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n for the Volunteers' Home Fund amounting to $450--to which a member of the congregation after-wards added $100. Dr. Bethune's sermon was from the text: In the name of our God we will set up our banners. In Dr. Bellows' church the choir sang The Star-Spangled Banner, which was vigorously applauded by the whole house. At Grace church (Episcopal) Dr. Taylor began by saying, The Star-Spangled Banner has been insulted. The gallant Major Anderson and his wife attended service at Trinity. At Dr. McLane's Presbyterian church, Williamsburg, The Star-Spangled Banner was sung. Dr. T. D. Wells (Old-School Presbyterian) preached from the words: He that hath no sword, let him buy one. Dr. Osgood's text was: Lift up a standard to the people. Many of the churches — of all denominations — are sending some of their most active members to the field as volunteers.--Independent, April 25. The Fifth Regiment of Massachusetts Militia, Col. Lawrence, with the Boston Flying Artillery, Major Cook,
Gen. Price pledged the whole power of the State officers to maintain order among the people of the State, and Gen. Harney declares that this object being assured, he can have no occasion as he has no wish, to make military movements, which might otherwise create excitement and jealousies which he most earnestly desires to avoid.--Ohio Statesman, May 22. This afternoon two companies, numbering 120 muskets, from the Philadelphia camp, composed of companies E and G under the command of Major McLane, went to Baltimore; proceeded to an unoccupied house near Green Mount Cemetery, and seized a large quantity of arms stored there, comprising 1,600 muskets, the boxes marked, Virginia muskets, and 34: boxes containing 4,000 pikes, the boxes marked, From Denmeads. The whole made twenty-six dray loads and were all taken to camp, and thence to Fort McHenry. The arms had been in the custody of the city authorities.--Ohio Statesman, May 22. The Second Regiment of Tennessee Volunteers, nu
ad; Hatcher's Run; Appomattox. notes.--The Eighty-third encountered more fighting and lost more men in battle than any other Pennsylvania regiment; in fact, its loss in action was exceeded by only one other in the entire Union army. None of its losses were caused by blunders, none occurred in disastrous routs; its dead always lay with their faces to the enemy. With its twin regiment, the Forty-fourth New York, it was assigned to Butterfield's Brigade, Morell's Division, Fifth Corps. Colonel McLane was killed at Gaines's Mill, and Vincent fell at Gettysburg while in command of the brigade. At Gaines's Mill, the regiment lost 46 killed, 51 wounded, and 99 missing; four days later, at Malvern Hill, it lost 33 killed, 115 wounded, and 18 missing--a total of 362, out of the 554 present at Gaines's Mill. At Manassas, under Lieutenant-Colonel McCoy, it lost 14 killed, 72 wounded, and 11 missing, out of 224 officially reported by McCoy as present and engaged. It had the honor, at Getty
A patriotic speech.--Owing to alleged bad treatment by the State authorities, the Erie regiment, near Pittsburg, Pa., began to display a rather ugly, mutinous spirit, whereupon their Colonel (McLane) addressed them in the following pithy and patriotic speech:-- Gentlemen, there is one thing I want you to understand, and that is, that I intend to command this regiment. I understand there are a number of you dissatisfied and uneasy because your payments have been stopped. There is no doubt but that we have been badly treated; and by the Eternal, the time shall come when we shall have our rights, and our wrongs shall be redressed. In the mean time, I advise you to act like soldiers and gentlemen. If the State refuses to do its duty towards us, let us do ours, and then they can have no fault to find with us. If there is any among you who wants to leave, he can do so, and I will give him a free pass home. I hope there is no one who will desert his post now, and who rates his patr
nesday morning General Smith, commanding the advance brigade on the south side of the Potomac near the Chain Bridge, directed a topographical reconnaissance in force to be made in the direction of Lewinsville. The reconnoitring party consisted of battalions from the Seventy-ninth New York Volunteers, Third Vermont Volunteers, the Nineteenth Indiana Volunteers, the First United States Chasseurs, four pieces of the West Point battery, Captain Griffin; one company of United States Cavalry, Lieut. McLane commanding; and one company of Young's Cavalry — the whole under command of Colonel Isaac I. Stevens, acting Brigadier-General. The scientific corps was in charge of Lieutenant Orlando M. Poe, United States Topographical Engineers, assisted by Lieutenant West, of the United States Coast survey, who were to conduct the reconnoissance. The reconnoitring party, thus organized, left Camp Advance about seven A. M., and proceeded without molestation to Lewinsville, a distance of four or fi
