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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book VI:—Virginia. (search)
od beyond the railroad. His line was formed by three brigades drawn up in the rear of the track, Lane in the centre, a little in advance of the others, Pender on the left, and Archer on the right, se crossing the railway track without slackening his pace, he carried the entrenchments defended by Lane's brigade. The first line of the Confederates was pierced. Sinclair's Federal brigade, supported by that of Magilton, dispersed Lane's soldiers, while, on his left, the brigade of the Union general Jackson, having penetrated into the interval of the enemy's line, flanked Archer's left, drove itormed with difficulty some distance in the rear. In the mean while, Meade's right, after driving Lane's brigade before it, had become engaged with Thomas' brigade, which made a stand before him. It wher's brigade was, in fact, making a bold stand on the extreme Confederate right; the soldiers of Lane, Gregg and Brockenborough rallied at the appeal of their officers, and there were three strong di
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), chapter 9 (search)
per's brigade, Jenkins' brigade, Walker's brigade. 3d Division, Ransom. Brigade, ...... (formerly Ransom's); Cook's brigade. 4th Division, Hood. Law's brigade, Toombs' brigade, G. T. Anderson's brigade, Robertson's brigade, Evans' brigade. 5th Division, McLaws. Howell Cobb's brigade, Barksdale's brigade, Kershaw's brigade, Semmes' brigade, Drayton's brigade. Artillery, Walton. 2d corps, Jackson. 1st Division, A. P. Hill. Field's brigade, Gregg's brigade, Thomas' brigade, Lane's brigade, Archer's brigade, Pender's brigade. 2d Division, D. H. Hill. Rodes' brigade, Iverson's brigade, Doles' brigade (formerly Ripley's), Colquitt's brigade, Grimes' brigade (formerly Anderson's). 3d Division, Ewell. Hay's brigade, Trimble's brigade, Early's brigade, Lawton's brigade. 4th Division, Taliaferro. Paxton's brigade (formerly Winder's), Jones' brigade, Warren's brigade, Pendleton's brigade (formerly Starke's). Artillery, Walker. Cavalry Division, Stuart. W.