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and in the field, I was under the immediate direction of General George B. McClellan. My relations with the various departments were alwa his splendid victory at Antietam, I followed the fortunes of General McClellan. Never doubting his ability or his loyalty-always possessingd officers were ignorantly criticising his plans of campaign, General McClellan pursued his course with unflinching courage and with a devotunreliable, have attempted to prove that the force opposed to General McClellan was much less than was really the case; and upon this hypotheus mistake in the estimates which I then made and reported to General McClellan. From every available field the facts were gleaned. From prI affirm as strongly as I then did, that the force opposed to General McClellan before Richmond approximated nearer to 200,000 men, than theyon I must refer also to the valuable assistance rendered both General McClellan and myself by that indefatigable Aid-de-camp Colonel Key. Th
spicion of this, but suspicion has now resolved itself into a certainty. You have performed your duty well, and before many days there will be an account demanded of some of these people which they are far from expecting. I am glad to be of any service, replied Webster; and I have done nothing more than my duty. If you have any further commands for me, Mr. President, I am ready to obey them. Very well, said the President; take these telegrams, and when you have reached a point where communication is possible, send them to General McClellan, at Columbus, Ohio; they are important and must be sent without delay. Also telegraph to Mr. Pinkerton to come to Washington at once; his services are, I think, greatly needed by the government at this time. Rolling up the papers which he received, Webster placed them in the center of a hollow cane, which he carried; then, replacing the handle, and promising to attend faithfully to the duties assigned him, he left the executive mansion.
ent directly to the headquarters of Colonel Dare, who was in charge of the Union troops at Perrysville, and requested that officer to forward the telegram to General McClellan at once. This the Colonel promised to do, and in a few minutes the important message was flying over the wires to its destination at Columbus, Ohio, and the. If you telegraph me, better use your first name alone. Let no one know that you come to see me, and keep as quiet as possible. Very truly yours, Geo. B. McClellan, Maj. General Commanding Ohio Vols. This letter at once decided me. Anxious as I was to serve the country in this, the hour of her need, I sought the fimanding Ohio Vols. This letter at once decided me. Anxious as I was to serve the country in this, the hour of her need, I sought the first opportunity for active duty that presented itself, and I left Philadelphia at once, in order to comply with the instructions contained in this message of Gen. McClellan. Storming a fort.
ture in Pittsburg. a mob at Bay. an explanation. good-feeling restored. Several influences operated in my mind to induce me to respond at once to this letter, and some of them of a directly personal nature. I had been acquainted with General McClellan for a long time before this, and had been intimately associated with him while engaged upon various important operations connected with the Illinois Central and the Ohio and Mississippi Railroads, of the latter of which he was then presidencheered us lustily as the train slowly moved away. Thus an adventure, which promised to be very serious in its results, terminated in a manner satisfactory to all, and Webster and myself, instead of being lynched by a Pittsburg mob, departed in safety on our journey, and arrived in Cincinnati upon the following day, prepared to receive from General McClellan such instructions as were deemed necessary by him for the furtherance of the cause in which he was engaged. Betrayed by his boots.
Chapter 10: General McClellan in command of Ohio. I am engaged for the War. the secr The State of Ohio, the militia of which General McClellan had been called upon to command by Goverplicit reliance. He therefore turned to Captain McClellan, who was a graduate of West Point, and hn to the general government, requesting that McClellan should be restored to his old rank in the aresources, Governor Dennison at once summoned McClellan to Columbus, where the latter applied himsell Scott, was placed under the command of General McClellan. The Ohio troops, as they arrived, wee stated, my personal acquaintance with George B. McClellan had, from its earliest incipiency, beeny taken up in private consultations with General McClellan, in laying out a line of operations, by ful one. My true name was known only to General McClellan, and those of my force who were in my emem it was sacredly kept. Indeed, I doubt if McClellan has ever divulged it to this day, if I may j
ke a trip to the South. danger in Memphis. a timely warning. a persistent barber. an unfortunate memory. return to Cincinnati. Timothy Webster had scarcely departed upon his trip to Memphis, when I was summoned for consultation with General McClellan. Upon repairing to his office, which I did immediately on receiving his message, I found him awaiting my arrival, and in a few minutes I was informed of his wishes. He was desirous of ascertaining, as definitely as possible, the general friosity by exhibiting my half-shaved face to any more inquisitive barbers. A few miles outside of the town I sold my horse, and concluding that I had obtained as much information as was desirable at that time, and as I had already been absent from Headquarters longer than I had intended, I made my way back to Cincinnati by a circuitous route, and reached there in safety, well pleased with my work, and quite rejoiced to find that General McClellan.was fully satisfied with what I had learned.
, not long after, attached to the department of the Ohio under command of General McClellan. The blockade of Washington, and other events, had operated to keep the ay the Secretary of War and General Scott telegraphed this information to General McClellan, and inquired whether its influence could not be counteracted. General MGeneral McClellan at once replied in the affirmative, and this was the sole order he received from Washington regarding a campaign in Virginia. On the 26th, the General osuppress the rebellion and protect the people against domestic violence. General McClellan, in furtherance of this object, ordered additional forces into the State ary campaign, in case the rebels should attempt hostile measures, or that General McClellan might find it necessary to promptly clear that portion of Virginia from t both of value and importance to the cause of the North, all of which was duly reported to me at headquarters, and by me communicated directly to General McClellan.
er 14: The rebels attempt to occupy West Virginia. General McClellan ordered to drive them out. early battle. the Federals victos. This was the condition of affairs, when, early in July, General McClellan resolved to take the offensive and drive the rebels from West This victory placed the enemy in a very precarious position. McClellan was in his front and Rosecrans in secure possession of the road band despairing of effecting his escape, he sent a proposal to General McClellan, offering a total surrender of his command. The Union Generas, and when General Garnett reached Leedsville, he heard that General McClellan was at Beverly, thus cutting off effectually his further passiant success which attended this first aggressive movement of General McClellan had a marked effect upon the public mind? That they gave a goperations in West Virginia, as my duties were connected with General McClellan and his campaigns in that district ended with the death of Ge
Chapter 15: General McClellan is called to Washington and placed in command of the armies, after the battle of Bull Run. the secret service Department. cursory mention of that remarkable chain of circumstances which followed General McClellan's campaign in West Virginia, resulting in entire and unexpected change oft period. It was while this discouraging state of affairs existed that General McClellan was called to Washington, to assume control of the lately defeated troopshe military skill and judgment there displayed by him, it is but natural that McClellan should have been selected to re-create the army, which was destined to defendaved at whatever cost. As I have previously stated, my connection with General McClellan was not interrupted by this change in his position. By my own preference be gained from the following extracts from a letter which I addressed to General McClellan when the organization of this department was yet in its incipiency. Gene
April, and the intention was to curb those mutinous spirits, whose passions otherwise would have led them into committing all sorts of crimes and outrages against the government. Notwithstanding these measures, however, the disturbing element was not by any means passive and inert, although appearances may have warranted such a conclusion. Secret bands of conspirators were still in existence, and were working assiduously for the advancement of the Southern cause. By direction of General McClellan, I sent several of my best operatives to Baltimore, chief among whom was Timothy Webster, with whom the others were to co-operate whenever their assistance were required by him. The principal object in this was to enable Webster to associate with the secessionists of that city, and by becoming familiar and popular with them, to pave his way for an early trip into the rebel lines. During his residence in Baltimore he was directed to represent himself as a gentleman of means and leisu