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Tobacco inspections. --We annex a comparative statement of inspections of tobacco at the different warehouses in the city of Richmond from 1st October, 1859, to 1st July, 1860, and from 1st October, 1860, to July, 1861: 1860.1861. Shockoe10,3426,453 Public7,6335,3 Seabrook's5,6823,693 Dibrell's3,6061,472 Mayo's (opened 14 June)5253,514 27,78720,436 20,436 7,351 decrease. Stock of Tobacco on hand inspected7,135 Uninspected511 7,646 hhd.
(for other "Wants," see Fourth Page.) Wanted.--Recruits for a Rifle Company now being formed, and to be mustered into service for twelve months as soon as the roil of the Company is completed according to law. Uniforms and equipments will be furnished free. A gentleman who has served as a non-commissioned officer for a number of years in the regular army of the late United States. will assist in the organization and drill of the Company. Members who have already enrolled their natures, and these who intend during so. will please call at the Rendezvous. at Mayo's Warehouse, North end of Mayo's Bridge, 14th street, Richmond. Va. V. A. Clutter. jy 29--3
ia Volunteers, takes it upon himself to say that the writing upon the wall is a sure indication of the qualities of the Vandal hordes of Abolitionists that true Southern men are fighting against." Whilst engaged in examining the "hand-writing on the wall"--which on another occasion was the precursor of terrible disasters to a nation — I met with the worthy Mayor of Richmond, to whom I was presented. This gentleman seemed deeply affected at the painful sight; so I took for granted that Mr. Mayo is a man of deep religious sentiments. He proposed to remunerate anybody handsomely who would carefully copy all the inscriptions and figures in the church; so as it is not likely that the task has yet been accomplished, some smart fellow who may wish to combine patriotic with monetary interests, may find it to his advantage to accept the Chief Magistrate's offer. His worship seemed to me an honorable representative of the civic office, and his good fellowship and moribund figure forcibly
The Projectile which passed through Gen. Beauregard's headquarters at the battle of Manassas Plains, on the 21st of July, has been presented by him to the Mayor of Richmond. Mr. Mayo designs to present it to his Excellency Gov. Letcher, who is gathering a lot of war curiosities. The projectile is about ten inches in length, three in breadth, and was filled with some kind of explosive material, which, however, did not "go off" till removed by rebel fingers.
Comparative Statement of the Inspection of Tobacco at the different Warehouses in the city of Richmond from 1st October, 1859, to 1st September, 1860, and from the 1st October, 1860, to 1st September, 1861 Sept. 1, 1860.Sept. 1, 1861. Shockoe14,5028,496 Seabrook's7,9114,834 Public.10,5267,136 Dibrell's5,4002,679 Mayo's.3,0794,636 41,41827,179 27,179 Decrease.14,239 hhds. Wm. Y. Sheppard, Proprietor Richmond Tob. Exchange.
The Daily Dispatch: September 14, 1861., [Electronic resource], Exhibition of 1862--the Eccentricities of genius. (search)
ts, blow out their brains, and otherwise go into the "internal improvement" business, with them as his subjects. The accused was required to give security in $150 for his good behavior, in default of which he was sent to jail. The case of the City of Richmond vs. Hottis, for creating a nuisance, came up. His Honor had had it under consideration for some days past, and announced his decision yesterday. He said that the decision of the Supreme Court of Appeals, in the case of Warwick us. Mayo, Mayor, reported in XV. Grattan, (p. 528, et seq.,) would govern his decision in this case. In that case the court held that if a claim to the freehold is bona fide made, the jurisdiction of the Mayor or Justice is ousted; that he cannot inquire into the validity of the claim, and that he has no power in such a case to proceed to a summary conviction; and that this principle applies as well to the case where an incorporeal hereditament or real franchise is claimed as to controversy touching
the seventh month is the day of atonement; it shall be to you a day of holy convocation, and you shall afflict your souls, (by fasting;) ye shall do no work on that same day, for it is a day of atonement on which you shall be pardoned before the Eternal your God; it shall be to you a complete day of rest, and you shall afflict your souls, (by fasting;) on the evening of the ninth day you shall begin, and keep your resting day until the next evening." This day is also a day of reconciliation and peace-making between man and man; for no one could expect to be forgiven by the Almighty unless he be in amity with his fellow-creature. The whole Jewish nation fast on this day. No manner of food or drink is partaken for the period of twenty-four hours. Service will commence at six o'clock this morning, and will continue until sunset, at all the Synagogues in the city. The Portuguese, Mayo, above Franklin street; the German, Marshall, above 11th street; the Polish, Main, below 21st street.
The Daily Dispatch: October 19, 1861., [Electronic resource], The Trial trip of the English iron Ship Warrior. (search)
A splendid regiment of cavalry --The 1st regiment of North Carolina cavalry, Col. R. Ransom, came into the city yesterday afternoon over Mayo's bridge, and created a great sensation among our populace, accustomed though we are to imposing military displays. They had been about five days on the route from their late camp at Ridgway, N. C., yet the fine horses showed as much spirit as if they had just been taken from their stables. The regiment numbers some 900 men, well equipped and thoroughly armed. Their appearance as they rode up Main street, strengthened the favorable impression created by the, account published yesterday, in advance of their arrival. The regiment went into camp near the reservoir, west of Richmond. The wagon train attached to the regiment numbering, we suppose, forty or fifty substantial vehicles, with four stout horses attached to each, arrived about five o'clock. The Old North State has sent into the field some of the best regiments in the army, bo
ays his name is Lewis A. Bell, and that he was free in the District of Columbia; but some of our citizens thought they had seen him before, and it is very probable that he is what the Yankees term a "contraband." The guard, commanded by Capt O'Neil, of Georgia, formed a square, and with the captives in the centre, marched down Broad to 19th, thence to Main, and down Main to 25th street, followed by an immense multitude of persons. After some little delay, the prisoners were marched into Mayo's factory, corner of 25th and Cary streets, where they will have ample opportunity to reflect upon the uncertainties of war. The occupants of another prison in the neighborhood crowded the windows to get a view of this large reinforcement, but the spectacle did not seem to afford them much gratification. The special train in the morning brought in formation that another lot of the Leesburg prisoners were behind, and preparations were accordingly made to receive them. A guard, commanded
Comparative statement of the Inspection of Tobacco, at the different Warehouses in the city of Richmond, from the 1st October, 1860, to 1st December, 1861 and from the 1st October, 1861, to 1st December, 1861: Dec. 1, ' 60.Dec. 1, ' 61. Shockoe Warehouse1,7251,293 Public Warehouse1,226882 Seabrook's Warehouse656307 D. brell's Warehouse578162 Mayo's Warehouse776569 4,9603,213 8,219 Decrease1,767 Wm. Y, Sheppard, Prop'r Richmond Tobacco Exchange. Richmond, Dec. 1, 1861.
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