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Rich mountain our army has done nothing worthy of a paragraph. Rosecrans' affair at Carnifex was a barren thing; certainly no battle and no victory, and the operations in this vicinity have at no time risen to the dignity of a skirmish. Captain McDougal, with nearly one hundred men and three days provisions, started up the valley this morning, with instructions to go in sight of the enemy, the object being to lead the latter to suppose the advance guard of our army is before him. By this demall loss on our side. J. J. Reynolds, Brigadier-General. Why, when the battle was progressing so advantageously for our side, did they not go on? This, then, is the result of the grand demonstration on the other side of the mountain. McDougal's company returned, and report the enemy fallen back. The frost has touched the foliage, and the mountain peaks look like mammoth bouquets; green, red, yellow, and every modification of these colors appear mingled in every possible fanciful
Whence they came or whither they are going it is impossible to say. They lie around contentedly, and are delighted when we give them an opportunity to serve us. All the colored people of Alabama are anxious to go wid yer and wait on you folks. There are not fifty negroes in the South who would not risk their lives for freedom. The man who affirms that they are contented and happy, and do not desire to escape, is either a falsifier or a fool. May, 11 Attended divine service with Captain McDougal at the Presbyterian Church. The edifice is very fine. The audience was small; the sermon tolerable. Troubles, the preacher said, were sent to discipline us. The army was of God; they should, therefore, submit to it, not as slaves, but as Christians, just as they submitted to other distasteful and calamitous dispensations. May, 12 My letters from home have fallen into the hands of John Morgan. The envelopes were picked up in the road and forwarded to me. My wife should feel en
e felt quite sure, had fallen dead or disabled on the field. Many eyes were in tears, and many hearts were bleeding for lost comrades and dear friends. General Rousseau rides up in the darkness, and, as we gather around him, says, in a voice tremulous with emotion: Boys of the Third, you stood in that withering fire like men of iron. They did. They are thirsty and hungry. Few, however, think either of food or water. Their thoughts are on the crest of that little hill, where Cunard, McDougal, St. John, Starr, and scores of others lie cold in death. They think of the wounded and suffering, and speak to each other of the terrible ordeal through which they have passed, with bated breath and in solemn tones, as if a laugh, or jest, or frivolous word, would be an insult to the slain. They have long sought for a battle, and often been disappointed and sore because they failed to find one; but now, for the first time, they really realize what a battle is. They see it is to men wh
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 9: the last review. (search)
mong the insignia of our army, as the shamrock to Ireland or rose and thistle of the British Empire. Here comes the First Division, that of Richardson and Caldwell and Barlow and Miles; but at its head to-day we see not Miles, for he is just before ordered to Fortress Monroe to guard Jeff Davis and his friends,--President Andy Johnson declaring he wanted there a man who would not let his prisoners escape. So Ramsay of New Jersey is in command on this proud day. Its brigades are led by McDougal, Fraser, Nugent, and Mulholland-whereby you see the shamrock and thistle are not wanting even in our field. These are the men we saw at the sunken road at Antietam, the stone wall at Fredericksburg, the wheat-field at Gettysburg, the bloody angle at Spottsylvania, the swirling fight at Farmville, and in the pressing pursuit along the Appomattox before which Lee was forced to face to the rear and answer Grant's first summons to surrender. We know them well. So it seems do these thousands
ced to surrender. A party of rebel cavalry, under the command of Captain White, entered Waterford, Va., early this morning, and captured a large portion of a company of National cavalry under Capt. Means. Capt. Means escaped.--The Nineteenth regiment of Maine volunteers, under the command of Col. Frederick D. Sewall, left Bath for the seat of war.--An enthusiastic war meeting was held at Boston, Mass., at which speeches were made by Gov. Andrew, Edward Everett, Robert C. Winthrop, Senator McDougal of California, and others.--Battle Creek, Ala., was evacuated by the Union army under General Buell. The battle of Kettle Run, near Bristow Station, Va., was this day fought by the Union forces under Gen. Hooker, and a division of the rebel army of Gen. Jackson, under Gen. Ewell. The engagement lasted for several hours, terminating only at dark, the rebels retreating with great loss.--(Doc. 104.) A great war meeting was held in the city of New York, at which speeches were mad
