessels, under Lieutenant Watson Smith, in the Norfolk Packet; the second, or Blue, of seven vessels, commanded by Lieutenant Queen, in the T. A. Ward; and the third, or White, of seven vessels, commanded by Lieutenant Breese, in the Horace Beales. The names of the mortar-vessels were: Norfolk Packet, Oliver H. Lee, Para, C. P
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 1: operations in Virginia.--battle of Chancellorsville.--siege of Suffolk. (search)
d troops in a siege which continued twenty-four days. Longstreet recalled Hill from North Carolina, and the besiegers numbered about forty thousand. Gallant achievements were almost daily performed by both parties, To General Getty was intrusted the river line below Onondaga battery (see map on page 42), the key of the position, extending about eight miles in length. During the siege General Getty stormed and carried, with the Eighth Connecticut and Eighty-ninth New York, aided by Lieutenant Lamson and the gun-boats, a Confederate battery on the west branch of the Nansemond. He captured 6 guns and 200 prisoners. General Peck mentioned with commendation Generals Corcoran, Terry, Dodge, and Harland, and Colonels Dutton and Gibbs, commanding front lines; Colonels Gurney and Waddrop, commanding reserves; Colonels Spear and Onderdonk, of the cavalry. and Captain Follet. chief of artillery. The forts were in charge of the following officers: Fort Union, Colonel Drake; Nansernond, Co
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 7: the siege of Charleston to the close of 1863.--operations in Missouri, Arkansas, and Texas. (search)
ents in the far Northwest with two thousand soldiers, and took vigorous measures to disperse the hostile. bands. In June, Sibley moved westward from Fort Snelling, and General Sully went up the Missouri River to co-operate with him. Both fought and drove the savages at different places, and finally scattered them among the wilds of the eastern slopes of the spurs of the Rocky Mountains. Little Crow, the foremost hunter and orator of the Sioux, was shot near Hutchinson, in Minnesota, by Mr. Lamson, while the chief was picking blackberries. His skeleton is preserved in the collections of the Minnesota Historical Society. It is said that Little Crow (whose Indian name was Tah-o-ah ta-doo-tah, his scarlet people ) was urged into making war against his better judgment. For a full account of this Indian trouble, see History of the Sioux War, by Isaac V. D. Heard. Our horror and indignation because of the atrocities committed from time to time by the savage tribes on the borders of
street advanced April 10. against it with a force which Peck estimates at 40,000: 24,000 (three divisions) having been drawn from Lee's army; while D. I. Hill had brought a full division from North Carolina. There was sharp fighting during the ensuing week, but the advantages of shelter and of naval cooperation on our side overbalanced that of superior numbers; and every attempt to break through our rather extended lines was decidedly repulsed. A Rebel battery having been planted near the west branch of the Nansemond, it was stormed and carried by Gen. Getty, with the 8th Connecticut and 89th New York, aided by Lt. Lamson and our gunboats: 6 guns and 200 prisoners being the net profit. Still,the siege was prosecuted, with no decided success, until May 3d; when Longstreet gave it up and drew off-doubtless under orders given by Lee when he seemed most in need of help on the Rappahannock. Peck estimates the Rebel loss during the siege at 2,000 men; while ours was inconsiderable.
, called by our men the Twin Houses, now used as temporary hospitals. Our pickets are thrown out some distance in advance of this position, in the wood, reaching the edge of the forest, fronting our picket reserves. Brig.-Gen. Grover ordered Major Lamson, with five hundred men from the First brigade, to act as a support, behind an earthwork to the right of the Williamsburgh road and facing the woods. Generals Hooker and rover, with their staffs, took a position near Major Lamson's force, atMajor Lamson's force, at the earthwork, while the Sixteenth Massachusetts filed past. The wood was too dense to admit of the regiment marching in with any form save as a dispersed body, advancing as skirmishers, and the underbrush too thick to see any of the men ten feet from each other. The consequence was the commanding officer found great difficulty in delivering his orders in deploying through the forest. After marching about a quarter of a mile, the advance came suddenly upon the pickets of the enemy, who imm
f the Mount Washngton, who was aground, and opened on us with both artillery and sharp-shooters. I kept close to the disabled steamer, and fought the enemy at high-water, when I ordered the Stepping Stones to take the Mount Washington in tow. This was done under a heavy fire. At five P. M. had the satisfaction of silencing the enemy's battery. My loss foots up to three killed and seven wounded. I do not know as yet what the casualties are in the other vessels. I have eight raking shots, but fortunately my engine is not disabled. I can assure you that the Barney and her crew are still in good fighting trim, and we will beat the enemy or sink at our post. . . . . The most of the wounded and the dead I send down to the Minnesota. It is only requisite to look at the Mount Washington to see with what desperate gallantry Lieutenant Lamson fought his vessel. I am now taking in coal, and shall anchor for the night where we have fought all day. W. B. Cushing, Lieutenant Commanding.
