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e contributions herein given were solicited, and they have all been written with the view of attaining that purpose. Already many of the leading actors of the war have passed away. Lincoln fell by the assassin's hand just when he had achieved the final victory for the Union, lamented by those who were then his foes as keenly as by the loyal men who so bravely sustained him; and of his original cabinet but two members survive. Stanton, the great War Minister, has gone to his final account; Mead and Lee, who met the shock of decisive battle at Gettysburg, now sleep in the City of the silent; and hundreds of others, who were conspicuous in civil councils and on the sanguinary field, are in their eternal rest. Official sources of reliable information have perished in a multitude of instances, and the country is to-day without a single trustworthy history of the greatest struggle in the records of any modern civilization. The annals of the War furnish the most valuable contributions t
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), A review of the First two days operations at Gettysburg and a reply to General Longstreet by General Fitz. Lee. (search)
in numerical strength than the three brigades Stuart carried with him, which at Gettysburg numbered less than 4,000. Whilst not endorsing Stuart's march as the best movement under the circumstances, I assert that he had the Commanding-General's pcrmssion to make it; (General Lee's report, Southern Historical Society Papers for July, 1876, page 43;) that it involved a loss of material and men to the enemy and drew Kilpatrick's and Gregg's divisions of cavalry from their aggressive attitude on Mead's flank and front, leaving only Buford's to watch for the advance of our troops, and hence we find only his two brigades in the Federal front on the first of July; that it kept the Sixth Federal corps, some 15,000 men, from reaching Gettysburg until after 3 P. M. on the 2nd of July; that it caused General Meade to send General French to Frederick, to protect his communications, with from 5,000 to 7,000 men, (the latter figure is Walter Taylor's estimate, page 113, Four years with General Lee,
laid down to rest, and in the morning, when I went to bandage his arm, I found him dead. Also, a man from Rockland, Me., named Fletcher. On Tuesday, Allen, of Company C, Seventy-first, died. He was wounded in the abdomen. Butler, of Company C, Seventy-first, Elizabeth-town, N. J., also died; wounded in legs. Doctors were not there to amputate. George Sayne and John P. Morrissey, both of the Seventy-first, also died Wednesday morning, within one hour of each other, lying side by side. Mead, of Massachusetts, a wealthy shoe-manufacturer, died while having his thigh amputated. Several others died, whose names I could not learn, numbering in all 32. On Tuesday evening, six of the doctors came back on parole — Drs. Peugnet, Swift, Winston, De Graw, Buxton, and Stewart — and immediately commenced attending to the wounded. Their exertions were unremitting; their time day and night was given to the wounded until all the wounds were properly dressed and all cared for. On Wednes
oc. 164.-skirmish near point of Rocks, Md. Berlin, Md., August 6, 1861. Messrs. Editors: You will please announce in your morning paper that a sharp skirmish took place this morning opposite the Point of Rocks, in Virginia. A detachment of sixty men of the Twenty-eighth regiment of New York Volunteers, stationed at our place, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Brown, crossed the river at this place last night and marched through the county, and came on a party of cavalry of Captain Mead's company, of the Confederate army, opposite the Point of Rocks. The Colonel, with his party, came on them about sunrise, and ordered them to halt, which was not obeyed, and they fired on them and killed three, wounded two, and took twenty horses, with their equipments, and seven prisoners. They brought them into camp this morning about ten o'clock, without getting a man hurt. Among the killed is George Orrison, of Loudon County. Among the prisoners are a son of Mrs. Dawson, one Mr.
