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was his conviction that the Lord of Hosts was fighting for the Confederates. He found fault with sundry Government proceedings in their foreign policy, and opposed the cession of the Ionian Islands. Lord Palmerston replied, but said nothing of moment in regard to America. The address was gained to. At the opening of business in the Lords, the Prince of Walse took his seat for the first time, with the formalities usual on such occasions. In the House of Commons, on the 6th, Mr. Layard, in response to some explanations on the Brazilian difficulty, said he believed that friendly relations would soon be restored. Mr. Bentinck made some remarks on the American war. He said that he believed that if the proposal to recognize the South was brought forward, it would be supported by Parliament. The Times, adverting to the American question in Parliament, pallets out that the views of the opposition are the same as those of the Government. After a recess of six eventfu
n flesh as a desecration and pollution to the English Exchange. There was rather less excitement in regard to the loan on Friday, the 25th and after touching at 6½.It closed at 4½a4½ premium. The bids reached £10,000,000 stealing, and were expected to reach £15,000,000 to £18,000,000. The London Times again asserts that it is regarded as a cotton transaction and not as a political loan, and there is nothing in it to prevent any one from subscribing. In the House of Commons, Mr. Layard, in reply to an inquiry, said that since the breaking out of the civil war in America the communication between the British Government and the United States in reference to the Island of San Juan, has been suspended. The bill reducing the tobacco duties had passed through the committee. On the 20th Seymour Fitzgerald gave notice that he would, on the 23d, ask whether the Government had accepted, or intended to accept, the proposal of President Lincoln as to a communication betwee<
The Daily Dispatch: May 13, 1863., [Electronic resource], The late debate in the British Parliament. (search)
the character of the subject, to continue the debate on the present occasion. He must express his regret for the language of the honorable member from Sheffield. Mr. Peacock said it was very inconvenient to discuss a question of such importance without having more authentic information than a newspaper correspondence. He therefore moved an amendment for the production of all the official correspondence relating to the matter. Mr. Newdegate denounced Mr. Roebuck's language. Mr. Layard deprecated a continuance of the discussion, and hoped that the House had confidence enough in the Government to leave the matter in their hands. With regard to the conveyance of the mails the question had not been fairly represented to the merchants, who had requested that a mail agent should be placed on board vessels carrying mails to Mexico, or that they should be relieved of the obligation of carrying them lest they should be likely to be seized from having hostile correspondence in t
Later from Europe. The steamship Sidone, with Liverpool dates of the 20th ult., has arrived at New York: The news of the destruction of some American vessels off Pernambuco by piratical cruisers had reached England. Mr. Layard stated in Parliament that the British Consul at Mobile was promptly dismissed for shipping specie on a British steamer. In the House of Lords the Marquis Clariacorde denounced the seizure of British vessels by United States cruisers as a violation of the law of nations, and complained of the procedure adopted by United States prize courts. Lord Russell defended the course of the American Government, and said all their communication showed they fully respected international law, and desired to act accordingly. The law officers of the Crown in all cases of complaint reported there was no rational ground of objection to the decisions of the United States prize courts. He thought the blockade runners, when they lost a vessel, demanded redr
rrespondent repeats the statement that the rebels, with the sanction of the Emperor of France, have applied to Spain for recognition, offering to guarantee to her in case of recognition, the possession of Cuba. It is thought in Madrid that, in any case, the Emperor of France will not much longer postpone recognizing the Confederacy. Mr. Lindray, in a letter to the Times, confirms the statements of Mr. Roebuck, respecting their interview with the Emperor of France. On the other hand, Mr. Layard, in the name of the Government, gave again an emphatically denial to the truth of Mr. Roebuck's statements. The Times prefers the concurrent and positive statements of members of the Cabinet to those of Mr. Roebuck and Mr. Lindsay, and thinks that the letter must have misunderstood the Emperor. The Times has an inflammatory letter, recounting the particulars of the firing upon the blockade runner Margaret and Jessie by the Union Rhode Island, and branding one of the most unjustifia
