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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book I:—Richmond. (search)
d the second. His third brigade, commanded by Meade, was held in reserve. A. P. Hill, having reacs placed in reserve; one of his brigades under Meade on the left, in rear of Morell's troops; the rengagement these troops had been reinforced by Meade's and Seymour's brigades. Lee had arrived od by artillery, as elsewhere. The brigades of Meade and Taylor of Slocum's division made a stubborces of their chiefs. Porter, Morrell, Slocum, Meade and Butterfield see increasing the groups gatht. McCall had ranged his troops in two lines, Meade on the right, Seymour on the left, with Reynolroughly repulsing the first onset; Seymour and Meade being each attacked in succession by the enemys position. But McCall's right, consisting of Meade's brigade, is again engaged in an unequal and Randall's regular battery, posted alongside of Meade, which, up to this time, has resisted every ase gunners are killed, the cannon captured, and Meade's brigade is obliged to fall back. It however
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book III:—Maryland. (search)
th them in ardor. Reynolds having again come into line, his two brigades under Meade and Seymour joined these troops, forming a nucleus around which grouped regimen, not without paying dear for its possession. In the mean time, Hooker had led Meade's division (formerly Reynolds') to meet the enemy; Hatch's division (formerly K gained north of the battle-field had given them control of the pass. In fact, Meade on the right and Hatch on the left of the Hagerstown road had carried everythi deployed his three divisions, Doubleday on the right, Ricketts on the left and Meade in the centre. The latter was the first to encounter the small division of Stafences, opposed a desperate resistance to the vigorous attack of the Federals. Meade's Pennsylvanians, inured by the severe ordeals of Beaver Dam, Gaines' Mill, Gletached from tile Confederate centre to support Jackson. In the clearing itself Meade, who remained alone, and was greatly weakened by the losses he had sustained, a
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book VI:—Virginia. (search)
de's instructions, he ordered Reynolds to take Meade's division and attack the position indicated, in column by brigades, were ordered to support Meade by keeping a little in the rear, the former on centre of the Confederate line did the same. Meade found himself alone in an entirely open space,other points. Gibbon deployed on the right of Meade, and the left of Smith's corps, consisting of igade on the right and Thomas' on the left. Meade's Pennsylvanians were well-tried troops whom w being also obliged to retire in great haste. Meade's dash did not stop there; but quickly crossin his command along a too extended line, whilst Meade's five thousand soldiers, deprived of timely sose forces were four or five times as great as Meade's soldiers. The latter were driven back upon ugh to attempt to recapture the woods of which Meade had for a moment been in possession. While 1, the precise moment when Jackson had driven Meade out of the Hamilton wood on the left. Burnsid[17 more...]
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), chapter 8 (search)
tillery. 3 Volunteer batteries, 16 guns. 1st Brigade, Brigadier-general Reynolds, 4 regiments. 2d Brigade, Brigadier-general Meade, 4 regiments. 3d Brigade, Brigadier-general Ord, 4 regiments. 1 Independent regiment. 3d Division, Brigigade, Warren. Independent Division, McCall; 9514 men. (Pennsylvania Reserves.) 1st Brigade, Reynolds; 2d Brigade, Meade; 3d Brigade, Seymour. Iii. Report of the Confederate army at Williamsburg and Fair Oaks. We are not in possade (regular), Buchanan. Independent Division, Reynolds. (Pennsylvania Reserves.) 1st Brigade, ......; 2d Brigade, Meade; 3d Brigade, Seymour. Cavalry Division, Stoneman. 1st Brigade, Averill; 2d Brigade, Pleasonton. Army of Virginia, der-in-chief, Major-General McClellan. Right wing, Burnside. 1st corps, Hooker; 14,850 men strong. 1st Division, Meade. 1st Brigade, Seymour; 2d Brigade, Gallagher; 3d Brigade, Magilton. 2d Division, Ricketts. 1st Brigade, Hartsuff; 2d
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), chapter 9 (search)
..... Division, Hancock. Meagher's brigade, Zook's brigade, Caldwell's brigade. Division, Howard. Sully's brigade; brigade, ......; brigade, ..... 9th corps, Wilcox. Division, Getty. Hawkins' brigade, Harland's brigade; brigade, ...... Division, Sturgis. Naglee's brigade, Ferrero's brigade; brigade, Division, Burns. Brigade, ......; brigade, .....; brigade, ...... Left Grand division, Major-general Franklin. 46,892 men, 116 guns. 1st corps, Reynolds. Division, Meade. Sinclair's brigade, Magilton's brigade, Jackson's brigade. Division, Gibbons. Taylor's brigade; brigade, ......; brigade,...... Division, Doubleday. Brigade, ......; brigade,......; brigade,...... 6th corps, W. F. Smith. Division, Newton. Brigade, ......; brigade, ......; brigade,...... Division, Brook. Brigade, ......; brigade, ......; brigade,...... Division, Howe. Vinton's brigade; brigade, .....; brigade...... Grand division of the centre, Major-general Hook