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James Redpath, The Public Life of Captain John Brown, Chapter 2: the work begun. (search)
ittle blood, as he styled it — but, at the earnest entreaties of General Lane, he returned to the town without doing it. Lane sent for him Lane sent for him to attend a council of war. The reply was characteristic of the brave old man, who despised all manner of assumptions with no fact behind theknow his opinions of the two chief leaders: I am sorry for friend Lane, he remarked, as we were speaking of his blustering style of oratoryile in this condition, or approaching it, he made a treaty with General Lane and Dr. Robinson, in behalf of the abolition rebels; and, after a perfect understanding between the Executive and the Committee. Lane uttered a few fiery sentences, which were cheered heartily, when Dr.nly. John Brown ever afterwards regretted that he returned at General Lane's request, and maintained that this Treaty, and the policy whichin favor of ignoring all treaties, and such leading men as Robinson, Lane, &c., and, proceeding at once against the border ruffian invaders, d
James Redpath, The Public Life of Captain John Brown, Chapter 9: battle of Ossawatomie. (search)
th of July, returned to Lawrence. Early in the month of August, General Lane entered Kansas by the way of Nebraska Territory. The confidencebor, in Iowa, and left the wounded man and his brother there. General Lane was not with his army, but came down with a few friends,--among war has again commenced in Kansas. Four hundred abolitionists, under Lane, have actually come into the Territory, and commenced a war of exteritory. August 15.--Brown, with four hundred abolitionists, mostly Lane's men, mounted and armed, attacked Treadwell's settlement, in Douglaed precipitately on the morning of August 31, on the approach of General Lane, and after a slight skirmish between the advance guards of the Needing vigorously with the project of re-conquering Kansas. For General Lane, in the North, with hardly any loss of life, had done what Captaect a re-subjugation of the Territory, or to give it up to freedom. Lane frightened the Southern invaders; but Brown struck terror into the c
James Redpath, The Public Life of Captain John Brown, X. John Brown's defence of Lawrence. (search)
Mayflower and to their God. Immediately despatching a messenger to Lawrence for reinforcements and a small six-pound howitzer, with directions to come via Topeka, Lane withdrew his men a few miles to the west, and encamped for the night near a spring, where he found a copy of the inaugural of Governor Geary, whose arrival in the territory had been announced only a few days before. Upon reading this document, Lane at once became satisfied of the good intentions of Geary towards the people of Kansas, and thereupon disbanded his men; and after having sent another messenger, also by the way of Topeka, to countermand his previous order for reinforcements, he emy's side rode up about half a mile in advance of his comrades to reconnoitre; halting upon a little rise in the road, and while feasting his eyes with a sight of Lane's Banditti, a full mile off, one of them, not having the fear of the Missourians before his eyes, drew a bead on him, and fired at him, waiting with breathless anx
James Redpath, The Public Life of Captain John Brown, Chapter 1: Whetting the sword. (search)
be Hugh Forbes, author of a Manual of the Patriotic Volunteer, the reading of which was the daily occupation of the writer, varied with the cleaning of rifles and revolvers, and fired twelve shots, drilled, cleaned guns and loaded, received letters from J. and G. Smith. September 23, the record acknowledges the receipt of letters from Redpath and G. Smith; on the 30th the writer finishes reading G. Smith's speech, and states that efforts were made to raise a fund to send cannon and arms to Lane, but adds that they proved a failure. On the 1st of October the journalist visits Nebraska City with Mr. Jones and Carpenter. October 3d proves a lucky date to the writer, who records the receipt then of seventy-two dollars from friend Sanborn. The succeeding day (Sunday) our journalist improves his leisure by perusing speech of Judge Curtis, delivered before the students of Union College, New Jersey, and of Dartmouth College, and at the Normal School Convention, Westfield, Mass., and at
James Redpath, The Public Life of Captain John Brown, Chapter 2: some shadows before. (search)
in his integrity and purposes. Captain Montgomery, he said, is the only soldier I have met among the prominent Kansas men. He understands my system of warfare exactly. He is a natural chieftain, and knows how to lead. The Captain spoke of General Lane, and alluded to the recent slaying of Gaius Jenkins. He said, he would not say one word against Lane in his misfortunes. His only comment was what he told the General himself-that he was his own worst enemy. Of his own early treatment at thLane in his misfortunes. His only comment was what he told the General himself-that he was his own worst enemy. Of his own early treatment at the hands of ambitious leaders, to which I had alluded in bitter terms, he said: They acted up to their instincts. As politicians, they thought every man wanted to lead, and therefore supposed I might be in the way of their schemes. While they had this feeling, of course they opposed me. Many men did not like the manner in which I conducted warfare, and they too opposed me. Committees and councils could not control my movements, therefore they did not like me. But politicians and leaders s
James Redpath, The Public Life of Captain John Brown, Chapter 3: Fleshing the sword. (search)
disgrace to Fort Scott. The United States forces marched to their rescue; Jim Lane went down to call out the Free State militia; and between these hostile fires the cause of the ruffians fell temporarily to the ground. Neither force fought, but Lane's men frightened; and the Missourians staid at home. General Lane returned; but the United States troops remained, and then joined the ruffians. Many of the soldiers, dressed in civilians' clothes, participated in their midnight forays. MontgomeGeneral Lane returned; but the United States troops remained, and then joined the ruffians. Many of the soldiers, dressed in civilians' clothes, participated in their midnight forays. Montgomery organized a force to resist them. Brockett, in one of these nocturnal excursions, murdered two Free State men, and wounded two others. On the night of the 27th of March, 1858, the ruffians of the fort made a drive on the Free State settlements on the Little Osage, being informed by their spies that the river was unguarded. They first rode up to the house of a Mr. Denton,--an inoffensive Free State man,--called him out, and after asking a few trifling questions, deliberately shot him. Som
James Redpath, The Public Life of Captain John Brown, Chapter 4: Exodus. (search)
God Almighty to act against slavery. He claimed to be responsible for the wise exercises of his powers only, and not for the quality of certain acts. In taking slaves out of Missouri, he said that he would teach those living in glass houses not to throw stones, and they would have more than they could do to keep slavery in Missouri, without extending it against the will of Kansas. The battle of Black Jack and others, he was free to say, he thought had scared Missouri, and that was Gen. Lane's opinion. They did not report half the number killed, which they were ashamed to do, nor will it ever be known. I could repeat much that he said which showed a wonderful sagacity, and a bold, undaunted spirit. His whole demeanor was that of a well-bred gentleman, and his narratives were given with child-like simplicity. He feared nothing, for said he, Any who will try to take me and my company are cowards, and one man in the right, ready to die, will chase a thousand. Not less