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William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 2, chapter 23 (search)
inst me, he need not follow, but turn his attention against Raleigh; if he can secure Goldsboroa and Wilmington, it will be as much as I expect before I have passed the Santee. Send him all detachments of men that have come to join my army. They can be so organized and officered as to be efficient, for they are nearly all old soldiers who have been detached or on furlough. Until I pass the Santee, you can better use these detachments at Bull's Bay, Georgetown, etc. I will instruct General McCallum, of the Railroad Department, to take his men up to Beaufort, North Carolina, and employ them on the road out. I do not know that he can use them on any road here. I did instruct him, while awaiting information from North Carolina, to have them build a good trestle-bridge across Port Royal ferry; but I now suppose the pontoon-bridge will do. If you move the pontoons, be sure to make a good road out to Garden's Corners, and mark it with sign-boards — obstructing the old road, so that, sh
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 2, chapter 25 (search)
a formidable force on Mobile and the interior of Alabama. I ordered Gillmore, as soon as the fall of Charleston was known, to hold all important posts on the sea-coast, and to send to.Wilmington all surplus forces. Thomas was also directed to forward to Newbern all troops belonging to the corps with you. I understand this will give you about five thousand men, besides those brought east by Meagher. I have been telegraphing General Meigs to hasten up locomotives and cars for you. General McCallum, he informs me, is attending to it. I fear they are not going forward as fast as I would like. Let me know if you want more troops, or any thing else. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, U. S. Grant, Lieutenant-General. The railroad was repaired to Goldsboroa by the evening of March 25th, when, leaving General Schofield in chief command, with a couple of staff-officers I started for City Point, Virginia, on a locomotive, in company with Colonel Wright, the constructing
ndeavored to cut off his retreat; General Kilpatrick, however, extricated himself by taking a road to Haymarket, but not without considerable loss, from the superior numbers he was engaged with. On the twentieth, the army occupied Warrenton without opposition, the enemy retiring to the south bank of the Rappahannock. It was then ascertained the enemy had completely destroyed the Orange and Alexandria Railroad from Bristol Station to the Rappahannock. Through the energy and skill of Colonel McCallum, Superintendent of Military Railroads, the road was put in order to Warrenton Junction by the second of November. At this period I submitted to the General-in-Chief the project of seizing by a prompt movement the heights of Fredericksburgh, and transferring the base of operations to the Fredericksburgh Railroad. This not meeting the approval of the General-in-Chief, on the fourth of November the army was put in motion to force the passage of the Rappahannock. Major-General Sedgwick,
Among the various forms of bridge-truss employed in the United States may be cited those of Town, Long, Burr, Howe, and McCallum. Town's lattice-truss (Fig. 7321) has been employed for spans up to 150 feet. The roadway a rests upon sleepers b, whvertical iron tensionrods were used instead of posts. Fig. 7325 represents what is known as the improved Howe truss. McCallum's inflexible arched truss. McCallum's inflexible arched truss (Fig. 7326) has braces and counter-braces; the spaces McCallum's inflexible arched truss (Fig. 7326) has braces and counter-braces; the spaces between the posts are diminished toward the ends of the spans, and diagonal braces, tending from the piers and abutments toward the middle portion of the upper arched beam, tend to reduce the tension upon the lower chord. Bridge-building was one of the arts brought to the greatest state of perfection during the late civil war. General McCallum states that the Rappahannock River bridge, 625 feet long and 35 feet high, was rebuilt in nineteen working hours; Potomac Creek bridge, 414 feet long a
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book III:—Pennsylvania. (search)
e already shown by numerous examples that the fate of the armies in the field depended upon the manner in which those lines were managed. In order to derive any benefit from so delicate an instrument it required a personnel of experienced officers and chiefs endowed with special aptitude for the business, because the least error committed in this service might be attended with disastrous consequences. These chiefs, therefore, were always selected with care; and under the direction of Colonels McCallum and Swords, of Mr. Anderson, the young and illustrious McPherson, and especially General Haupt, the task of placing the railroads and their management in a condition for the service of the army became a real science, to which we propose referring again at the close of this history. The report for 1863 gives us some curious figures concerning the transportation by land, and by water which complemented it. To secure this double service the department, on the one hand, purchased 64 locom
