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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 22 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: May 12, 1862., [Electronic resource] 12 0 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 2 0 Browse Search
Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 2 0 Browse Search
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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Lee, Ann 1736-1784 (search)
Lee, Ann 1736-1784 Founder of the American Society of Shakers; born in Manchester, England, Feb. 29, 1736; was a cook in a public institution when she married a blacksmith named Stanley. In 1758 she joined the Shakers in England. The society had just been formed by James and Jane Wardley, Quakers. About 1770 she began to prophesy against the wickedness of marriage as the root of all human depravity, and resumed her maiden name of Lee. She came to America with some followers in 1774, and in 1776 they established themselves at Niskayuna, near Watervliet, where she was the recognized leader of the sect. Being opposed to war, she was suspected of being followers greatly increased. During a religious revival in New Lebanon (since in Columbia county, N. Y.) in 1780 many persons were converted to the doctrines of Ann Lee, and the now flourishing Society of Shakers of New Lebanon was founded. She and some of her followers made missionary tours into New England with considerable
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Shakers (search)
Shakers An English sect, now chiefly found in the United States, arose in the time of Charles I., and derived its name from voluntary convulsions. It soon disappeared, but was revived by James Wardley in 1747, and more successfully by Ann Lee (or Standless), expelled Quakers, about 1757. The sect emigrated to America, May, 1772, and settled near Albany, N. Y., 1774. They have several communities in the United States; they hold all goods in common, live uprightly, and are noted for frugality, industry, integrity, and thrift. They denounce marriage as sinful, regard celibacy as holy, oppose war, disown baptism and the Lord's Supper, and use a sort of dancing as part of worship.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Shenandoah Valley, chronology of the operations in the (search)
Shenandoah Valley, chronology of the operations in the : Campaign of Grant against Lee embraced movements up the Shenandoah Valley. Sigel, commanding Department of West Virginia, is sent up the valley with 10,000 men, supported by General Crook, who leaves Charlestown, W. Va., at the same timeMay 1, 1864 Breckinridge defeats Sigel at New-marketMay 15, 1864 Grant relieves Sigel and appoints Hunter, who defeats the Confederates under Gen. W. E. Jones at PiedmontJune 5, 1864 Hunter, joined by Crook and Averill, advances to Staunton, and instead of proceeding to Gordonsville to join Sheridan, goes to Lexington, and on June 18 threatens Lynchburg with 20,000 men; but opposed by a much stronger force, escapes into West Virginia, where his force for the time is useless. Confederate forces, now under General Early, move rapidly down the Shenandoah to the Potomac, and spread consternation from Baltimore to WashingtonJuly 2-3, 1864 Gen. Lew. Wallace attempts to check the Confed
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Sheridan, Philip Henry 1831-1888 (search)
ferred to the Army of the Potomac (April, 1864) as chief of cavalry. When the Federal army emerged from the Wilderness, in 1864, General Sheridan was sent to cut Lee's communications with Richmond. This was the first of the great raids of that leader in Virginia, and was a short but destructive one. He took with him a greater e House, leisurely returned to the Army of the Potomac. In the campaign against Richmond until August, 1864, he did signal service in making destructive raids on Lee's communications. On Aug. 1 he was detached to the valley of the Shenandoah, where he defeated the Confederates in several en gagements. During this campaign Gen-troyed for the distance of 15 miles. Then Custer in one direction, and Devin in another, made complete destruction of railways and bridges, as well as supplies, in Lee's rear, inflicting a more serious blow to the Confederate cause than any victory during the last campaign. Sheridan then swept around by the White House, and joine
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Slavery. (search)
fate of similar bills from other colonies to suppress the nefarious traffic. It was sent back with a veto. The King in council, on Dec. 10, 1770, issued an instruction, under his own hand, commanding the governor of Virginia, upon pain of the highest displeasure, to assent to no law by which the importation of slaves should be in any respect prohibited or obstructed. In 1772 the Virginia Assembly earnestly discussed the question, How shall we get rid of the great evil? Jefferson, Henry, Lee, and other leading men anxiously desired to rid the colony of it. The interest of the country, it was said, manifestly requires the total expulsion of them. The Assembly finally resolved to address the King himself on the subject, who, in council, had compelled the toleration of the traffic. They pleaded with him to remove all restraints upon their efforts to stop the importation of slaves, which they called a very pernicious commerce. In this matter Virginia represented the sentiments of
