From Charlottesville.
the election returns — fatal accident — Appropriation for the benefit of the soldiers — a Swor-factory, &c.[Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.]
Charlottesville, Nov. 9, 1861.
I herewith send you the official vote of Albemarle county:
For President and Vice President, 1,080, unanimous for Davis and Stephens.
For Congress, James P. Holcombe 566, S. F. Leake 362, R. G. H. Kean 69.
Holcombe's majority over Leake 204, do. over Kean 497.
In the Everett Artillery, on the Peninsula, Holcombe received 56, and Leake 15; in the cavalry, at Leesburg, Holcombe 68, Leake 3, Kean 4, Nineteenth Virginia Regiment, Col. Strang's, including Latham's battery and some of Pendleton's battery, Holcombe had 240, Leake 48, Kean 96; in the Eleventh Regiment, Col. G r and, Holcombe 53, Leake 12, Kean 153. Mr. Holcombe received 100 more majority in Albemarle over Mr. Kean than the latter received over Mr. Holcombe in the counties of Nelson, Amherst, Campbell, an the city of Lynchburg.
There are several other companies in Western Virginia and in the Army of the Potomac, to hear from which will add to the majority of Mr. Holcombe.
The counties of Buckingham and Fluvanna will also give several hundred majority for Mr. Holcombe over Mr. Kean, and it is quite probable that his majority will amount to 1,000 in the District.
The law requires the polls taken in the army to be returned to the place of meeting of the Sheriffs in each Congressional District within fifteen days after the election.
This may be very important where the content is close.
A poll was opened at the hospital in this place; 77 votes were cast for President.
For Congress, Holcombe 1, Leake 1, Kean 2, John Tyler 2, and a few for other Congressional Districts.
Some ten or twelve refugees from Alexandria voted at the Court-House.
To fill the vacancy in the House of Delegates by the resignation of Thomas Wood, Esq., there were two candidates Dr. Meriwether L. Anderson received 721, and Lieut. Wm. C. Carrington 185.
Anderson's majority 536.
To-day a serious accident occurred at the railroad depot in this place.
As the Orange and Alexandria train was backing down the track, a negro man belonging to Mrs. Macon drove his team across the track, when he was killed and his wagon mashed up the mules and horses were borne down but not killed.
The team was returning from the West, where it had been impressed to aid in transporting provisions for the army.
The Mayor and Aldermen of the corporation have appropriated $800 for the benefit of the Albemarle Rifles and Monticello Guards, two of our town companies now at Centreville.
The Monticello House, late Baptist Institute, has been rented for the sick South Carolina soldiers; the ‘"Midway,"’ and several of the boarding houses near the University, are occupied by sick soldiers from the same State, and there are also many of the South Carolina soldiers in the hospital at the ‘"Delavan"’
Dr. M. McKennie & Co. have a sword factory here, which turns out some twenty per week.
They are made for use and nor for show, and are of superior workmanship.
At the woolen factory of Mr. Marchant about 900 yards of linsey and osnaburgs are turned out weekly.
We have a depot for Louisiana and one for South Carolina, where soldiers are supplied with clothing and other articles of necessity, free of expense.
Soldiers from any part of the Confederacy are cheerfully supplied.
Upwards of two hundred soldiers have died in the hospitals here since the 18th of July last.