Browsing named entities in James D. Porter, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.1, Tennessee (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for Lane or search for Lane in all documents.

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o halt. The attack was abandoned, and Johnson occupied, with his skirmishers, the advance rifle-pits, distant 250 yards from the enemy's fort. During the assault on Fort Loudon, Johnson's brigade lost Lieut. S. W. Ross, Forty-fourth, and Private J. P. Hicks, Seventeenth, killed, and 19 officers and men wounded. On December 4th, at nightfall, Johnson's command withdrew from the line of investment in front of Knoxville and moved with Longstreet's corps to Bean's Station and Rogersville. Major Lane, of the Twenty-third, withdrew the pickets from the enemy's front at 11 p. m. Johnson's command was not in good condition for a campaign in midwinter; the men were poorly clad and many of them barefooted. On December 14th they participated in a combat at Bean's Station, in which the brigade sustained a loss of 6 killed and 52 wounded. In this affair General Johnson advanced directly against the enemy and drove him to the buildings at Bean's Station, where he met with a stout resistance
step. General Pender, with three brigades, became hotly engaged, and Archer, commanding his own, Lane's and Brockenbrough's brigades, moved by the left flank, and after forming on Pender's left, a si in confusion. Gen. R. E. Lee, referring to this action in his official report, said Archer and Lane repulsed that portion of the line in their immediate front, but before the interval between these, the enemy passed through in overwhelming numbers and turned the left of Archer and the right of Lane, attacking in front and flank the two regiments of Archer and the brigade of Lane, which after a Lane, which after a brave and obstinate resistance gave way. Archer held his line with the First Tennessee and with the Fifth Alabama battalion, assisted by the Forty-second Virginia and the Twenty-second Virginia battalnd Heth's divisions. They went forward supported by Wilcox's brigade of Anderson's-division, and Lane's and Scales' brigades of Pender's division, under Major-General Trimble, the gallant Pender havi
her battles of 1862, but at Chancellorsville, in 1863, his opportunities were again great, and he measured fully up to the occasion, adding much to his already splendid reputation. On the field of Gettysburg, the magnificent fighting of Wilcox's men gave new glory to the brigade and its dashing commander. On the 9th of August, 1863, Wilcox was commissioned major-general and assigned to the command of the division in Hill's corps that had been commanded by Pender at Gettysburg. It comprised Lane's North Carolina brigade, five regiments; Thomas' Georgia brigade, four regiments; McGowan's South Carolina brigade, five regiments; and Scales' North Carolina brigade, five regiments. In the campaigns from the Wilderness to Appomattox, Wilcox's division constantly added to its already great reputation. Notwithstanding the many brilliant victories of the final campaigns in Virginia, superior numbers and resources won at last. In the last fighting around Petersburg two small forts, Battery