Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 23, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Layard or search for Layard in all documents.

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e of Commons, on the 7th, the debate on Disraeli's motion of censure was resumed, and a fierce party debate ensued Mr. Layard severely denounced Disraeli's argument, and charged him with having garbled Parliamentary papers. Mr. Hardy indignantly replied, and said Mr. Layard's statement was calumnious. This word was objected to. A member contended it was permissible, while Palmerston argued that it was not, and a very turbulent scene ensued, the whole opposition side defending the remark. Finally, after an apology from Mr. Layard, the debate proceeded, and at its close, Mr. Hennessey, amidst great cheering, recalled a case in which Lord Palmerston himself used the term "calumnious" towards Mr. Layard, some years ago, andMr. Layard, some years ago, and the Speaker, on that occasion, ruled the expression in order The debate was renewed on the 8th amidst great excitement, the principal speakers being Osborn, Walpole, Palinerston, and Disraeli Mr. Newdegate, at the solicitation of Lord Palm