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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 2, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Lee or search for Lee in all documents.
Your search returned 39 results in 3 document sections:
General Lee's
We had thought that the New York Times and Tribune, and the Philadelphia Inquirer, had engrossed all the military talent of the press.
It is n rld has guessed as we suspect, rightly in the present instance.
It is, that General Lee intends something much more serious than a mere incursion into Pennsylvania. g when we read the imagined contingencies, in which Hooker may get the better of Lee, and, perhaps, "bag his army." We can only say, if Hooker can bag Lee he is welcLee he is welcome to him; but we should not be surprised to hear that Lee had bagged Hooker.
Throughout the whole Confederacy the highest degree of confidence is felt in Gen.Lee had bagged Hooker.
Throughout the whole Confederacy the highest degree of confidence is felt in Gen. Lee. --The people feel confident that he is bent upon some enterprise which will have a most important bearing upon the of the war.--They feel assured that he, whoGen. Lee. --The people feel confident that he is bent upon some enterprise which will have a most important bearing upon the of the war.--They feel assured that he, who has heretofore proved himself so prudent, so cautious, so sagacious so careful of the lives of his men, will not undertake any enterprise of great magnitude in which
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