gomery, State of Alabama, to force him to serve in the Confederate army, had been attended with effect; and whether there was any objection to state the substance of whatever communications had been received from Lord Lyons on the subject. Mr. Layard.--The case of Mr. Belsham has been brought to the notice of Her Majesty's Government. The honorable gentleman is under a misapprehension when he says that the case was brought before the Confederate authorities under the direction of Lord Lyon imply that the torture was applied on the part of the Confederate Government? [Hear.] The second question is, whether, inasmuch as this is a very grave affair, he will lay all the papers connected with the case on the table of the House? Mr. Layard.--I am afraid that torture, in the strict sense of the word, has been inflicted.--But I am bound to say that these acts were committed by persons apparently acting under the authority of the Confederate Government, but at a distance from the se
that so and so, and it is believed that so and so is the fact. You must be aware, however, that, according to British law, prosecutions cannot be set on foot upon the ground of violation of the foreign enlistment act without the affidavits of creditable witnesses, as in other cases of misdemeanor and crimes. Such likewise is the law in use. Yours, &c. Russell. Description of the vessels. [From the Manchester Examiner, August 31.] One of the two iron steam rams built by Messrs. Layard, at Berkenhead, was launched at their works on Saturday, Aug. 20, in the presence of a large crowd of spectators, who were freely admitted into the yard. The vessel launched Saturday was christened the El Monasser, or Victory; her consort, launched a few weeks ago, being named the El Tonneson. When launched both vessels bore the English flag astern and the French flag amidships. Each are 230 feet long, 42 beam, and 19 feet deep. Their measurement is 1,850 tons, and their engi
owed that England was quite unfettered in the matter, never having given the slightest promise of assistance to Denmark. In the House of Commons Mr. Disraeli spoke in a similar strain to Earl Derby, assailing the foreign policy of the Government. Lord Palmerston replied, vigorously defending the course of Earl Russell. Mr. Gladstone explained that the promise of England to stand by Denmark was given under circumstances different from those which control the present war. Mr. Layard read dispatches from Austria and Prussia, stating that whatever arrangements might be mad relative to Schleswig and Holstein, The great Powers would be consulted. After some other speeches the address to the Queen was agreed to. In the course of his remarks Mr. Disraeli contended that the Queen's speech should have made some reference to American affairs, and complained of its silence on this and other important subjects. Lord Palmerston replied that the Government could onl
r, Mr. Adams, it would seem, abstained from reading this document to the Foreign Secretary, and leaving with him a copy, as he was directed to do. The dispatch has been laid upon the table of Congress, but as it has not been communicated to Her Majesty's Government it could not be included in the papers laid before Parliament. Some curious member of the Federal Legislature may be able to elicit further information, but the Government of this country have, as we understand Earl Russell and Mr. Layard, no official knowledge of the existence of such a dispatch. There is a little mystery about the matter in regard to the subsequent dispatch from Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward, to which Lord Derby adverted; but in whatever manner the American Minister here and the American Minister at Washington may have settled what concerns themselves and their own Government, the distinct affirmation of our Foreign Secretary, that no such dispatch has been delivered to him, is sufficient to account for its om
Ambassadors. The Attorney General defended the Government and explained their legal action. He claimed for the Government the merit of acting from a sense of Justice and from no other motive. Several other speakers denounced the course of the Government, and charged it with pusillanimity. --Others defended the Government. Finally the motion was rejected by a vote of 128 to 153, a majority for the Government of 25, which was received with local cheers from the Ministerial side. Mr. Layard said it was true that with the consent of the British and American Governments tobacco had been passed through the blockade from Richmond for the Austrian and French Governments. England had made no similar application for cotton, because the case was altogether different. An immense meeting had been held at Dublin to protest against the erection of the Albert me moral on the College Green, but it was broken up by riotous proceedings. A desperate fight took place; but no serious
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