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low cases, blankets, bed-ticks, &c., &c., and buy materials and make them up, and forward at once, "To the Army Committee of the Young Men's Christian Association, Richmond," and they will surely reach their destination, and the prayer of the sufferer will bless the generous giver.--In addition to clothing, we would suggest the donation of wines, jellies, and other delicacies suitable for the sick; and those who cannot send the above named articles, can send their contributions in money, which will be judiciously expended. Mr. Roger Martin, a well known gentleman of this city, will be always at the depot to give his personal supervision to the whole matter. The committee will promptly acknowledge the receipt of all monies and other contributions, and at the proper time advise the public of the good accomplished through their organization. Let the people everywhere avail themselves of this opportunity to benefit and bless those in whom they feel such deep and abiding interest.
The Daily Dispatch: August 1, 1861., [Electronic resource], Partition of territory in the Old Union. (search)
repulse of the Fourteenth a perfect avalanche of glittering steel came pouring out of the woods in the direction of the Manassas railroad, bearing down upon our shattered, wearied columns with triumphant cheers. Then commenced a scene of the most disgraceful confusion, entirely indescribable, and truth compels me to state that the chief officers of our division were the first to ride off the field, and left the different regiments to look out for themselves. Col. Burnside, Gov. Sprague, Col. Martin, of the 71st, and one or two others, were for making a stand against the enemy, but the example of other demoralized scattered regiments threw all into confusion. After retreating a mile or so, Col. Burnside formed the brigade to cover the retreat — not by the orders of General McDowell, I believe, as I do not think he was seen again by any of our force after he left the field. The brigade was soon thrown into confusion again by cavalry and artillery coming from the rear wild and panic
The Daily Dispatch: August 1, 1861., [Electronic resource], General Toombs' Brigade--Second Georgia Regiment. (search)
that he had no men to work the guns; the commander of our steamer replied that the crew of the Beaufort was at his service. Col. Morris then said that he thought it would do no good. Lt. Duval remarked to him that he would fire on the enemy as long as he could, which you will perceive, in the course of this letter, he did to the letter. As the enemy's steamer bove fully into view, she shortened and furled all her sails and stood directly for the battery, under steam.--About this time, Captain Martin's company, which had arrived early in the morning, took up position behind the sandridge on our extreme right, in order to resist a landing should such have been attempted from the steamer Our gun was now brought to bear on her. Gracefully and majestically she passed the battery without firing a shot at it, much to our surprise, and showing that she had accepted our challenge. Slowly she forced her way to the southward, till abreast of the light-house, which was below and on the right o