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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book IV:—the first autumn. (search)
and on the 7th of September he met at Drywood Creek, near the Kansas frontier, the troops of General Lane, who had some time since entered Missouri, where his soldiers were committing all sorts of depredations. Lane was driven back into Kansas, and Price occupied Fort Scott, which he found abandoned. Sturgis, on his side, had quitted Rolla with his brigade, and was skirmishing in the north of M Point and Norfolk3,510 men At Cairo4,826 men At Fort Holt3,595 men At Paducah7,791 men Under Lane2,200 men At Monroe and near Cairo900 men —— Total55,695 men After driving Lane back into Lane back into Kansas, Price marched against Lexington. This little city, situated four hundred and eighty kilometres above St. Louis, commanded the whole upper course of the Missouri and secured communication withclosely. While Fremont was gathering his forces and Sturgis was preparing to cross the Missouri, Lane sent some mounted troops to harass Price's rear. Consequently, on the 24th of September, a Confe