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or die in the attempt. The charge was made, the centre of Walker's regiment, Capt. Stokes's position facing the centre of the Iowa regiment. As the two columns came within a few yards of each other, young Vollmer and a young man by the name of Lynch both made a rush for the colors, but Vollmer's bayonet first pierced the breast of the color-bearer, and grasping the flag he waved it over his head in triumph. At this moment he and Lynch were both shot dead, and as Vollmer fell, emulating the Lynch were both shot dead, and as Vollmer fell, emulating the ardor of these chivalrous young men, Capt. J. Welby Armstrong stopped forward to capture the colors, when he also fell grasping the flag These colors are now at Gen. Pillow's office. Another. Mr. Farrer, living near Memphis, Tenns., had a son in the fight at Columbus, who was perhaps the first to meet death. His servant was with the company, and in the progress of the battle, missed his master. Looking for him, he found him cold in death. The faithful slave took his young mas
A circular Joke. --On a recent occasion Capt. Lynch, who is at Fort Pillow, exclaimed to an Irishman who was lifting a stick of timber rather slowly--'Up with it man, why, I could swallow it." The Irishman replied, "Well, capp'n, you could, but if you haven't a circular saw in your I on it wouldn't pass."
more complete. "Sawney" Bennett Indignat — a signal disgrace to the city of New York. From the New York Herald, of the 12th, we clip the following: Lynch has been elected our Sheriff, and Raymond, the "little villain" of the Times, has been elected as one of our members to the State Legislature, and these results wesponsible, however, for this disgrace. We did what we could to prevent it, and we wash our hands of it. It is a disgrace which belongs to the voters who supported Lynch and Raymond, these two noted runners from Bull Run "to the sound of the enemy's cannon," but it is a disgrace for which the stupid, jobbling, and juggling political cliques opposed to these Bull runners are mainly responsible. Thus Lynch slips into an office of fifty thousand a year, more or less, with an overwhelming popular majority against him, and simply because this majority was stupidly divided among three opposing candidates. Raymond goes to the Assembly, where we may expect him to