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book IV:—Third winter. (search)
Chapter 3: Mine Run. WE left the Confederate army at the end of October posted on the right bank of the upper Rapaphannock and around Culpeper, where Lee has established his Headquarters. The Union army has not been able to go beyond the line of Warrenton and Warrenton Junction: it occupies Auburn and Catlett's Station. But the cavalry, which is pushed on beyond Bealeton, protects the reconstruction of the railroad as far as this point. Owing to the intelligent direction of Colonel McCallum, this great work is completed on the 2d of November. The fine days of this season, which are called in America the Indian summer, still allow of the making of a short campaign, and it is necessary to take advantage of it. Lee, having destroyed the railroad with great care, does not suspect the promptness with which it has been rebuilt; therefore, he can be taken by surprise. Meade can perform anew, with better chances of success, the manoeuvre which Burnside attempted the preceding ye
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book I:—eastern Tennessee. (search)
here they were joined by General Hooker, their new chief. Numerous trains were also in readiness to convey these twenty thousand men, with their artillery, ammunition, and baggage, by way of Cincinnati and Nashville, as far as Bridgeport; and within six days this army and its materiel were transported over the distance of nine hundred and ninety-four miles between Washington and Bridgeport. This remarkable achievement was due to the excellent management of Quartermaster-general Meigs, General McCallum, director of military railways, and the civil administrators of the different railroad companies. The confusion which had marked the earlier days was succeeded by a well-regulated system, of which the Federal armies at last reaped the fruit. The orders issued to Hooker forbade him to go beyond Bridgeport, but to defend to the last the railroad between this point and Nashville while waiting for the time when direct communications might be opened with Chattanooga. So long as there were
Masonic Grand officers. --The Grand Lodge, which was in session at Nashville last week, elected the following officers for the ensuing year: M. W. James McCallum, of Pulaski, Grand Master. R. W. T. B. McDowell, of Bolivar, D. G. Master. R. W. Morton B. Howell, of Nashville, Senior G. Warden. R. W. James M. Rogers, of Concord, Junior Warden. R. W. Williamson H. Horn, of Nashville, Grand Treasurer. R. W. Charles A. Fuller, of Nashville, Grand Secretary. Bro. P. G. Stivee Perkins, of Franklin, Grand Orator. The Grand Lodge adopted the following: Resolved, That the fees due from subordinate lodges to the Grand Lodge for degrees conferred by such lodges upon volunteers in defence of our country be, and are hereby, donated to such lodges.--Memphis Appeal, Oct. 15.
The Daily Dispatch: August 28, 1863., [Electronic resource], Late Congressional election in Tennessee. (search)
Late Congressional election in Tennessee. --The following, says the Chattanooga Rebel, are the majorities so far as heard from in the late election for members of Congress from this State, where there were close contests. These returns embrace the army vote so far as reported, and the vote of seventeen counties: Swan's majority, 2,309; Foote's majority 353; McCallum a majority, 766, Murray's majority, 110.
mportation of luxuries or of articles not necessaries or of common use. By Mr Barksdale, of Miss.--A bill to compensate the city of Jackson for public school buildings destroyed while in the use of the military authorities. By Mr Smith, of N C.--A bill to provide for the admission of Mallett's battalion into the military service of the Confederate States. By Mr Fuller, of N C.--A bill to aid in the construction of a railroad from Fayetteville, N C, to Florence, S C. By Mr McCallum, of Tenn.--A bill to authorize the taking of proof of the amount expended by the State of Tennessee in the support of her army previous to its transfer to the Government of the Confederate States. Also, a bill to amend the act to regulate the destruction of property under military necessity. Mr. H. W. Bruce, of Ky., offered a resolution to rescind the resolution for an adjournment on Tuesday, the 7th of June instant. Laid on the table. Various memorials and resolutions of
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