s A. — making chain-stitch. 1. One Thread. (a.) Bearded Needle. No.Name.Date. 7,622ThimonnierSept. 3, 1850. 15,695GardnerSept. 9, 1856. 18,904HubbardDec. 22, 1857. 21,234JacksonAug. 17, 1858. 22,17HookNov. 30, 1858. 23,285BoyntonMar. 15, 1859. 24,027HookMay. 17, 1859. 24,061SpencerMay. 17, 1859. 24,973JenksAug. 2, 1859. 25,013HarrisonAug. 9, 1859. 25,262HarrisonAug. 26, 1859. 30,854HandieDec. 4, 1860. (Reissue.)1,592HookDec. 15, 1863. 67,535HancockAug. 6, 1867. 79,579LamsonJuly 7, 1868. 79,901EinhornJuly 14, 1868. 80,789WeaverAug. 4, 1868. 80,861Fox et al.Aug. 11, 1868. 83.909BonnazNov. 10, 1868. 83,910BonnazNov. 10, 1868. 95,186BergerSept. 28, 1869. 106,943LakeAug. 30, 1870. 148,182CornelyMar. 3, 1874. 159,673HillFeb. 9, 1875. 1. (b.) Reciprocating Loop-Taker. No.Name.Date. 6,437ConantMay 8, 1849. 7,369ReynoldsMay 14, 1850. (Reissue.)268Morcy et al.June 27, 1854. 16,136WatsonNov. 25, 1856. 16,387JohnsonJan. 13, 1857. 16,566GrayFeb. 3, 1
Laura E. Richards, Maud Howe, Florence Howe Hall, Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910, in two volumes, with portraits and other illustrations: volume 1, Chapter 12: Greece and other lands 1867; aet. 48 (search)
favor of the journey. It would be, I think, a turning-point for her. Later she writes:-- Chev has taken our passage in the Asia, which sails on the 13th proximo. So we have the note of preparation, and the prospect of change and separation makes us feel how happy we have been, in passing this whole winter together. The remaining days were full of work of every kind. She gave readings here and there in aid of the Cretans. Ran about much: saw Miss Rogers's deaf pupils at Mrs. Lamson's, very interesting.... For the first time in three days got a peep at Fichte. Finished Jesse's George the third. Went to Roxbury to read at Mrs. Harrington's for the benefit of the Cretans. It was a literary and musical entertainment. Tickets, one dollar. We made one hundred dollars. My poems were very kindly received. Afterwards, in great haste, to Sophia Whitwell's, This was evidently a meeting of the Brain Club. where I received a great ovation, all members greeting me mos
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1837. (search)
Island, where I had youth from all parts of the country under my care, receiving some fifteen into my family. To the question, What is your profession? I reply, a public teacher, or preacher of theology and religion or righteousness, and also, in connection with it, that of minister, or servant in the great cause of human salvation from ignorance, malice, sin, disease, and suffering. To study this profession I stayed three years at Divinity College, Cambridge. I also was much with Dr. Lamson, editor of the Christian Examiner. But I really studied it as little at the college as anywhere. Nature and man were my books, the inward spirit my teacher. I left Divinity College in the summer of 1845; was soon settled in Central Connecticut, in the town of Southington, against my wishes, but from motives of benevolence and missionary duty. I was ordained in June, 1846. Herewith I transmit you an order of exercises. This ordination was the first occasion on which several hundred U
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, Biographical Index. (search)
1. Kedgie, Dr., I. 391. Kershon, Mr., I. 205. Keyes, E. D., Maj.-Gen., I. 213, 214;, 422. Kilby, Mr., I. 163. Kilpatrick, J., Maj.-Gen., 361, 416. Kimball, Daniel, Rev., I. 40,180. Kimball, J. W., Col., I. 444, 445;. Kinsley, L. J. D., I. 263. Kirby, Mr., I. 154. Knapp, F. N., Rev., I. 45. Kraitsir, Charles, Dr., I. 350. Krill, Private, I. 250. Krum, Judge, I. 163. L Laflin, Mr., I. 174. Lamb, Daniel, Dr., I. 440. Lamprey, J. A., II. 372. Lamson, Alvan, Rev. Dr., I. 41. Lander, F. W., Maj.-Gen., I. 421; II. 34-154. Lane, J. H., Maj.-Gen., I. 159. Lathrop, J., Capt., I. 245, 250;. Lawrence, S. C., Col., I. 328, 331;. Leavitt, Eliza, II. 243. Leavitt, J. M., II. 243. Leavitt, T. J., Lieut., Memoir, II. 243, 249;. Lee, F. L., Col., II. 84, 391;, 444, 460, 462. Lee, R. E., Maj.-Gen. (Rebel service), I. 15, 124;, 206, 218, 219, 427; II. 138, 169;, 193, 203, 454. Lee, W. F., Maj.-Gen. (Rebel service), I. 186,
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