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with guns' without bayonets, charged the enemy's line and artillery, and drove them from the field. To mention names where all, both officers and men, did their duty so well and so nobly, may seem, I fear, invidious. Yet I feel that I ought to say to Captain Crawford, who commanded the battalion that made the charge upon and captured the rebel battery, great credit is due for his gallantry; and the names of Capts. Ayres, Russell, Hopkins, and Gardner, and Lieuts. Moore, Cosgrove, Ballard, Lee, and Johnson, and Sergeant Baker, all of whom commanded companies, are worthy of especial and honorable mention. Lieut. Stover proved himself not only a gallant officer but a good artillerist, abundantly shown by the effect produced by his little howitzers. Lieut.-Col. Bassett also demonstrated his gallantry and ability as an officer upon the field. The officers and men of the other regiments were disappointed at not being in time to take a part in the conflict, and only failed to distin
the detachment, and sent forward Lieut. Hart and ten of his men to ascertain whether the enemy had passed the crossing, and he ascertained from a reliable source that the enemy, consisting of from three hundred to five hundred of Stuart's cavalry, Lee's brigade, were encamped within two miles back of the other road. At daylight we advanced upon the enemy, and when within seven hundred yards, I ordered Capt. Rourke to the front with his guns, when a few well-directed shell and shot, fired by Cae been at least three killed, sixteen were taken prisoners, nineteen horses captured, and one hundred and sixty head of cattle. I have been informed by one of the prisoners that the enemy's force consisted of two picked men from each company of Lee's brigade, Stuart's cavalry. The success of the expedition is owing to the rapidity of our movements, having advanced some thirty-five miles during the night, and to the cheerful and active cooperation of the officers and men composing the deta
of about forty men started, but, I regret to say, were recaptured. Of the seventy-nine sent to the rear there was one captain and two lieutenants. I have no doubt there were other officers, but did not have an opportunity to examine them closely enough to find out. Of the officers engaged it is almost impossible to particularize, they all did so well. Captain Eli Long led his company with the greatest gallantry, and wants wounded by a ball through his left arm. Lieutenants Mouck, Kelly, Lee and Healey could not have done better. It was a matter of surprise to me, considering the ground passed over, to find Dr. Comfort so soon on the field with his ambulances, caring for the wounded. He was in time to capture a prisoner himself. First Sergeant Martin-Murphy led company G, commanding it with great gallantry. He reports having counted eleven dead of the enemy on the ground over which his company charged. Sergeant-Major John G. Webster behaved gallantly, taking one lieutenant m
Doc. 39.-Colonel Lee's reconnoissance. Missouri Democrat account. South of Grand Junction, Monday, November 10, 1862. I write in great haste to give you an account of the reconnoissance just completed, to Cold-water, Miss. On the eigh and two divisions of infantry and artillery. The cavalry, about one thousand five hundred strong, was under command of Col. Lee, of the Seventh Kansas, who now leads the division during Colonel Mizner's absence, and the infantry, numbering some ten, of course, to harry and observe the enemy; but the directions were positive not to bring on a general engagement. Colonel Lee started on the advance from this point at seven o'clock on the eighth, and soon drove in the enemy's pickets just thisllel road lying to the west, in such a way as to throw themselves in our rear, and between us and our infantry support. Col. Lee immediately divided his column, ordering Col Hatch to keep on down toward Hudsonville, while he himself, with about seve
were marched from this point across the country to Washington; the balance of my forces, including the Second brigade, Colonel Stevenson, and the Third brigade, Colonel Lee, were embarked on transports, and landed at Washington, where they were joined by Colonel Amory's command on Saturday evening, the second instant. On Sunday,land, and it was not until the morning of November second that the whole expedition set out for the interior, in three brigades, under Colonels Amory, Stevenson and Lee. The Fifth Massachusetts was in Col. Lee's brigade, the Forty-fourth was in that of Colonel Stevenson. The Twenty-third Massachusetts was commanded by Major ChambCol. Lee's brigade, the Forty-fourth was in that of Colonel Stevenson. The Twenty-third Massachusetts was commanded by Major Chambers. Major-General Foster commanded the expedition in person. The column took up the march toward Williamtston, twenty-five miles distant, Gen. Stevenson's brigade at the head, and the New-York cavalry thrown out in advance. Skirmishers were sent out to the right and left, as the army proceeded. When nine miles from Washingto
s that were observed leaving Fredericksburgh last evening carried away with them, no doubt, many a guilty head whose cowardly consciences feared to let them meet the Union forces. Each discharge of our battery at them, as they hurried away, must have caused their cheeks to blanch at the prospect of receiving a shell in the trains. The enemy succeeded, last night, in getting their battery away. About dusk they brought a limber over a bridge that spans a branch stream, and our battery gave them a parting shot just as night came on. The Harris Light cavalry arrived in town this morning, and it is presumed they will cross over the river and examine the country. The First New-Jersey cavalry is also on the scout in this neighborhood. No sign of an enemy is visible on the opposite shore. Gen. Lee telegraphed to the citizens of Fredericksburgh, yesterday, that we were coming in two columns. He was mistaken, as we came in three, with the artillery on the road, making the fourth.
