The War news.
The news from Maryland is encouraging. The Confederates, on the 11th, were three miles from Washington, and the same accounts inform us that Lincoln and Stanton had ridden to the front. We should not be surprised if the next news was that they had been captured. We await further accounts with much interest. The Sixth Corps, engaged at Monocracy, was undoubtedly that of Wright, sent from the front of Petersburg. It is known that they left for Washington last Friday night and another corps took their departure the same night. This fact shows that Grant has reduced his army by sending a portion of it away to defend Washington.From Petersburg.
Nothing occurred yesterday beyond the usual shelling. This is Grant's amusement while awaiting the result of events in Maryland. Wednesday was ushered in by heavy artillery firing upon our centre, to which our batteries replied promptly, giving the enemy as good as he sent. The picket firing and skirmishing continued about as usual, with little or no barm to either side. It is still a prevalent impression that the enemy contemplate an early departure from the front of Petersburg; but this is mere conjecture, and not sustained by official information. It is true that two (and perhaps three) corps have left, but Grant may, and probably will, still keep up a show of force for he will hardly hastily abandon a position from which he expects such famous results. It is currently reported that Grant's hospitals are full to overflowing. The chief sources of diseases are the trenches around Petersburg. The water and the hear are afflicting hundreds with diarrhœa, and as the summer advances the miasma of the swamps and the unripe fruit of the orchards will continue to increase the number.The cavalry fight on Tuesday.
The fight on Tuesday at Reams's Station was between Gen Fitz Lee's cavalry and the Yankee Gen Gregg. The result was, victory for us and defeat for the enemy. We took thirty-three prisoners and among them were two officers. The prisoners arrived last evening by the Petersburg train. The meanest looking among them was a North Carolina deserter, who, despite his blue uniform, was recognized by a former comrade in Petersburg. He was separated from the rest at the Provost Marshal's, and came by our office about dusk in charge of detective Hix.The captured men of the city Battalion.
We mentioned yesterday that fourteen men, including a commissioned officer and a Sergeant, of the City Battalion, were captured by the enemy at Cox's barn, on James river, on the 12th inst. The following are the names of the captured: Lt. Wm. G. Herrington, of North Carolina; Sergt Wm. H. Cunningham, of Cumberland co, Va; Corp'l Lewis A Jacob, Richmond; Privates L B Jones, Caroline co; F M Butler, Hanover; W A Nelson, Louisa; Jesse S Segar, Norfolk; Wm A Trice, Louisa; Jas S Wallace, Fredericksburg; Jas B Whitlock, Louisa; John B Ladd, Richmond; William Smith, Louisa; E F Dickinson, Charlotte; Robt J Waldrop, Louisa. They belonged to company E, 25th battalion Virginia infantry.Town reports.
There were a good many reports in the city yesterday about large "risings" of the population in Maryland in favor of the Confederates. One had it that 15,000 Marylanders had joined the command of a distinguished fellow-citizen of theirs who accompanied our forces; and another that 8,000 had enlisted under his command. As the "risings" in Maryland during former invasions of our troops have not been of a very formidable or determined character, it is more than likely that the present rumors have their real foundation in the ardent desire of our people to see the men of that noble old State make a co-operative effort to free her from Yankee bondage.From our army in Georgia.
The following official dispatch was received at Gen. Bragg's headquarters yesterday:Army of Tennessee. July 14, 1864.
A body of Federal cavalry crossed the river last night opposite Newman, but was driven back by Brig. Gen. Armstrong. All quiet elsewhere. Jos. E. Johnston,