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The Daily Dispatch: October 14, 1861., [Electronic resource] 12 0 Browse Search
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Mayor's Court. --The transactions on Saturday were very limited. If the police record be an index of the moral status of this community, we ought to rejoice and be exceeding glad, for surely the millennium is not far distant. But we know not what a day may bring forth, and therefore avoid all premature congratulations. Gustavus Lyon was fined $1 for shooting his gun at a bat within the limits of the corporation. Patrick Shay, arrested for the larceny of a small quantity of wood, was discharged from custody. Joseph Beyan, Philip Brown, and James Wilson, for fighting in the street, were committed in default of surety to keep the peace.
at Springfield, Carthage, Booneville, Lexington. One Thursday of some months ago, Jackson issued his treasonable proclamation from this very place. Friday Gen. Lyon drove him a fugitive from his Capital, and the next Monday dislodged him from Booneville and hunted him from the State. People who remember this are disposed tobefore the national troops, it is well that nothing should be done hastily — that nothing should be adventured prematurely. When one reviews the course of General Lyon--sees him routing secession from two distant and important points in less than a week — the rapidity of his march in the hottest months of summer from Boonevilk rifle, he cares absolutely nothing for the gleam of beautiful muskets, the clank of heavy sabres, or the intricate deadliness of improved revolvers. To him, Lyon, with his old white hat, his stern countenance, his common every-day soldiers, was a dreaded reality — they feared him in life and respected him in death. One lon<
A rumor from Missouri, &c. Louisville, Oct. 12. --A special dispatch to the St. Louis Democrat, dated Jefferson City, Oct. 6th, says that little doubt is entertained at Jefferson City that Gen. Price is on his way South with the main body of his army. The horse of Col. Lyon, of the 8th Regiment, fell through the trestle work of the Tennessee bridge on yesterday, and Col. Lyon was killed. A rumor from Missouri, &c. Louisville, Oct. 12. --A special dispatch to the St. Louis Democrat, dated Jefferson City, Oct. 6th, says that little doubt is entertained at Jefferson City that Gen. Price is on his way South with the main body of his army. The horse of Col. Lyon, of the 8th Regiment, fell through the trestle work of the Tennessee bridge on yesterday, and Col. Lyon was killed.