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Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 8: battles around Richmond. (search)
ivisions, with a brigade of cavalry under Stuart, from the army around Richmond, and Jackson's command, consisting of his own, Ewell's, and Whiting's divisions. All of these commands were still north of the Chickahominy, and Magruder's, Huger's, McLaw's, and D. R. Jones' divisions had been left on the south side to defend Richmond, there being about a division at Drewry's and Chaffin's Bluffs under Generals Holmes and Wise. Magruder's, McLaw's and Jones' divisions consisted of two brigades eacMcLaw's and Jones' divisions consisted of two brigades each, and were all under the command of General Magruder. A reorganization of the divisions and brigades of the army had been previously made, and my brigade, composed of troops from two different States, had been broken up, and my regiments had been assigned to other brigadier generals. On reporting to General Lee on the morning of the 29th (Sunday), I was informed by him that all the commands were then disposed of, and no new arrangement could take place in the presence of the enemy; but h
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 14: affair at Ox Hill or Chantilly. (search)
f such was the fact, they were the only reinforcements which I ever heard of reaching General Lee after the battles around Richmond or before or during the campaign against Pope or the campaign in Maryland. D. H. Hill's division of five brigades; McLaw's division of four brigades, composed of his own and Magruder's consolidated; and the force of Holmes and Wise-all of which had constituted part of the army at Richmond during the battles,--had been left for the protection of that city until the whole of McClellan's force moved from James River. When that event was fully ascertained, Hill's and McLaw's division and two of Holmes' brigades, under Walker, had been ordered to move North, but Hill and McLaws got up on the 2nd, the day after the affair at Ox Hill, and Walker later, so that Pope had only to confront the 29 brigades before mentioned. My brigade was fully an average one, and my effective force did not exceed 1,500. Some idea therefore may be formed of the force with whi
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 8: commands the army defending Richmond, and seven days battles. (search)
w night. Everything being done to carry out your orders. I do not like Jackson's movements. He will suddenly appear when least expected. It is apparent that General Lee was confident of McClellan's withdrawal, or he would hardly have left in person or detached Longstreet from Richmond. On Lee's departure, General G. W. Smith, who had returned to duty, was left in command with his own division and that of D. H. Hill (at Petersburg commanding the Department of North Carolina), as well as McLaw's and R. H. Anderson's divisions and Hampton's cavalry brigade; but on the 15th Lee telegraphed to Mr. Davis requesting him to order R. H. Anderson's division to him, and on the 17th General G. W. Smith was ordered to join him also. The great value of time was appreciated by the Southern leader. It was his plain duty to force Pope to accept battle before he was joined by the whole of McClellan's army. When Pope discovered that Lee was marching to fight him he fell back behind the line of
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Official Reports of the battle of Gettysburg. (search)
gaged with a greatly superior force, while at the same time a heavy force appeared and opened fire on Colonel Manning's left, seriously threatening his left flank; to meet which, he threw two or three companies, with their front to his left flank, and protected his left. On discovering this heavy force on my left flank, and seeing that no attack was being made by any of our forces on my left, I at once sent a courier to Major-General Hood stating that I was hard pressed on my left, that General McLaw's forces were not engaging the enemy to my left, which enabled him to move fresh troops from that part of his line down on me, and that I must have reinforcements. Lieutenant-Colonel Work, with the First Texas regiment, having pressed forward to the crest of the hill and driven the enemy from his battery, I ordered him to the left to the relief and support of Colonel Manning, directing Major Bass, with two companies, to hold the hill, while Colonel Work, with the rest of the regiment, w
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Colonel E. P. Alexander's report of the battle of Gettysburg. (search)
Colonel E. P. Alexander's report of the battle of Gettysburg. camp near Orange C. H., August 10th, 1863. Colonel G. M. Sorrell, Adjutant-General First Corps: Sir: I have the honor to submit the following report of the artillery operations on the field of Gettysburg conducted under my command: On arriving on the field on the 2d of July, about 10 A. M., I was ordered by Lieutenant-General Longstreet to accompany the movements to the right, then being commenced by Hood's and McLaw's divisions, and to take command of the three battalions of artillery accompanying them, viz: my own battalion, of twentysix guns (commanded in my absence by Major Frank Huger), Colonel Cabell's, of eighteen guns, and Major Henry's, of eighteen guns. About 4 P. M. the enemy's position having been defined and preparations for an assault upon him made, I placed in position against him the eighteen guns of Cabell's battalion and eighteen of my own battalion, to fire upon the Peach Orchard position,