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Smith, Charles Henry 1827- (search)
Smith, Charles Henry 1827- Military officer; born in Hollis, Me., Nov. 1, 1827; was made captain of the 1st Maine Cavalry soon after the beginning of the Civil War; rose to colonel in the spring of 1863, and was active as a cavalry officer in the campaigns in Virginia and at Gettysburg that year. He was with Sheridan in his operations in May and June, 1864, and was one of the most efficient cavalry officers of the Army of the Potomac in the campaign against Richmond that year, commanding a brigade of Gregg's division south and west of Petersburg, and then in the later operations, that resulted in the capture of Lee and his army. For gallant and meritorious services during the war he was brevetted major-general, United States army, in 1867; commissioned colonel of the 28th United States Infantry in 1866; transferred to the 19th Infantry in 1869; and was retired in 1891.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New York, (search)
Van Wart, near Tarrytown......Sept. 23, 1780 Arnold, hearing of the capture of Andre, escapes to the Vulture......Sept. 24, 1780 [Arnold received from the British government £ 10,000 and commission of brigadier-general.] A military board, Gen. Nathanael Greene president, convict Andre as a spy......Sept. 29, 1780 General Washington approves the finding of the board......Sept. 30, 1780 Major Andre hanged at Tappan at twelve o'clock, noon, and buried there......Oct. 2, 1780 Ann Lee, founder of the Shakers, coming from England, settles with a body of that sect near Albany, 1774, and establishes a community of them at New Lebanon......1780 William Alexander (Lord Stirling), major-general in the American army, dies at Albany, aged fifty-seven......Jan. 15, 1783 Order of the Cincinnati founded by the officers of the army encamped on the Hudson......May 13, 1783 Treaty of peace with Great Britain signed at Paris......Sept. 3, 1783 British evacuate New York Cit
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.), Book III (continued) (search)
m in New England. Grimes and Dods, Stone and Andrew Jackson Davis taught and practised so assiduously that all New England marvelled at what looked like miracles and gossiped interminably about phenomena, which psychical specialists on either side the ocean have lately in many instances more lucidly explained. Only five miles from the place where Mrs. Eddy lived from her fifteenth to her twenty-second year, the Shakers at Canterbury were still under the spell of their aggressive leader, Ann Lee, who had died some time before, but of whom her followers still spoke as Mother, the divine spiritual intuition representing the Mother in Deity, the type of God's Motherhood, the female Christ, the Father-Mother God. Meanwhile in 1832, Emerson, twenty-nine years old, had visited at Craigenputtock the compelling Carlyle and had been profoundly moved by his magniloquent and thundering announcement that God is in every man, at a time when Newman at Oxford with mellifluous words was assurin
distinguished in the naval and military history of the Confederate States, was born in Clarke county, Va., in 1807. The worthy Virginia family to which he belongs is descended from John Page, an immigrant from England in early days, one of whose descendants, John Page, wedded Jane Byrd of Westover. Their son, Mann Page, was father to William Byrd Page, born at North End, Gloucester county, in 1768, who was a farmer by occupation, and died at Fairfield, Clarke county, in 1812. He married Ann Lee, who was born at Leesylvania, Prince William county, in 1776, and died at Washington, D. C. She was a daughter of Henry Lee, and sister of Gen. Henry Lee, the famous cavalry officer, known as Light Horse Harry, father of Gen. Robert E. Lee. Another brother, Charles Lee, was attorney-general of the United States in Washington's administration. Richard L. Page, son of William Byrd and Ann Page, became a midshipman in the United States navy March 12, 1824, being first assigned to the sloop-o
Pearce alias Duff may pass in some other localities, but not in this we feel confident. At 11 o' clock on Saturday, Coroner Sanxay, assisted by High Constable Freeman, proceeded to hold an inquest over the body of deceased, and elicited considerable testimony, which we are not permitted to insert for want of room. Enough was testified to show that several other ruffians besides Duff were engaged in the melee. Alice Hardgrove, Julia Selden, Susan Beveridge, L. M. Carter, (policeman.) Ann Lee, Mary Jones, and M Petzenhardt, were examined as witnesses, by whose testimony it was shown that a certain McKay, one Frank, and a man named Bub Moore, who, together with Dick Duff. are all from Baltimore, are implicated in the bloody transaction. The jury returned a verdict that deceased came to his death by wounds inflicted by two sharp weapons: one in the hands of a man named Dick Duff, the other supposed to be in the hands of one of three men, named — McKay, Bob Moore, and Frank —
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