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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays 12 0 Browse Search
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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays, I. A Cambridge boyhood (search)
The Devil on two sticks. Can these be now found at any bookstore, I wonder, or have the boys of the present generation ever heard of them? But the most important portion of a boy's life is perhaps his outdoor training, since to live out of doors is to be forever in some respects a boy. Who could be before me, though the palace of the Caesars crackt and split with emperors, while I, sitting in silence on a cliff of Rhodes, watcht the sun as he swang his golden censer athwart the heavens? Landor's hero was not happier than my playmate, Charles Parsons, and myself, as we lay under Lowell's willows at the causey's end, after a day at Mount Auburn,--then Sweet Auburn still,to sort out our butterflies in summer or divide our walnuts in autumn, while we chanted uproariously the Hunter's chorus: -- We roam through the forest and over the mountain; No joy of the court or banquet like this. We always made a pause after the word court, and supposed ourselves to be hurling defiance at mona
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays, chapter 6 (search)
dworth's Intellectual system, on which I used to browse at all odd hours — keeping it open on a standing desk. I read Mill's Logic, Whewell's Inductive sciences, Landor's Gebir and Imaginary conversations. Maria Lowell lent me also Landor's Pentameron, a book with exquisite passages; Alford's poems, then new, and, as she said, vLandor's Pentameron, a book with exquisite passages; Alford's poems, then new, and, as she said, valuable for their simplicity; and the fiery German lays of Hoffmann von Fallersleben, some of which I translated, as was also the case with poems from Ruckert and Freiligrath, besides making a beginning at a version of the Swedish epic Frithiof's Saga, which Longfellow admired, and of Fredrika Bremer's novel, The H — family. I ren the sun that they might be set free once more. Probably it was crude enough, but Theodore Parker liked it, and so I felt as did the brave Xanthus, described by Landor, who only remembered that in the heat of the battle Pericles smiled on him. I was asked to preach as a candidate before the First Religious Society at Newburyport
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays, X. Literary Paris twenty years ago (search)
X. Literary Paris twenty years ago I reached Paris, from London, on the morning of May 30, 1878, arriving just in time for admission to the Theatre des Folies Dramatiques, where the Voltaire centenary celebration was to be held that day, with Victor Hugo for the orator. As I drove up, the surrounding streets were full of people going toward the theatre; while the other streets were so empty as to recall that fine passage in Landor's Imaginary conversations where Demosthenes describes the depopulation of all other spots in Athens except that where he is speaking to the people. The neighborhood of the theatre was placarded with announcements stating that every seat was sold; and it was not until I had explained to a policeman that I was an American who had crossed from London expressly for this celebration, that he left his post and hunted up a speculator from whom I could buy seats. They were twin seats, which I shared with a young Frenchman, who led me in through a crowd so gr
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays, Index. (search)
S., 86. Kansas and John Brown, 196-234. Kant, Immanuel, 105. Keats, John, 19, 67. Keene, Charles, 290. Kelley, Abby, 327. Kemp, Mr., 148, 151. Keppel, Augustus, 166. King, Edward, 312. King family, the, 75. King, Mrs. Rufus, 17. Kingsley, Charles, 107, 276. Kirkland, J. T., 6. Kraitsir, Charles, 86, 93. Krummacher, F. A., III. Lamartine, A. M. L. de, 309, 310. Lamennais, H. F. R., Abbe de, 92, 93, 160. Lander, F. W., 264. Lander, Jean M., Mrs., 264, 265. Landor, W. S., 24, IOs, 112, 298. Lane, G. M., 53. Lane, J. H., 203, 204, 207, 208, 219, 230. Lang, Andrew, 273. Lanmer, Sidney, 230. Laplace, Marquis de, 50, 51. Lamed, Mr., 83. Laura, 76. Lazarus, Emma, 314. Le Barnes, J. W., 231, 232, 240. Lee, Mrs., Thomas, 87. Leighton, Caroline (Andrews), 129. Leland, C. G., 312, 314. Leroux, Pierre, 86. Lewes, Mrs. (George Eliot), 219. Lincoln, Abraham, 239, 261. Linnaeus, Charles von, 89, 92. literary London twenty years ago, 271-297.