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Leading Confederates on the battle of Gettysburg. (search)
rotected by the brigades of Wilcox, Perry, Wright, Posey, and Mahone moving en echelon, and that Ewell was to co-operate by a direct attack on the enemy's right, and Hill to threaten his centre and attack if opportunity offered and thus prevent reinforcements from being launched either against myself or Ewell, it seemed that we might possibly dislodge the great army in front of us. At half-past 3 o'clock the order was given General Hood to advance upon the enemy, and, hurrying to the head of McLaw's divison, I moved with his line. Then was fairly commenced what I do not hesitate to pronounce the best three hours fighting ever done by any troops on any battle-field. Directly in front of us, occupying the peach orchard, on a piece of elevated ground that General Lee desired me to take and hold for his artillery, was the Third corps of the Federals, commanded by General Sickles. My men charged with great spirit and dislodged the Federals from the peach orchard with but little delay,
al Cleburn's and Major-General Breckinridge's; of the division of Major-General Cheatham, of Lieutenant-General Polk's corps, and the division of Major-General W. H. T. Walker. The left was composed of the divisions of Major-General Stewart, Brigadier-Generals Preston and Bushrod Johnson, of Major-General Buckner's corps; Major-General Hindman, of Lieutenant-General Polk's corps, and Benning's, Lane's, and Robertson's brigades, of Hood's division, and Kershaw's and Humphries's brigade, of McLaw's division, of his own (lieutenant-General Longstreets') corps. The front line of the right wing consisted of three divisions — Breckinridge and Cleburn, of Hill's corps, and Cheatham, of Polk's corps — which were posted from right to left in the order named. Major-General Walker was here in reserve. The left wing was composed of Major-General Stewart's division on the right, with Hood's on the left. On Hood's left was Hindman's division of Lieutenant-General Polk's corps, with Prest
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore), Border war, as seen and experienced by the inhabitants of Chambersburgh, Pa. (search)
ed For howitzer, cannon, and caisson. VII. But Jenkins now returns again, And Lee and his army following them, Grief, terror, and desolation Throughout our lovely valley fling, And nearer, nearer, nearer bring Destruction to the nation. The first to come over the roads was Rhodes, And then brigade, division, and corps Into the town with clatter and roar, In one unceasing current pour; Divisions almost half a score: Johnson's, Anderson's, Picket's, and Hood's, On, and on, and onward still, McLaw's, and Pender's, and Heath's, until The corps of Ewell and A. P. Hill, And “Bull-dog” Longstreet, all were found Encamped throughout the neighborhood round, These rebels were flushed with insolent pride, Believing an irresistible tide Like the waves of a deep-flowing river, Was sweeping the nation far and wide, Engulfing us ‘neath it forever. “We're back in the Union again,” they cried And endless their boasting and vaunting; “You'll in it remain,” was all we replied, Though endless
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 16: the Army of the Potomac before Richmond. (search)
ces in a few minutes; one or two others shared the same fate of being beat in detail. Reports of the Army of Northern Virginia, i. 186. The Confederates were repulsed by cannon and musket, and driven back in confusion to the woods near the Quaker road. Then the National right, on the hills resting near Binford's, was advanced several hundred yards to a better position. Meanwhile Magruder and Huger had made a furious attack on Porter at the left. The brigades of Kershaw and Semmes, of McLaw's division, charged through a dense wood nearly up to Porter's guns; and a similar dash was made by Wright, Mahone, and Anderson, farther to the right, and by Barksdale, nearer the center. But all were repulsed, and for a while fighting nearly ceased. It was only a lull in the storm. With a recklessness or desperation equaled only by his blunders in arrangements for the battle, There was much dissatisfaction felt in the Confederate Army with Lee's management of it, especially on the da
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 1: operations in Virginia.--battle of Chancellorsville.--siege of Suffolk. (search)
the left of McLaws. Such was, the general disposition of the opposing forces on the morning of the 2d of May. 1863. Lee was satisfied that his situation was a perilous one, and he was unwilling to risk the danger of making a direct attack upon Hooker. His chief counselor was the bold Jackson, who proposed a secret flank movement with his entire corps present, on the National right, so as to fall upon Hooker's rear. Lee hesitated because he would have only the divisions of Anderson and McLaw s left to oppose both Hooker and Sedgwick, should the latter cross the river and attack. To thus divide his army in the Aldrich's Rouse this is a view of Aldrich's house, as it appeared when sketched by the writer, in June, 1866. it was used during the war as Headquarters by Generals Gregg and Merritt, and other officers of both armies. Near it the first skirmish at the opening of the battle of Chancellorsville occurred. It is rather a picturesque old mansion, .on the south side of
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