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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 3. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial paragraphs. (search)
e in the Great Rebellion: A Sermon by Rev. T. H. Robinson, of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. This production is valuable as a specimen of the barkings of the blood-hounds of Zion. Rifle and light infantry Tactics, an edition of Hardee published at Jackson, Mississippi, in 1861. From A. Barron Holmes, Esq., Charleston, South Carolina-Gregg's history of the old Cheraws; Gibbes' Documentary history of South Carolina, 1781-82; History of the South Carolina Jockey Club, by Dr. John B. Irving; The Pleiocene Fossils of South Carolina, by M. Tuomey and F. S. Holmes; The Post Pleiocene Fossils of South Carolina, by F. S. Holmes. (These copies of Profesor Holmes' great work are now out of print, as the drawings, lithographs, &c., were all confiscated in Philadelphia soon after the breaking out of the late war.) From Hon. James Lyons, Richmond--His letter to the President of the United States in July, 1869, in relation to his right to registration and voting in the Virginia election of 1869.