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J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 29 (search)
fighting at that place. Yankees repulsed at Charleston. Lee and Meade facing each other. Pemberton surrenders his whole army. fall of Pvictory, but acknowledge a loss of five or six generals, among them Meade, commander-in-chief (vice Hooker), mortally wounded. But we still s. There is serious anxiety now for the fate of Richmond. Will Meade be here in a few weeks? Perhaps so-but, then, Lee may not have qui prisoners, besides the 4000 or 5000 paroled. Nonsense! Lee and Meade have been facing each other two or three days, drawn up in battle aof Richmond. Lee possibly may cross the Potomac again, however, if Meade detaches a heavy force to capture Richmond. What our fate wouldt name is dimmed somewhat in the estimation of fools. He must beat Meade before Grant comes up, or suffer in reputation. Gov. Bonham hasfor our sins, or upon our cause? Another battle between Lee and Meade is looked for on the Upper Rappahannock. Gov. Harris, in respon
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXIX. August, 1863 (search)
portion of Bragg's and Johnston's armies may be ordered hither. If this should be done, the next battle may be fatal to Meade. Our people are thirsting for another victory; and may expect too much. Confederate notes are now given for gold at t is now believed that only a portion of Grant's army has been ordered here; also that Rosecrans's army will operate with Meade; the object being to besiege Richmond. Well, we shall, in that event, have Johnston and Bragg-altogether 200,000 men arce he had crossed it, and was unfordable. The enemy had not yet appeared, until the 12th, when, instead of attacking, Meade fortified his lines. On the 13th Gen. Lee crossed at Falling Waters, the river subsiding, by fords and a bridge, withm the enemy's batteries, and much apprehension is felt for its fate. Gen. Lee, it is said, is not permitted to follow Meade, who is retrograding, being weakened by detachments. A few weeks hence the fall campaign will open in Virginia, when the
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXX. September, 1863 (search)
ating East Tennessee. the trans Mississippi army. Meade sending troops to Rosecrans. Pemberton in Richmond.nessee against Rosecrans; and it is ascertained that Meade is sending reinforcements thither. But I fear for Virginia when Lee is away! Meade must have a large army left behind, else he would not send reinforcements to R The officers of the signal corps report that Gen. Meade has been ordered to advance, for it is already knops detached from the Army of Virginia. No doubt Gen. Meade will take advantage of their absence, and advance He will still have an army of 50,000 men to oppose Meade; and Richmond may possibly be held another winter. of victories immediately. September 17 Lee and Meade have their armies daily drawn up in battle array, an military authorities are unable to perceive; and if Meade advances, there is a universal conviction that he witory from Northern journals; and it is reported that Meade is sending two more army corps to the Southwest, for
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 32 (search)
t. October 1 We have a rumor to-day that Meade is sending heavy masses of troops to the West east to advance somewhere. It is possible (if Meade has really sent two corps of his army to the Woked for in that direction any day. It is said Meade has only 40,000 or 50,000 men; and, if this be 40,000 in Lee's army, and it is reported that Meade has 50,000, of whom many are conscripts, altog of what is going on down that river. What if Meade retreated to entice Lee away from Richmond, hahe south side of the Rappahannock again, while Meade remains in the intrenchments at Centreville. the 19th inst., that it is doubtful whether Gen. Meade will remain where he is, behind his fortific A few days will decide this matter. He says Meade has superior numbers. If he remains, Gen. Leefrom his command, and Grant put in his place. Meade, it is said in Northern papers, will also be da muster 150,000 men. If this be so, then let Meade come! It may be possible that instead of exag[6 more...]
