Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 25, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Lane or search for Lane in all documents.

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r his leadership. A sufficient Federal force will be left in this region to secure its future peace and safety. Lane's Brutal plans endorsed by General M'Clellan. The New York Evening Post's Washington correspondent says, that GeGen. Lane has, in several interviews with the President, discussed his plans, and that, in a conversation with Gen. McClellan, the Commander-in-Chief thus addressed him: "Suppose you find the Union sentiment whatever where you go?" "Then," replied Lane, "I will take good care to leave no rebel sentiment behind me. If Missouri, Arkansas, and the indian country will not come peacefully under the laws of the Government, my plan is to make them a wilderness. I would give the traitors twenty-fou. Sir, If I can't do better, I will kill off the white traitors, and give their lands to loyal black men!" The friends of Lane assert that, upon hearing this reply, McClellan laughed heartily, and said, "You must work out your own plans Go your own
the discharge of enlisted minors, providing that no persons under 18 years of age shall be mustered into the military service, and that the cath of enlistment shall be conclusive as to age, was agreed to. Also an amendment imposing the death penalty upon spies, and persons fording safeguards. The bill was then laid aside until to-day. The consideration of the report of the Judiciary Committee, adverse to the reputation of Senator Bright, of Indiana, was then resumed, and Messrs. Sumner, Lane of Indiana. And Bright made interesting speeches to the subject, but without taking a few be paid on printed matter carried outside the mails, was taken up. Mr. Colfax advocated its passage, and stated that he believed over a million dollars would be realized, and if so, with the franking privilege abolished, and the California mails paid for out of the Treasury, as provided by law, the Post Office would be nearly if not quite self-supporting. Several amendments and a substitute offe