rebels gave the proprietor twenty-five minutes to raise one thousand dollars, or they would burn his mill. He was unable to procure the money and the mill was burnt accordingly. We went into camp at Jasper at two A. M., on the seventeenth, and resumed our journey at eleven, having to swim our horses across the canal. One of our men, a member of company L, Second Ohio, named McGoron, accidentally killed himself with his revolver. Arriving at Piketon we found that the rebels had killed a Mr. McDougal who was busily blockading the road when they came up. The same day they shot a Dr. Burroughs, who had fired on them as they passed by his place. We arrived at Jackson at six o'clock, where we were met with the same story we had heard so often before-robbery, and theft, and pillage, and destruction on every hand. There was one thing we must give the rebels credit for, and that is, that in the matter of thieving they showed the strictest impartiality, robbing the man who had always been
Expulsion of bright.--The scene at the close of the expulsion of Senator Bright was dramatic. There was desperate decisiveness in the no! with which Bayard answered to his name. When Carlisle, of Va., voted no, the flutter was significant and loud. He had been counted only among the doubtful. The Californian, McDougal, and Mr. Simmons, were at first absent, but not a moment too soon came in, and thirty-two votes decided the law that in the American Senate hereafter no traitor shall have a seat. When the result was announced, the gallery burst into applause, but was checked instantly. Bright then bundled up the portable property in his desk, turned his back upon the court which had tried him, went to Secretary Forney's room, drew pay to the last cent, and with a defiant stride passed into the public land committee-room, where his wife awaited him. In her presence the actor's costume fell, the ruined politician sat down, and, haggard and crushed, contemplated the wreck he had ma
eward made the basis of diplomatic action. prime, Stone, Hale & Hallock, Journal of Commerce. Manton marble, World. New York, May 18, 1864. arrest of the Forgers. Francis A. Mallison, a reporter for the Brooklyn Eagle, and a manifold copyist for several New York papers, was arrested on the morning of May twenty-first, at half-past 9 o'clock, while on his way to the Forty-fifth Precinct Station-house, Williamsburgh, where he was to attend to the draft, by detectives Young, Radford and McDougal, on suspicion of being implicated with J. Howard, Jr., in the preparation and publication of the forged proclamation. Howard was arrested the day previous. Mallison was immediately taken before Colonel Ludlow, at General Dix's headquarters, by whom he was subjected to a searching examination. Perceiving that he was hopelessly implicated, and that the evidences of his guilt already in the possession of Colonel Ludlow were clear and overwhelming, Mallison at length made a full confession o
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Roster of the Nineteenth regiment Massachusetts Volunteers (search)
; sub.; transf. to 20 M. V. Jan. 14, 1864. McDonald, John, 2nd, priv., (H), Aug. 1, 1863; 20; sub.; transf. to Provost Marshall 3 Div. 2nd Army corps as deserter. McDonnell, Benj. M., priv., (A), Mar. 29, ‘64; 31; wounded May 12, ‘64; since died. McDowell, Samuel, priv., (F), June 10, ‘64; 28; sub. Thos. Dana; M. O. June 30, ‘65. McDowell, Thos., priv., (B), Aug. 30, ‘62; 42; disch. Dec. 13, ‘62. McDuncon, John, priv., (F), Aug. I, ‘63; 21; sub.; transf. to 20 M. V. Jan. 14, ‘64. McDougal, Wm., Jr., priv., (D), Aug. 23, 1864; 21; N. F.R. McFeely, Wm., priv., (E), Aug. 27, ‘61; 43; disch. disa. Mar. 6, ‘63. McFarland, Andrew, wagoner, (K), Aug. 13, ‘61; 23; has been deserter; M. O. June 30, ‘65 with Co. as Corp. McGee, Michael, priv., (E), July 25, ‘61; 27; wounded June 30, ‘62; disch. disa. Dec. 24, ‘62. McGee, Sanford, priv., (—), Jan. 4, ‘65; 33; N. F.R. McGeough, Patrick, priv., (D), Feb. 24, ‘64; 24; disch. disa. Apr. 26, ‘64. McGilor
The Daily Dispatch: November 3, 1860., [Electronic resource], English view of the late Royal visit. (search)
High water this day (Saturday) 7 ½; o'clock. Arrived, Steamer Belvidere, Keene, Baltimore, mdse, and passengers, D. & W. Currie. Steamship Virginia, Kelley, Philadelphia, mdse. and passengers, C. P. Cardozo. Brig John Geddes, (Br.) McDougal, Halifax, fish. Schr. Julia Maine, Preston, Philadelphia, coal, Wirt Roberts. Sailed, Steamship Jamestown, Skinner, N. York, mdze. and passengers, Ludlam & Watson. Schr. Caspar Heit, Shoe, Philadelphia, lumber, J. G. Reed. Schr. Josephus, Waterbury, down the river, light. Schr. Hannah Martin, Slate,down the river, light. Schr. Emma D., Warren, down the river, light. Schr. John Larkin. McKown, down the river, light.
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