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The Daily Dispatch: November 12, 1861., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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he Mayor and Aldermen of the corporation have appropriated $800 for the benefit of the Albemarle Rifles and Monticello Guards, two of our town companies now at Centreville. The Monticello House, late Baptist Institute, has been rented for the sick South Carolina soldiers; the "Midway," and several of the boarding houses near the University, are occupied by sick soldiers from the same State, and there are also many of the South Carolina soldiers in the hospital at the "Delavan" Dr. M. McKennie & Co. have a sword factory here, which turns out some twenty per week. They are made for use and nor for show, and are of superior workmanship. At the woolen factory of Mr. Marchant about 900 yards of linsey and osnaburgs are turned out weekly. We have a depot for Louisiana and one for South Carolina, where soldiers are supplied with clothing and other articles of necessity, free of expense. Soldiers from any part of the Confederacy are cheerfully supplied. Upwards of two h