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Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 11: McDowell. (search)
nizing a powerful force at Wheeling, while General Milroy, under his orders, confronted the Confederks to this spot; where proper concert with General Milroy, in front, would have ensured the destructard Johnson to deliver a crushing blow against Milroy, and then associated his and General Ewell's fo the Blue Ridge. Thus the advanced forces of Milroy were brought within ten miles of Staunton, andbled him thus to envelop and crush the army of Milroy. But that officer had astuteness enough, them. After marching west for a few miles, General Milroy sought the sources of the South Branch of neral Banks might have communicated succors to Milroy were immediately obstructed, and an active offtroy the bridges, in order that the retreat of Milroy might be retarded, and the advance of Fremont Jackson resolved to discontinue his pursuit of Milroy, and return to pay his respects to General Ban of such a collision as that, with Fremont and Milroy united, should not be taken without the advant[2 more...]
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 12: Winchester. (search)
sed to them from a Divine Providence merciful to the Confederates, in which every movement was a blunder. The aggressive attempt upon Staunton was postponed, at the precise juncture when it should have been pressed with all their forces combined; and General Banks was consigned to the defence of Strasbourg. Whereas, if Staunton was not won at once, then his whole force should have been transferred without delay to aid an aggressive movement from Fredericksburg, as General Lee anticipated. Milroy having been caught, beaten, and chased, like a hunted beast, through the mountains, Blenker's division was now hurried to the support of him and General Fremont. It arrived just when Jackson had left them alone, and it left General Banks just when he was about to be assailed by him. Worse than all: as though an army of nearly forty thousand men, under Generals McDowell and Augur, were not enough to protect the road from Fredericksburg to Washington against the embarrassed Confederates, Ban
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 13: Port Republic. (search)
he river with a portion of the artillery, and posted upon the north side, to observe the discomfited enemy about Lewiston. The remainder of his division was disposed so as to be ready for the support of Ewell. These dispositions had not been completed, when the firing to the north told that he was seriously engaged with Fremont. This General had moved out to the attack from Harrisonburg, (doubtless expecting the assistance of Shields upon the other side,) with the divisions of Blenker, Milroy and Schenck, making seven brigades of infantry, a brigade of cavalry, and a powerful train of artillery. This army was correctly estimated by General Ewell, at eighteen thousand men. His own division had now been recruited, by the addition of the six regiments of General Edward Johnson, known as the army of the northwest. Of these, the 12th Georgia, and the 25th and 31st Virginia, had been attached to the Brigade of Elzey; and the 52nd, 58th and 44th Virginia, lately under Colonel Scott, h
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 18: Fredericksburg. (search)
ur cause, and for mel I greatly prize the prayers of the pious. The new year brought him the sad news of the re-occupation of Winchester by the Federal army. His friends there were now subjected to the tyranny and outrages of the Federal General Milroy. Under his rule, the most vexatious and cruel restrictions were placed upon the people; and the plunder of their dwellings was shamelessly transferred to the private baggage of the Commander. Nothing which could, characterize the baseness of a petty despot, was lacking to the history of this man; and when, after the fall of General Jackson, Winchester was recaptured by his corps under General Ewell, Milroy crowned his infamy by running away from his command through by-roads, leaving them without a leader in the clutches of the avenging patriots. The story of the wrongs of the people now stirred the depths of Jackson's heart. His estimate of the value of the district to the Confederacy was revived by his grief and indignation, an