s moving a large infantry force in that direction. Leaving Chambliss in front of the enemy where I then was, I marched the remainder of the command, Fitz Lee in advance, directly to Madden's, where we pierced the enemy's column, while marching, and scattered it, taking possession of the road and capturing a number of prisoners, which enabled us to develop their strength and designs, as we captured prisoners from three army corps: the Eleventh, (Howard's,) Twelfth, (Slocum's,) and the Fifth, (Mead's,) and soon after learned that the column had marched direct for Germana Ford. These items were telegraphed to the commanding General. Colonel J. Lucius Davis, near Beaver Dam, had been telegraphed early that day to move his forces at once to occupy and hold the Rapidan Fords, but I had no assurance that the order would be obeyed with sufficient promptness to accomplish the object, and as there was no cavalry on the left flank of the main army, it was indispensably necessary to move round t
William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid, Chapter 17: (search)
I wished to prevent. About that time he seems to have been sent from Washington to Richmond to command the new Military Division of the James, in assuming charge of which, on the 22d, he defines the limits of his authority to be the Department of Virginia, the Army of the Potomac, and such part of North Carolina as may not be occupied by the command of Major-General Sherman. (See his General Orders No. 1.) Four days later, April 26th, he reports to the Secretary that he has ordered Generals Mead, Sheridan, and Wright to invade that part of North Carolina which was occupied by my command, and pay no regard to any truce or orders of mine. They were ordered to push forward, regardless of any orders save those of Lieutenant-General Grant, and cut off Johnston's retreat. He knew at the time he penned that dispatch and made those orders that Johnston was not retreating, but was halted under a forty-eight hours truce with me, and was laboring to surrender his command and prevent its
ess kept up a steady fire. Toward the close of the day ex-Senator Wigfall made his appearance at the embrasure with a white handkerchief on the end of a sword, and begged for admittance. He asked to see Major Anderson. While Wigfall was in the act of crawling through the embrasure, Lieut. Snyder called out to him, Major Anderson is at the main gate. He passed through the embrasure into the casemate, paying no attention to what the Lieutenant had said. Here he was met by Capt. Foster, Lieut. Mead, and Lieut. Davis. He said: I wish to see Major Anderson; I am Gen. Wigfall, and come from Gen. Beauregard. He then added in an excited manner, Let us stop this firing. You are on fire and your flag is down. Let us quit. Lieut. Davis replied, No, Sir, our flag is not down. Step out here and you will see it waving over the ramparts. Let us quit this, said Wigfall. Here's a white flag, will anybody wave it out of the embrasure? One of the officers replied, That is for you t
lonel, Abel Smith; Lieutenant-Colonel, R. B. Clarke; Major, (vacant); Quartermaster, A Garrison; Paymaster, Boyd; Surgeon, Chase; Chaplain, The Rev. Mr. Lee; Commissary, Street; Sergeant-Major, J. H. Rosenquest; Quartermaster's Sergeant, Vail; Sergeant-of-the-Guard, Cheshire; Commissary Sergeant, Wetmore; Ordinance Sergeant, Carpenter; Right General Guide, Sherman; Left General Guide, Nash; Assistant Surgeon, Allingham; Colonel's Secretary, Brockway. Company Officers — A, Capt. Sullivan, Lieut. Mead; B, Capt. Sprague, Lieuts. Hay and McKee; C, Capt. Morgan, Lieut. Dodge; D, Capt. Balsden, Lieuts. Strong and Bennett; E, Capt. Jones, Lieut. Richards; F, Capt. Betts, Lieuts. Morton and Betts; G, Capt, Thorne, Lieuts. Johnson and Woodward. Engineer Corps, Sergeant Briggs. Company F, is composed exclusively of firemen, attached to Victory Engine Company No. 13, and a very hardy set of men they are. Their uniforms consist of felt hats, black fire coats, drab pants and red shirts. Their
1860. 29,867MillerApr. 10, 1860. 35,191WinchellMay 6, 1862. 38,447GroteMay 5, 1863. 42,110RedmondMar. 29, 1864. 42,117SibleyMar. 29, 1864. 48,248SibleyJune 13, 1864. 54,926LeavensMay 22, 1866. 58,245Fuller, H. W.Sept. 25, 1866. 59,659RodierNov. 13, 1866. 60,682BruenJan. 1, 1867. 62,050McCurdyFeb. 12, 1867. 63,132ArmstrongMar. 26, 1867. 68,839BruenSept. 17, 1867. 89,693TittmanApr. 20, 1869. 97,935LathropDec. 14, 1869. 98,390LambDec. 28, 1869. 101,137LambMar. 22, 1870. 101,292MeadMar. 29, 1870. 103,254StockwellMay 17, 1870. 110,250LathropDec. 20, 1870. 112,308WinterFeb. 28, 1871. 118,728LambSept. 5, 1871. 126,056HowardApr. 23, 1872. 126,057HowardApr. 23, 1872. 127,532WeberJune 4, 1872. 133,939HouseDec. 17, 1872. 134,961WhitneyJan. 14, 1873. 135,000McLean et al.Jan. 21, 1873. 139,067LathropMay 20, 1873. 142,013GordesAug. 19, 1873. 145,823WeberDec. 23, 1874. class C. — sewing leather. 1. Machines. No.Name.Date. 9,679WickershamApr. 19, 1853. 10,615W
Isaac O. Best, History of the 121st New York State Infantry, Chapter 5: the battle of Fredericksburg (search)
in gunshot of the foot of the hills. Here it remained-or our part of it did-while the battle raged on the right and left, with disastrous results to the Union forces. The dreadful slaughter on the right in the effort to carry the Stone Wall, the repulse of Franklin's feeble effort on the left, and the repulse of Hooker's half-hearted attack on the heights behind the city, have been often described and much controversy as to the responsibility for the failure has resulted. The fact that General Mead's division of the First Corps broke through the line of the enemy's defenses, and if properly supported could have held the ground taken, throws no little responsibility upon General Franklin who tried to excuse himself behind the plea, that his orders were not to press the attack to an issue, but to feel of, and test the forces of the enemy opposed to him. This General Burnside positively denied, and declared that Franklin's failure to press his advantage and General Hooker's reluctant
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