w all of our first day's march. Toward noon on Friday we passed the place where Lee's cavalry had so successful a skirmish with the enemy a week or so ago. The onlyo the camping ground yesterday evening, we passed the spot on the road where Colonel Lee, who is in the advance, had four hours previous had a skirmish with the enemge of the artillerymen, of the two guns of the Second Iowa battery that are with Lee, was thrown just as they threw it down when the enemy was first seen. The rebelued to drive the enemy back along the road toward the Tallahatchie River. Colonel Lee, with his brigade of cavalry and two ten-pound Parrott guns, was far in the his afternoon, however, when I rode down the road toward the Tallahatchie, I met Lee's cavalry coming back to camp about four miles this side of the river. One of t the armies of Sherman and Grant will overwhelm them. This evening, after Colonel Lee's forces and the two Ohio regiments had withdrawn to camp, some distant firi
Court-House, and captured important despatches, showing that Lee was moving by forced marches the main body of the rebel army Acquia Creek to enable us to prevent any further advance of Lee, and eventually, with the combined armies, to drive him backhowever, the movement was too late, as a large detachment of Lee's army was already east of Thoroughfare Gap. Hooker encounthe Centreville turnpike. McDowell had succeeded in checking Lee at Thoroughfare Gap, but the latter took the road from Hopev Seeing that an attack upon Washington would now be futile, Lee pushed his main army across the Potomac for a raid into Marydraw him entirely from that position, with the great body of Lee's forces between him and our army, would not only expose theeing defeated and driven from his position with heavy loss. Lee's army then fell back behind Antietam Creek, a few miles aboattack, and on the night of the eighteenth and nineteenth Gen. Lee withdrew his army to the south side of the Potomac. Our
ol. Mizener with the Third brigade in the advance; Col. Lee with the First brigade in the centre, and Col. HatCoffeeville road, which brought him to the rear of Col. Lee's column when he reached it. The column was thus led by Colonel Lee. At seven o'clock Friday morning, the column started in the order indicated above. At a pbecame heavy, and the enemy holding their ground, Colonel Lee brought forward a ten-pounder James rifled gun, ae retrograde movement. At once Colonels Dickey and Lee discovered that the position was untenable, and that were within four rods of the mouth of our cannon Colonel Lee ordered the piece limbered up and moved to the reuggle. Officers and men did nobly. Colonels Dickey, Lee, and Mizener, Lieut.-Colonels Prince and McCullough, directed the movements of their commands. One of Col. Lee's best officers was killed, and five of Col. Hatcher. Col. Hatch's horse was killed under him, and Colonel Lee's disabled by a Minie bullet. At length, having
hour's brisk engagement, the enemy's fire. Col. Lee's brigade was in advance of the main column, which they were to burn. Three regiments of Col. Lee's brigade were ordered to their support, (the, ordered a countermarch for Newbern, leaving Col. Lee to form the rear-guard. Col. Lee was forming Col. Lee was forming his brigade to leave the field, deeming the fight over, when three regimental colors were seen acros the embankment on which the track was laid. Col. Lee placed Morrison's battery in position, and res across the railroad steadily in line upon Colonel Lee's brigade. Morrison's battery opened on ths also a regiment in the woods on our right. Col. Lee, having orders not to attempt any further movwhich I had halted on hearing the firing from Col. Lee. This was a bold attempt of the enemy to entrap and secure Col. Lee's brigade and Morrison's battery. Owing to the efficiency of Colonel Lee Colonel Lee and Morrison's battery, it was a disastrous failure. With a strong cavalry rear-guard, I then st