f Star of the West, D. 11; his report of the attack on the Star of the West, Doc. 21 Mcgowan, —, appointed to Beauregard's staff, D. 22 Mcguire, J. C., papers of, Int. 20 Mcknight, James, Capt., of Ringgold Artillery, D. 27 Mclane, Rev. Dr., D. 38 Mclane, Major, D. 74 Mclaughlin, Augustus, D. 96 Mclaughlin, Charles, P. 56 Mclenan, Alexander, Rev., anecdote of, P. 54 Mcquade, James, Col., 14th Regiment N. Y. S. V., Doc. 415 Mcquoid, C. C., D. 3Mclane, Major, D. 74 Mclaughlin, Augustus, D. 96 Mclaughlin, Charles, P. 56 Mclenan, Alexander, Rev., anecdote of, P. 54 Mcquade, James, Col., 14th Regiment N. Y. S. V., Doc. 415 Mcquoid, C. C., D. 36 Mcqueen, —, of S. C., D. 5 Mcqueen, John, Doc. 8 Mcspedon, William, captures a secession flag, D. 77 Meagher, Thomas Francis, D. 72 Means, —, appointed to Beauregard's staff, D. 22 Memminger, C. G., delegate to Southern Congress, D. 10; presents a young ladies' flag to Southern Congress, D. 17; Secretary of the Treasury, Southern Confederacy, D. 17; speech of, in the Southern Congress, Feb. 9, Doc. 30 Memphis, Tenn., secession at, D. 4; Union meeting at, D.<
d the force in sight to be our total strength, and that it would,be an easy matter to repulse or capture it. But word had gone to Gen. Butterfield, who speedily ordered the Seventeenth New-York, Col. Lansing, and the Eighty-third Pennsylvania, Col. McLane, into the timber on the left of the road, to deploy, and come out well on the enemy's flank. With a burst of enthusiasm, in went both regiments, the Seventeenth covering the front with a strong line of skirmishers. In a trice they appeared ir front which they preserved in moving forward. The officers behaved with coolness and unflinching valor. Major Bartram and Lieut.-Col. Morris, though both confined to their tents for several days previously, were in their saddles, and with Colonel McLane and Lieut.-Col. Vincent, of the Eighty-third Pennsylvania, signalized their bravery by the capture of numerous prisoners single-handed. Gen. Butterfield complimented Col. Lansing very highly on his achievement. The enemy fled beyond this
ttle-field, of any representation, either real or upon canvas, that I ever saw. For one hour and a half, our left line withstood this terrible shock of battle. Brigade after brigade of the enemy was hurled against our devoted, daring, dying heroes. Butterfield, with hat in hand, rallied, cheered and led his men forward again and again. Though decimated at every discharge, losing heavily in officers, and with an overwhelming force in front, they still continued to fight. The gallant Col. McLane and Major Nagle, of the Eighty-third Pennsylvania, fell death-stricken, while line-officers were stricken down by scores and men by the hundred. But they wavered not. Without a single reenforcement, from first to last, this gallant brigade fought on, cleared its front from the enemy time after time, until suddenly they found themselves out-flanked on the right, the enemy breaking through Martindale's left, and came surging down the hill, to cut off and capture the struggling brigade. Th
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Colorado Volunteers. (search)
r till September 27. Operations against Arapahoe and Cheyenne Indians in the District of Colorado October to December. Company G at Camp Baxter, Company A at Camp Cass, Companies E, B, I, K, L and M at Camp Elbert, Company F at Junction Station, Company C at Latham Station, Company B at Old Fort Lupton and Company D at Valley Station. Skirmish near Valley Station October 10. Engagement with Indians at Sand Creek, Colo., November 29. Mustered out at Denver December 31, 1864. McLane's Independent Battery Light Artillery Organized at Denver, Colo., December 15, 1862. Attached to District of Colorado to July, 1864. District of Upper Arkansas to December, 1864. District of South Kansas to April, 1865. District of North Kansas to August, 1865. Service. Duty at Fort Lyon, Colo., operating against Indians, December, 1862, to July, 1863. At Camp Weld till December, 1863. Scout from Port Garland, Colo., October 12-16, 1863. At Denver December, 1863
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Pennsylvania Volunteers. (search)
rtment, to June, 1863. Unattached, Dept. of West Virginia, to December, 1863. Unattached, 1st Division, Dept. of West Virginia, to April, 1864. Reserve Division, Dept. of West Virginia, to June 1865. Engaged in Engineer operations in the Defenses of Washington to November. 1862, and at Harper's Ferry, W. Va., till muster out, June 20, 1865. Independent Company Sharpshooters. Organized June, 1861. Assigned to 2nd United States Sharpshooters as Company C (which see). McLane's Erie Regiment Infantry. Companies A, B, C, Wayne Guard; Company D, Conneautville Rifles; Company F, Titusville Guards: Company G, Girard Guards; Company H, Parson Guards; Company I, German Rifles; Company K, Reed Guard. Mustered in April 28, 1861, by Lieutenant-Colonel Grant at Camp Wayne, Erie, Pa. Ordered to Camp Wilkins, near Pittsburg, April 28, and duty there till June. Moved to Camp Wright. near Pittsburg, and duty there till July. Mustered out at Erie. Pa., July 25, 1
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