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osts not more than six feet apart, with a cross bar to which horses may be tied; to be made either of wood or iron, not less than four nor more than five feet high; and if of wood at least four inches in diameter at the level of the footway; to be so arranged as to prevent horses from getting on the sidewalk. For a violation, a fine of $5 is imposed. To fasten a horse to an ornamental or shade tree, also subjects the offender to $5 fine. A petition was presented from Denis O'Neal, Jordan Miller and others, omnibus owners, asking, in consequence of the prospective building of the street railway, that they be allowed to procure licenses for their vehicles for six months. The following gentlemen were appointed Commissioners to superintend the charter election to be held on Wednesday, the 3d day of April: Monroe Ward.--Thos. M. Jones, Chas. H. Powell, Thos. Boudar, R. G. Cabell and F. J. Smith, Commissioners. Wm. N. Kelly, Conductor.--Election to be held at Lacy's shop.
which His Honor dispenses justice to erring mortals was crowded, as usual, yesterday, by a promiscuous gathering of unemployed sovereigns, who listened with their accustomed eagerness to the details of the petty delinquencies detected and brought to light by the Police officers. The following cases were disposed of: John, slave of Mrs. Jane Dandridge, was charged with stealing a pair of shoes from Henry Freeman, (negro.) A witness testified that Freeman, John and himself were sitting in Mrs. Miller's house waiting for a snack. Nobody was present, save as above, with the "reception of householders." John was seen to put something in his breast and leave.--Harry discovered his understandings were gone, and afterwards found that John had sold them for a dollar. The latter was punished for the theft.--Eliza Ann Johnson, free, for remaining in the city contrary to law, was sent before the Hustings Court for trial.--Lucy Harris, free, was punished for keeping a cook shop in Exchange all
ties with perfect certainty, not one of them expressing a doubt as to whether the four men before them were those who had been engaged in these disorderly proceedings, but all asseverating that they recognized them without difficulty. After much confusion of tongues among the witnesses, and a partial cross-examination of them by the parties implicated, all of whom protested that they had gone into the house as peace makers, having heard much commotion therein, and two of whom appeared to be less guilty than their comrades, the Alderman discharged Frank Johnson and Michael Burke with a word of admonition, and committed John Dunnavant and John Strahan to jail.--Jordan Miller and Augustus Miller were called up to answer the charge of having unlawfully broken a window and a door in the house of J. L. Mosby. The witnesses for the prosecution were examined, and those for the defence called, but these "came not." Whereupon, at the request of the Millers, the case was continued to Monday.
brought up again, upon a charge similar to that for which he had been held to bail on Saturday--namely, for assaulting and beating Mrs. Ann Brennan. The Court came to the conclusion that the prosecutrix was inclined to be malicious, and dismissed the case.--James Ford, a soldier, an inmate of the St. Charles Hospital, was clearly proved to have ungratefully stoned that building, and was ordered to be committed to jail until the state of his health would admit of his return to his camp.--Jordan Miller and Augustus Miller were discharged, Mr. Mosby having withdrawn the prosecution instituted against them on Saturday.--The case of Opie Staite was continued to Wednesday.--Edward Sullivan, charged with stealing two watches from Adam a slave, was ordered to be kept in prison until Friday, when his case will come up for disposal. --William, slave of Matthew Christian, charged with stealing meat from John C. Knauff, was sentenced to receive thirty lashes.--Albert, slave in the service of the
and Abby, slave of Mary Voss, the first with stealing and the latter with receiving one bond for the payment of $100 due from the Confederate States, and three twenty-five cent pieces, from Mrs. Pemberton. James Roach, August Haffner, and --Crouch, youths, were charged with stealing a splendid cloth cloak from the Rev. Mrs. T. V. Moore on Saturday last. The evidence proved the accusation against them, and they were therefore remanded to the Hustings Court for further examination. Jordan Miller was also sent on to the grand jury for indictment on the charge of receiving said cloak, knowing it to have been stolen. On Saturday last a lot of writing paper was stolen from the office of the Commissary General, located on Main, between 9th and 10th streets. Yesterday a young man, named Richard L. Bohannon, was before the Mayor, charged with committing the crime. He was, after an examination of witnesses, sent on to the Hustings Court for trial. Bohannon is but a few degrees ab
