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worse off than we were. Now the case is very different. Should our army be even compelled to fall back at York, there are many excellent battle fields between us and York, on every one of which we can make a stand. Our chances of success increase with every step we take from the deep water. Within twenty-four hours, a large force, independent of that now confronting the enemy on the Peninsula, could be collected around this city. In the meantime, we do not believe that the army of McClellan can beat our army. On the contrary, we have no doubt that, if not more than three to one, they will be defeated should they attempt to advance. In the meantime, it is greatly to be deplored that the War office does not take some steps to let the public know the truth with regard to all such results as they are sure to hear of in an exaggerated form through the Northern papers. It is important that they should know the truth from the fountain head. The mystery which hangs over that
The Northern press. It is infinitely amusing to behold the mysterious and awful silence of the Northern newspapers upon the subject of the removal of McClellan's army to the Peninsula. The military authorities required the newspapers not to publish one word upon the subject, lest it might put "the rebels" on their guard, but "the rebels" knew it as soon as the Federals themselves. The idea that the leaders on either side derive information of the enemy's movements from looking at their newspapers, is simply ridiculous. All the information that can be obtained by either comes through channels employed for that purpose, and is received and made use of long before it can appear in print. Another absurdity which the Yankees have great reason to complain of, is the with holding by their Government of the real facts in regard to the results of important movements and battles, keeping them in the dark as completely as if they had no interest in the matter, and often leading them to
Yankee prisoners. --Fourteen Yankee prisoners arrived via Central Railroad Sunday night. The cars were delayed for some cause and did not get in till 3 o'clock. The prisoners are part of the debris left by McClellan in his backward march from Manassas.
e have some reports of the movements of the enemy on the Rappahannock line, for the entire accuracy of which we cannot vouch. It was stated yesterday, by some of the members of Congress, that the President had received intelligence of the landing of a large body of Federal troops at Aquia Creek on Sunday last. The supposition is that they came from Washington. Should the report prove correct, it would indicate that they intend to make a flank movement in the direction of Richmond, while McClellan plays the port of a decoy upon the Peninsula. Another report is that General Ewell's division has fallen back from the Rappahannock to Gordonsville. It is inferred from this that a junction of the forces of Generals Jackson and Ewell is in contemplation. Advices from the Peninsula inform us that the skirmishing continues, and our troops feel perfectly confident of a victory whenever the enemy shall accept the offer of battle. Our mails from the Southwest are several days ov
his friends, saying be desired to be before Yortown now. He (Mr. McDougall) had endeavored to see the Secretary of War, but failed to procure audience, and he thought the country had fallen upon strange times indeed when the Secretaries of the President could not be seen on official business. There was no excuse even offered by this master of all the Government forces, who set aside law and statute, but had never seen a squadron to the field. Willten applications had likewise failed. Gen McClellan had three distinct times demanded of the Secretary of War a court-martial for Gen. Stone, but had failed He then reviewed the European and American military codes, showing that they were for the protection as well as punishment of soldiers. The Articles of War provided for summoning a court martial eight days after the arrest. Yet no steps had been taken for one hundred and fifty days after Gen. Stone's arrest, and, worse than this, no charges had been made, nor could any one be found