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXXII. November, 1863 (search)
n the enemy had been reinforced by 30,000 from Meade, and by Sherman's army from Memphis, of 20,000that incalculable disaster will ensue. And Meade is steadily advancing. Gen. Pickett, at Petert away-but he must have retreated rapidly. Meade is advancing, and another battle seems imminenncellorville, the battle-ground of June last. Meade is certainly advancing, and Pickett's division'clock P. M. The weather is clear, and Lee and Meade may fight, and it may be a decisive battle. lostthank God! This morning early, Lee and Meade confronted each other in battle array, and no idan. Lee is outnumbered some two to one, but Meade has a swollen river in his rear. It is an awfif indeed it occurred to-day. It is said that Meade is ordered to fight. They know at Washington g all their armies. And indeed it seems that Meade is quite as near to Richmond as Lee; for he seo Fredericksburg, and Lee's face toward it. If Meade should gain the victory, he might possibly cut
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXXIII. December, 1863 (search)
nothing definite from the West. The appointment of Beauregard to succeed Bragg is not officially announced; and the programme may be changed. December 3 Meade recrossed the Rapidan last night! This is a greater relief to us than the enemy has any idea of. I hope the campaign is over for the winter. And we have authe Bluff, where, however, there were tents. Some 1500 local troops, or National guards, had been sent there to relieve Pickett's division, recalled by Lee; but when Meade recrossed the Rapidan, there was no longer any necessity for the Guards to remain on duty. A brigade of regulars goes down to-day. Custis says it was the third do keep it, while operating in East Tennessee. It is said Gen. Grant is to bring 30,000 men to Virginia, and assume command of the Army of the Potomac, superseding Meade. He may be ordered to take Richmond next — if he can. Hardee is yet commanding Bragg's army. I saw to-day a project, in Mr. Benjamin's handwriting, for a Bure
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 35 (search)
his indorsement; but I did, so that the Secretary must be cognizant of the nature of the paper. The enemy made a brief raid in Westmoreland and Richmond counties a few days ago, and destroyed 60,000 pounds of meat in one of the Commissary-General's depots! A gentleman writing from that section, says it is a pity the President's heart is not in his head; for then he would not ruin the country by retaining his friend, Col. Northrop, the Commissary-General, in office. It appears that Gen. Meade has changed the Federal policy in the Northern Neck, by securing our people within his lines from molestation; and even by allowing them to buy food, clothing, etc. from Northern traders, on a pledge of strict neutrality. The object is to prevent the people from conveying intelligence to Moseby, who has harassed his flanks and exposed detachments very much. It is a more dangerous policy for us than the old habit of scourging the non-combatants that fall in their power. January 19 A
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXXV. February, 1864 (search)
interior of Mississippi they have now to repass, if they can, in the weary retreat, with no supplies but those they brought with them. Many will never get back. And a dispatch from Beauregard confirms Finnegan's victory in Florida. He captured all the enemy's artillery, stores, etc., and for three miles his dead and wounded were found strewn on the ground. Thus the military operations of 1864 are, so far, decidedly favorable. And we shall probably soon have news from Longstreet. If Meade advances, Lee will meet him-and let him beware! Gold is still mounting up-and so with everything exposed for sale. When, when will prices come down? But we shall probably end the war this year-and independence will compensate for all. The whole male population, pretty Inuch, will be in the field this year, and our armies will be strong. So far we have the prestige of success, and our men are resolved to keep it, if the dissensions of the leaders do not interfere with the general pu
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 37 (search)
two years. The President was in a bad humor yesterday, when the enemy's guns were heard even in his office. The last dispatch from Gen. Lee informs us that Meade, who had advanced, had fallen back again. But communications are cut between us and Lee; and we have no intelligence since Monday. Gen. Wilcox is organizing aktown yesterday with troops from Norfolk, the Eastern Shore of Virginia, Washington City, etc.-such was the report of the signal corps. They also reported that Gen. Meade would order a general advance, to check Gen. Lee. What all this means I know not, unless it be meant to aid Gen. Kilpatrick to get back the way he came with hisross. A copy of this was immediately sent to Gen. Lee. It is said that Gen. Longstreet is marching with expedition down the Valley of the Shenandoah, to flank Meade or Grant. I doubt it. But the campaign will commence as soon as the weather will permit. A letter from G. B. Lamar, Savannah, Ga., informs the Secretary that