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the inhabitants of South Carolina held in Charleston a meeting which continued through three days. The merchants, among whom were factors for British houses, agreed with the planters in the necessity of a congress to which both parties, by way of compromise, referred the regulation of commerce. As the election of deputies was to be contested, the name of each voter was registered, and the ballot kept open till midnight on the seventh. It then appeared that the planters had carried Gadsden, Lynch, and John Rutledge, the faithful members of the congress of 1765, with Edward Rutledge and Middleton. The delegates elect were empowered to agree to a suspension of exports as well as imports. In due time the house of assembly, meeting at eight in the morning, just half an hour before the governor could send to prorogue them, confirmed these proceedings and ratified the choice of delegates. Don't pay for an ounce of the tea, was the reiterated message from South Carolina. The conventi
hode Island, and others, representing eleven colonies, answered to the call. Peyton Randolph, late speaker of the assembly of Virginia, was nominated president by Lynch of Carolina, and was unanimously chosen. The body then named itself the congress, and its chairman the president. Jay and Duane would have selected a secretary from among the members themselves, but they found no support; and on the motion of Lynch, Charles Thomson was appointed without further opposition. The measures that were to have divided America bound them closely together. Colonies differing in religious opinions and in commercial interests, in every thing dependent on climate an between Virginians, Pennsylvanians, New Yorkers, and New Englanders are no more. I am not a Virginian, but an American. A compound of numbers and property, said Lynch, of South Carolina, should determine the weight of the colonies. But he admitted that such a rule could not then be settled. In the same spirit spoke the elder R
iament, changing the form of government and violating the charter of Massachusetts, ought to be held in detestation; and in their letter to Gage, they censured his conduct, as tending to involve a free people in the horrors of war. In adopting a declaration of rights, the division which had shown itself in the committee was renewed. Here, said Ward of Rhode Island, no acts of parliament can bind. Giving up this point is yielding all. Against him spoke John Adams and Duane. A right, said Lynch of Carolina, to bind us in one case may imply a right to bind us in all; but we are bound in none. The resolution of concession was at first arrested by the vote of five colonies against five, with Massachusetts and Rhode Island divided, but at last was carried by the influence of John Adams. Duane desired next to strike the Quebec act from the list of grievances; but of all the bad acts of parliament Richard Henry Lee pronounced it the worst. His opinion prevailed upon a vote which Duane