Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 1, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Tom Lee or search for Tom Lee in all documents.

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n the field may be gained from the following conversation: --Seward asked him how many rebels were now in arms as be believed. He replied, "Well, I can't say exactly; but as we have had seven hundred thousand, and as our armies — agreeable to the statements — have always defeated overwhelming bodies of rebels at least two to one, they must have a million and a half." The bulletins are daily filled with the most absurd canards — such as President Davis's death--Gen. Jackson's capture--Gen. Lee wounded--30,000 Confederate prisoners--great Union victory at the Creek of Antietam, all of which are greedily devoured and believed. After Pope's defeat, there were 25,000 wounded brought into Washington. --Once the Confederates crossed into Maryland and the ght at Sharpsburg, eight thousand have been brought into Washington, one thousand into Baltimore, one thousand into Philadelphia, the same number into New York, and it is said that there are five thousand scattered about Frederick, H<
h all the speed which the most imperfect means of transportation could afford. On my arrival here, I ascertained that General Lee had left Frederick with the army on his march to Hagerstown. I had the pleasure of meeting him for a few hours only oation to the people of Maryland. The people of Maryland had no notice of the Glance of the Southern troops. When General Lee was in Frederick he was forty-five miles from the city of Baltimore — a city surrounded by Federal bayonets, jealouslyl the circumstances above briefly alluded to, and say it was possible for Baltimore to respond to the proclamation of General Lee, or the eight counties of the Eastern Shore, directed from the western throughout their entire length by the Chesapeakd to know whether the entrance of the army was intended to be a mere told or a substantial occupation for their relief. Gen. Lee's proclamation was intended to assure them of the latter, but, before it could accomplish that object military necessiti
The Daily Dispatch: October 1, 1862., [Electronic resource], Views before the battle of Sharpsburg. (search)
Our wounded. --One hundred and fifty of our wounded men arrived from Gen. Lee's army, on the Central cars, on Monday night, and were carried to the General Hospital No. 1, north end of Second street. The twelve o'clock train, yesterday, brought very few, none arrived last night.
Twenty-five Dollars reward. --Ranaway, on the night of August 22d. Tom Lee, a slave, in the employment of this Company, hired from Mr. Barton B. Wright, of Caroline county, Va. The said slave is about 35 years of age, 5 feet 8 inches high, gingerbread color, and very heavy set. He is supposed to be in the city, lurking about the neighborhood of Screamersville. The above reward of twenty five dollars will be paid for his apprehension and delivery to the office of the Company in Richmond, to one of our agents on the line, or lodged in some jail, that we may procure him. Samuel Ruth, Supt. Office R., F. & P. R. R. Co., Richmond, Oct. 1, 1862. oc 1--6t
From the army in Northern Virginia. Our last advices from our army in Northern Virginia, and the reported movements of the enemy under McClellan, are of an important character, and such as to create the belief that a great battle is impending, if it has not already occurred. All reports concur in the statement that the enemy, in heavy force, have crossed the Potomac at Harper's Ferry and Shepherdstown, and that our own forces, under General Lee have taken up a strong position, in which to await the approach of the enemy. The enemy are represented to be approaching by the turnpike road leading from Harper's Ferry to Smithfield, in Jefferson county, and from Shepherdstown by way of the Smithfield and Shepherdstown turnpike. Both of these are fine roads, and leading through the heart of Jefferson county. From Shepherdstown to Smithfield the distance is twelve miles, and from Harper's Ferry to the same point is about fifteen miles. Another account represents that, in additio
ecial dispatch to the Advertiser and Register, from Senatcha, says the Memphis Bulletin of the 28th, received here, says that nothing important has been received from the North. All quiet along the lines of the Potomac. Private dispatches received in Washington represent matters dull at McClellan's headquarters. The Chicago Times says that advices from the upper Potomac represent that the Federal troops had made no forward movement, though active operations will not be long delayed.--Gen. Lee's headquarters are at Falling Waters. The rebels are concentrating a Winchester, which place is being fortified.--The loss at the battle of Antietam is officially stated at 9,220, while that of the enemy exceeds 10,000. A special telegram from Washington to the Chicago Times says that the rumor that a draft is about to be made has foundation in fact to the extent that the President has determined in case the country does not at once rally under the policy enacted in his emancipation p