volving a huge chew of tobacco.--The night of the stabbing she was pretty well sacked with whiskey, and rendered night hideous before her arrest by load curses and yells, during which she brandished a formidable bowie knife, and threatened death and destruction upon any one who attempted to molest her. As she was leaving the court room, on her way to jail, some one accidentally stepped on her dress, which so excited her ice that she pitched into him in handsome style — with her tongue.]--Jordan Miller, receiving a horse, valued at $300, the property of Edwin J. Duval, knowing the same to have been stolen; Jan. R. Shumsker, charged with stealing a saddle and bridle from Chas. A. Snowden; Eliza Whitehurst, for stealing a diamond breast-pin, belonging to Lt. Col. Jas. Nelligan; and Susan Thompson, Mary Burke and Kate Fitzgerald, charged with receiving one dozen knives and forks, belonging to the Medical Purveyor's Department, knowing them to have been stolen. John C. Allen and L. Ab
The Daily Dispatch: June 16, 1864., [Electronic resource], Politics of Rev. Dr Breckinridge's family. (search)
Three hundred dollars reward. --Ranaway, about 10 or 12 days age, from Mr. C B. Bullington's, near Staples's Mill, in Henrico, where he was hired, my negro man Alfred. Said negro is of dark brown color, about 21 years old, 5 feet 10 or 11 inches in height, has a down look, and stammers when spoken to. I will give the above reward for his apprehension and confinement is any jail so that I can get him, or his delivery to W G Miller, Corner Clay and Adams sts. je 14--4t*
Mayor's Court, Saturday. --David Lewis and John J. Bowman were charged with stealing a horse belonging to E. G. Duval, and Jordan Miller with receiving the same knowing it to have been stolen. As no testimony was given in this case the particulars of the robbery were not made known. Witnesses for both sides are strictly enjoined to be in attendance on Wednesday. Henrietta Lanian, charged with withholding sundry articles of wearing apparel belonging to Carolina Totty. was, after an investigation of the matter, discharged. It appears that Miss Totty left the residence of Mrs. Lanian while she was in arrears for board, and leaving her clothes behind she conceived the idea that she could not obtain them without legal process. The accused freely consented to give up the clothing, though frankly confessed she had been badly treated by the complainant. Charles Miller, a baker on Broad street, was charged with threatening to whip Edward Vickers, and nailing up the window
n of genteel appearance, were charged with stealing a horse from Edwin J Duval, of Goochland, valued at $2,000. The most material testimony in the case was given by Mr. John Clark, living in this city, who stated that sometime since Boler and Jordan Miller called at his store, and the former got him to write a receipt for a horse which he had sold to Miller for $850. Noticing the youth of Belor, he inquired of him if he was of age, and if not by whose authority he was selling the animal. B. staMiller for $850. Noticing the youth of Belor, he inquired of him if he was of age, and if not by whose authority he was selling the animal. B. stated, in reply, that the horse was one which his father got him to come to Richmond to sell. The only ground of suspicion against Lewis was the evidence of Mr Duval, who stated, that the day before the robbery he saw him in the neighborhood of his place in Gooch and, in company with Boler, they were about a mile from his residence, standing in the road. After hearing the testimony, the Mayor sent the accused on for indictment by the Grand Jury of the Hustings Court, and announced that he would
eredith, and Charles, slave of Ed. Furneyhough, three very small boys, charged with throwing stones in the street, were turned over to their masters for punishment. Amanda Boyd, a free negro, was ordered to be whipped for being in the city with Henrico free papers, and permitting Moses, a slave, to be in her house without the written consent of his owner. Fines were imposed upon Mrs. Sarah Fulliam, for permitting her son to throw stones at Mrs. Elam's house; Margaret Holland and George Howard, for permitting their sons to fire off guns within the corporate limits; and James Simpson, charge with trading with negroes. The following cases were continued: Jerry Dunnavant and Lee Whitehurst, charged with stealing a valuable diamond breastpin from Lieut. Col. James Nelligan; Jordan Miller, for receiving a horse known by him to have been stolen, and Margaret and Mary, slaves, charged with stealing a lot of crockery, bedding, &c., valued at $200, the property of Robert Lowry.
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